Chapter Seventeen: Reunited

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Hiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

Enji pulls up to U.A. I unstrap about to get out. Enji grabs my thigh. He takes my face and kiss me deeply. He moans into my mouth. "Enji..." "Yes?" "I know what you're doing. We can't. You're still married. And I'm still mad at you." Enji pulls me into his lap. "Tell me how mad you are." "I'm so mad." Enji kisses my neck. "I'm so mad. And I'm soooo horny." "I know you are. I missed you sooo much." I moan at his words. "Not-Not in front of the school." "Okay. Then in my office." "No. I'm not doing it in your office." "Y/N that's your style. You're a dominatrix." I gasp. "My company!" I get off Enji. "Fuck I abandoned it." "Don't worry. I've covered it." I look at him. "You? Covered it?" "Yes. I promised Nemuri to watch over the business for you. She knew you'd be grieving. And they all know me there. Although they did give me dirty looks. I said it's on her behalf so they were slightly more lenient." "Thank you." "It's the least I could do, baby. Because I love her. She's an amazing friend." Enji kiss me. I kiss him back. "God I shouldn't even be kissing you." I pull away. "I hate you Todoroki." "No you don't." "I just like saying it." I say as I get out of the car. "I'll take it as I love you." "Please don't." I walk into the school. "Good morning!" The students greet. "Morning. It's a little tight in here." I see all the adults. I walk towards Shoto's room. I knock on the opened door. "It's open." He says without looking up. "You trust these strangers enough to keep your door open?" I ask. Shoto throws ice without looking. I melt it with my fire. "You gotta be quicker than that Todoroki." He looks up. "I-Icy Hot." I give a half smile. He gets up and walk to me. He hugs me. "You're not a hugger." I say. "I was worried about you." "So I hear." I hug him back slowly. "Can we talk?" I ask. "Yes." I follow into his room. "I-" "I'm sorry." Shoto cuts me off. "I'm not following you. What? Why?" "Blaming you for everything. For not taking me home the day you birthed me. For never visiting me. For not rescuing me. You didn't know. My old man told me everything. From how you two first met up until now. You made a smart decision turning down his proposal, breaking up with him and everything. I wish my mom would've done the same." "Yeah but then you wouldn't be born." Shoto looks at me confused. "You birthed me." "You know what I mean. I would've never had you if Enji never married." "He still loves you." "I know. And he loves your mother too." "I know. I want her happy. Do you love him?" "No. But I don't hate him anymore. If he pulls that stunt again, I'll beat his ass." Shoto laughs. "So I've got two moms huh?" "You have one. Rei. She raised you." "Fuyumi raised me more. Besides it's not so bad having two moms." "Way to add more drama to your dysfunctional family." "Remember when you asked me how I felt about Dabi and I said not much?" I nod. "I'm conflicted. I hate that he's killed thirty innocent people but on the other hand, he's my older brother. And I know that he did all of this because of our dad." I nod again. "I know it's hard. I'll make sure he gets therapy while in prison." "Prison?" "I know your father won't be able to kill him. And I know he won't allow me to do it. Even still, I know him. Since he was little. It'd be hard on me too." "What if he tries to kill you?" "If I have to, then I will kill him. But it'll have to be the last resort. Which is why I think prison and therapy is the best decision. Actually all of you need therapy." "I don't need therapy." "You definitely need therapy." "You sound like a mom." "Good. Because the only reason why you haven't snapped yet is because of Fuyumi. Honestly if it wasn't for her, you would have. That's why I never wanted to tell you that I gave birth to you. Didn't need to give you more trauma." "It was heartbreaking. But...I'll survive." We were silent for a minute. "He told me he plans on marrying you." "Yeah he told me that too." "What'd you say?" "End world hunger and bring Midnight back to life by building a Time Machine and prevent her from joining the war." "That's a lot. What if he just carve your face in a mountain for you or go to the end of the earth for you?" "Then I would consider dating him." Shoto laughs. "I always knew you were my mother." "You went by because of our fire and ice quirks." "So my grandparents? How were they?" "Amazing heroes. My dad had the ice quirk and my mom was fire. Yeah she was really fierce." "Do you have photos of them?" "Yeah. Here." I take off my necklace and placed it around his neck. "Open it." Shoto opens the locket. "Those are my grandparents?" I nod. "They're so popular." "I'm surprised you didn't know they were my parents." "I don't know much about you." "Should've asked Midoriya. He knows everything." I joked. "Yeah he does. So why'd you do it?" "Do what?" "Agree to be their surrogate?" "Because if I said no I knew he would've asked someone else to do it. I'm still sorry I never checked up on you." "It's okay. He told me you signed off all the rights of me." "Yeah." I look down. "Do you regret it?" "Yeah..." I lowly reply. "I always wondered and hoped that you were okay. I didn't know anything until I heard you were rolled into U.A. He contacted me then. There was always a part of me that wished I never signed my rights away. So I could keep you on certain days or something. Just so you could have a safe haven. But I also thought you wouldn't like me because I gave you away." "I wouldn't hate you." "I know that now." "So who had the premonition?" "My mom. Yeah. I experienced my first connected vision with her too." "Really? What was it?" "Their deaths." "Oh." "Yeah I was about your age. It was not long after we got accepted into U.A. I stayed with Midnight until I was old enough to get my own place." "And that's also when my father fell in love with you." "He didn't leave anything out did he?" "Nope. Just that I should ask you about your pregnancy with me. He told me some of it on which he witnessed." "Well you like Cold Soba because every noodles I wanted had to be cold. Ramen, spaghetti, you name it. It had to be cold. You were interesting. You didn't give me none of those weird pregnancy cravings like pickles and ice cream thank god." "How was my delivery?" "Do you know why you're so stubborn?" "Because I'm my father's son?" I laugh. "That and because I was in labor for thirty-six hours." "Is that even possible?" I nod. "Yeah. And it was hell. But it was worth it when I saw you. Your mother placed Fuyumi in bed with me when I was in labor. I remember her saying: 'come on out little brother' before she said she thinks you were a boy." Shoto smiles wide. "She's so smart." "She was the reason I kept my sanity too. I couldn't take it. But seeing her talking to you and her little smile made me happy. She even napped with me. I think she was about six at that time. Your brothers slept a lot and played video games. Touya did not like that I was screaming during delivery time. But thirty-six hours later, and there you were. This beautiful little boy with two toned hair and eyes." Shoto smiles. "I see you two are getting along well." I look to see Enji standing there. I nod. "Yeah." "You left your suitcases in my car." "You forced me here." "I did not force you." "You literally packed my bags and threw me over your shoulder." "I just want you safe." "I live in Shizuoka Prefecture." "I was born around there." Shoto says. "Yeah." "So when you ran away from me you ran all the way home?" "It wasn't my intention. I was so freaked out, I just kept going." "Well here are your things. I don't want you hurt." "So where's Fuyumi and Rei?" "They're both here." "And Natsuo?" "In college. I stop by there every night to check on him." I nod. "Okay Hellboy. You got that." "Hellboy?" Shoto asks. "It's an American movie. The main character is like a guy with flames and horns. She used to tease me about it." "Yeah you're two horns away from being him." "When you two used to live there together." I look at Shoto. "He told you that too?" He nods. "What's it like over there?" "Loud. More modern. Very cultural. Nice sceneries." I explain briefly. "I'll take you there after the League of Villains are taken down. You'll love it there. I'll take you to the Big Easy during Essence Festival." Shoto stares at me blankly. "Oh you'll love it there." "Do you understand what she's saying?" Shoto asks his father. "I do actually. And she's right. You will love it there. So what do you think of your mother?" "He...doesn't have to call me that. Rei is still his mom." "But you're my mother. Too." I look at Shoto. I throw my arms around him. Tears streamed down my face. "I'm so sorry." I apologize. "What for?" "For never acknowledging you as my son." I sniff and wipe my tears. "I love you so much Shoto. I always have. Ever since I laid eyes on you." I say. "Thank you for being who you are Shoto and never change." "I won't." I look at Enji. "You hurt him again and you're dead." "I know." "Good." I pull away and look at Shoto. I smile at him. My heart start to fill with joy. "I heard you were back." I look over to see Aizawa holding Eri. "Eri!" I scramble out of bed and rush over. I hug them both. "We got her?" "We got her. H-How are you?" I nod. "I'm alright. Hanging in there." I admit. "I'm sorry about Midnight." He apologize as he rubs my back. "Please don't be sorry. It was nothing we could do." I look at Aizawa. He wore a patch. His leg was replaced too. "What the hell happened to you?" "War." I sigh. "I wish I was more closer to you. I couldn't find you anywhere." "Don't worry about it. I cut my own leg off without a second thought." "That's hot." Enji clears his throat. "I'll see you around." He says before leaving. I roll my eyes. "What's his deal?" Shouta asks. "He still loves her." Shoto speaks up. "Anyway. How are you Eri? I hear you've gotten better with your quirk." "Yes!" Shouta smiles and pass her over to me. I walk to Shoto's bed. "Eri...this is your big brother Shoto." I place her on the bed. "He's my big brother?" I nod. "We have the same daddy?" Eri asks. "No honey." "Why not?" "I'll tell you that when you get older." "Okay!" Eri hugs Shoto. "I have a big brother!" Shoto laughs and hugs her back. "I'll let you three catch up." Aizawa says before leaving. "He likes you. A lot." Shoto points out. "Um we're not talking about that." "Why not?" "I'm not talking relationship with my teenaged son." "We did with my father." "That's different. And he told you everything." "Fine. He still likes you. I saw when he sent you gifts. And you were coming today. And Eri." "How many visions have you had?" "Quite a handful." "Huh. Well let me know if you have more." "I will." Eri plays in Shoto's hair. "Why is your hair two colors?" "I was born like that." "And your eyes?" "Born with it." "Really?" He nods as he holds her. She looks at me. "Can I have hair like that?" "Well we can see." "Okay!" I smile. I take out my phone. I start looking for vegan hair dye. Surprisingly it's very easy to find. I read up on it. Aizawa walks in right on cue. I get out of bed and walk to him. I pull him out of the room. "Hey Eri wants her hair dyed red like Shoto's." "But he was born like that." "Yeah you explain that to a six year old." "Seven." "Huh?" "She's" "What? I missed her birthday?" He nods slowly. I close my eyes. "I'm not cut out to be a parent. You should take full custody of Eri." "No. Why?" "Because I haven't raised any children." "Neither have I." "I missed her birthday." "You missed one. And you were grieving. It's understanding. But dyeing her hair?" "It's vegan. It's safe. It won't damaged her hair or scalp. It'll nourish it." Aizawa sighed. "Alright." "Just like that?" "You know hair better than I do. And I'm not going to argue with the mother of my child." Shouta pulls me into a hug. "I'm really sorry about Midnight." "I know. I miss her so much." "I know you do. You two were close." I nod. I look up at him. He kiss me. God I feel so dirty kissing him. "I like you a lot Y/N." "No you don't. You don't even know me. You liked how we pleasured you." "I like your smile. I missed you in class. I like your personality." "Really? You do?" "What's so bad about that?" "Well considering I come with a baggage." "Because the father of your son was a terrible father and partner? And that he abused you?" "He didn't abuse me." "You really gonna defend him?" "I'm not defending him." "You are. If he didn't abuse you, then why didn't you marry him? Why was he harassing your phone when you were at my house? Do you remember that night? When he barged into my house like he had some rights? Like he own you? He looked at you as a pawn and called you a slut. He dehumanized you, used you, and almost disposed of you. In front of my eyes. In my house!" Aizawa shouts. I flinch as my breath jags and my eyes water. Aizawa claps his hands together, bring them to his face, close his eyes and inhales deeply. He exhaled. He open his eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to make you cry." Aizawa wipes my tears. "You forgot the part where I almost broke his nose." I add. "I was getting to that. My point is, he hurt you. Then. And now. But I don't care about him. I care about you. No, I don't just want to sleep with you. I want to get to know you. I want us to work. I want us to be good parents for Eri. And like I said, I like you a lot." Shouta pulls me closer and kiss me slowly. "Shouta..." "Yes? Can we make this work?" "Yes." I nod. "We can give it a try. For Midnight." "Midnight?" I nod slowly. "She uh...Sh-She wanted me to get with you or Enji. Marry either of you and have a child." "Me or him? How could she even think that?" "Because she love us together and want him to straighten up." "And if he does?" "I don't want to get with him. I told him to carve my face in a mountain and I'll consider dating him. To marry me, end world hunger and bring Nemuri back." "So why do I get the easy way in?" "Because I'm starting to like you. And just...the way you are. You're not trying to fight with me over dumb shit." Aizawa looks at me fondly again. "See there you go again." "What?" "With that look." "What look?" I step closer to him. "Shouta..." "Y-Yes?" "Why do you look at me that way?" "B-Because I'm fond of you." Shouta wraps me in his arms. "We're really doing this?" "Yes. But we're taking it slow. So no I'm not moving in your house." "My house was destroyed so that's off the market." "Good. Well not good but y'know." "I know what you mean." Shouta kiss me again. I kiss him back. It's different. I like it. "I'll go back to my room. It's down the hall on the right if you need anything." Aizawa kiss my forehead and walks away. I watch him. "So you're in a relationship with him?" I look to see Enji walking up to me. "No. I'm gonna take it slow with him." "So you are planning on marrying him?" "I never said that." "Really? Because you didn't tell him no you don't want to marry him?" "Oh so you're spying on me now?" I start pacing. "No. I wanted to ask if you were hungry but I see you're pretty full from sucking his face off." "Are you jealous?" "You know what? I am jealous. Because I love you." I get in his face. "And you think that's enough? You think that's supposed to make me stay? Like im supposed to forget it all and run in your arms? Huh? Enji?!" I furiously asked. "No! I didn't expect that. But let's not act like you weren't five seconds away from jumping on my dick earlier today." "I-Was horny okay?! I haven't had sex since Aizawa and Midnight and you seduced me so sue me!" I scream. "So I was just a fuck huh?" I roll my neck. "Yeah. You were!" "I love you Y/N." "And?" Enji stares at me blankly. "You used me and your family, so what's the harm in it if I want a little fuck out of it?!" He continues to stare at me blankly. He was completely hurt. "Y/N I-" "Don't. We will never be a big happy family. I'm not Rei. I can't fake it like her and act like there's still good in you. That you're doing it for us. Glad she's divorcing your sorry controlling ass." I walk back in Shoto's room, slamming the door. They were both asleep. I didn't even know what day it was. Maybe a weekend? I look at the time. It's noon. Must be tired for a nap. I take my shoes off. He was snuggled with Eri. They look so adorable. I take a photo and smile. I climb in bed and wrap my arms around Shoto. I press my face into his back. "Are you okay?" "I thought you were asleep?" I ask. "You slammed the door." I let out a sigh. "I'm alright honey." I kiss his shoulder. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." "I saw everything and I heard everything. Do you hate him?" "Leaning towards it." "And Aizawa Sensei? So do you like him?" "Didn't I say that I won't be having a relationship conversation with my teenage son?" "I really have two moms?" "Yes you do. Anymore questions?" "No." "Good now go back to sleep." "I can't sleep." "I'm sorry." "I know my old man pissed you off. I don't plan on ever doing what he's doing to you and us." "Let this be a lesson. Treat her like a queen. If not, I will beat your ass. Not to traumatize you or anything. Just a warning. And please don't abuse your family." "I'd rather die than hurt my family." "I know you never would. But I want to keep it as a reminder. Your sister raised you well. And you're a big brother now. You have to set a good example for Eri. That she doesn't need a man who would mistreat her." "And what about you?" "Oh I'm having a double barrel shot gun for her. And for you, I can handle the women." "No I meant you. You deserve better." "I know. Your grandmother didn't raise no fool. And that's why I left your father. Why I'm not getting with him now." "So you'll get with him in the future?" "If he was my last resort and I'm not married, yeah." "Okay." Shoto was silent. I figured he went back to sleep. "She's cute. I'm going to like having a baby sister." "Dammit I thought you went back to sleep." I laugh. "Well good because we can't return her so you're stuck with her." "What's her last name gonna be?" "Aizawa?" "Why not combine them?" "I'll talk to him about it. And don't abandon your siblings and Rei. They still love you and never treated you less equally." "I'm not. I love them so much." "Good because that would break their heart." Shoto yawns. "Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." He nods. I close my eyes.
My mood changes when it comes to Enji so I'm sorry y'all if one minute she wants him and the next she hates his freaking guts😭

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