Chapter Seven: Izuku Midoriya

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. This will contain BNHA spoilers. Starting from S5 and ongoing into the manga. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

Class 1-A was taking a test in their classroom as I was outside with Aizawa. "So? Any chance I can get Eri?" I asked. "It's still taking time. We're mainly focused on trying to figure out how we can train her so she can use her quirk properly." I nodded. "And her mother?" "Nowhere to be found." "Good. Let's keep it that way. Though I doubt she'll show up out of the blue considering she abandoned her cause Eri accidentally killed her father. Any updates on her grandfather?" "Still in a coma." "Jeez. This poor girl went through a lot. She's only seven. When she gets older, are you letting her attend here?" "Yeah actually. I don't see why not." "Speaking of, I heard you expelled a lot of students before and yet 1-A still looks pretty full." "They all have potential." "You're getting soft." "No. I don't have any reason to expel them." "Principal Nezu also said you've had solid reasons to expel them before but you didn't." "That damn cute furball doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." I laughed. "Admit it, you've gone soft. What's your intake on Midoriya now? You've fucked with him at first." "He's going to be the one to surpass All Might. He's on the right tracks and he's getting better at using his quirk." I can't tell Aizawa that Midoriya has more than one quirks. Or the fact that he inherits One For All. "Good good." Aizawa looked at the clock. "Oh it's time for them to finish." I followed him back inside the room. "Alright put your pencils down everyone." I walked around and started collecting the tests. The louder speaker came on. It was All Might requesting for Midoriya and I. We left out and walked. "Toshinori, what's up?" I asked as we walked in. We sat down. All Might poured us some tea. He placed a folder down. "These are all the info I could get on the previous One For All wielders." "U-Uh is it okay to talk about this in front of her? I knowitsyoursecretand-" "Midoriya! Calm down it's fine. I was the first person to know." I cut him off. "Icy Hot is a dear friend of mine." "Oh okay." I took a sip of my tea. Midoriya opened the folder and looked through them. "Satō, do you see any future where Young Midoriya develops a new quirk out of the blue that he can't control?" I shook my head no. "Ever since Aizawa told me about the black whip, I've been keeping a close eye on his future. He will subconsciously use the others but it's not as dangerous as the black whip." "Like?" Toshinori pressed on. I looked through the folder and pulled out a photo. "His." "Shinomori Hikage?" I nodded. "He'll inherit the danger sensory quirk. Not anytime soon though. It's a quirk that will save him since he'll sense out malice." All Might was quiet. "Danger sense from the fourth huh?" All Might repeated lowly. "Since All For One and Shigaraki are still out there, they'll come for Midoriya. I don't know how and when yet. I'll let you know the moment I see something. And you need to be ready to protect this boy at all costs Toshinori." "I'll protect him with my life." I looked through the folder. I stopped at Nana Shimura. All Might's predecessor and the seventh wielder of One For All. Shigaraki's grandmother. I remember her. I started to have a vision. "Oh my god!" I jumped up, spilling everyone's tea. "Satō what is it?" "I gotta go see Enji. Tell Aizawa and Principal Nezu that I'm going to see Endeavor and it's extremely important. I'll explain later." I said as I grabbed my phone. I rushed out. I started calling Enji. No answer. I called five times as I ran. I didn't want to be stuck in traffic. I made it to his agency and burst in. I zoomed to his office. I burst through the door. "Enji we need to talk." I closed the door behind me. Enji snapped his head up from reading a book. "The rise of the Liberation War is going to happen. The League Of Villains teamed up with them. It's an all out war. Hawks coded it in this book." "That's exactly why I'm here." Endeavor closed the book. "It's about Shigaraki and One For All. I know why Hawks doesn't know what's going on behind those forbidden doors." "How did you-" "Enji I'm psychic. I know he's infiltrating The League Of Villains. All For One's doctor is undergoing experiments on Shigaraki. He's transferring All For One into him and making him the perfect Nomu. And Enji...he's a threat. He'll no longer just be some punk. He'll be a threat to every nation on this planet. If Shigaraki is completely reborn, we're dead. He's incubating in a tube. I don't know how much time we have left before he's completed. But if Shigaraki wakes up...his decay quirk will be hell on earth. He won't have to touch you with five fingers to decay you. He can decay anything around him and if you touch it, you'll die. He would be able to decay this building and we'd die if this building touches us when it falls. Enji this is bad. No matter what happens, don't let that international terrorist wake up. All For One is using him as his perfect pawn and will try to morph into Shigaraki and take over his body while his physical body is still imprisoned. It's going to be a nasty, gruesome war. A-And Shigaraki has this secret weapon from All For One. It's name is Gigantomachia. He is bigger, stronger, and faster than any Nomu. He's bigger than Mt. Lady in her huge form. He will raise holy hell, destroying cities by himself." I explained. Endeavor doesn't know that Izuku inherited One For All and I can't tell him he's their main target. I was pacing back and forth. This premonition got me really worried. "Y/N are you sure?" "Todoroki you've known me for over twenty years. My premonition is never wrong. Are you doubting me now?" "No I'm not. I need all the information we can get." He sighed. "This is a lot and the most information I've ever gotten. But this is a fight we have to win or Japan falls." "No shit Sherlock." "Does anybody else know about this?" "No I came straight here as soon as I had my vision." Enji caught my arm. My body was shaking. "Thank you." I nodded, still shaking. "God your nerves. You need to calm down before you hyperventilate." "How can I calm down? Shit is going down Enji! This won't be easy. This Liberation War will leave a lot of casualties." Enji wrapped his arms around me. Every time he wraps me in his strong arms, it calms me down. "I'll do everything in my power as the number one hero to put an end to this. You have my word." He assured me in a low tone. I nodded. Enji pulled away and looked at me. He looked at me the same way he did twenty years ago. "Enji..." I trailed off as he leaned down to kiss me. His familiar lips felt like home. I kissed him back. "You're saying that you stopped loving me for twenty years?" He asked as I pulled away. "That's exactly what I'm saying. And you know this." "Do you?" He questioned as he kissed my neck. My arms wrapped around his neck and moaned. "Thought so." He murmured. Enji lifted me up and carried me to his desk. He gently placed me down. He trailed kisses on my neck. He pulled my shirt up, pressing tender kisses on my stomach as his large hands held my hips gently. My back arched. "God Enji..." I trailed off in a moan. I was in his trance. His hands started to unzip my pants. He slowly started to pull them down. He pulled down my underwear. "Fuck you're so wet." He murmured. Enji spread open my legs and his tongue flicked between my folds and up to my clit. I gripped his hair. Then I snapped out of it. "Enji stop! You're married. We're not doing this. I've already kissed you and that's bad. But this is worse." I rejected as I pull my underwear and pants back up. I got off his desk as I fastened my pants. When I looked up, I can see he was rock hard. His face was blushing. "Do you even love your wife?" "Of course I do. But not as much as I love you." "Todoroki!" I screamed. "Y/N I'm not going to lie. And I know you still feel the same way." "That's not why I came here. Look I need to get back to class. I've told you everything I know so far." I rushed out of his office and out of his agency before he could say anything else. Before I got a chance to clear my head, I was back at U.A. I spoke to Principal Nezu and Aizawa about what I told Enji. Principal Nezu is going to hold a meeting to inform every hero. I spoke to Toshinori and Midoriya about All For One's goal to steal One For All from him. And that he'll keep going after the war is over. That Midoriya really needs to watch his back. Throughout the entire time, Enji was on my mind. What he said. What we've done and what we almost did. I felt so guilty and bad for Rei. She didn't deserve this. I wanted to truly believe that Enji never meant what he said but he never lies about how he feels. He meant what he said. But I know that I don't love him. He's still stuck in the past and I'm not. But why can he still make me feel the way I do around him? How can I still want him in that moment after two decades? The way his lips and touches still make me feel the way I do. When he holds my body delicately in his hands like I'm a flower. The same look in his eyes as he had all those years ago. Why, Enji? Why? Why do you still love and want me? I broke up with you for a reason. I despise what you've done to your family and make me feel what I felt when we were together. Is this him turning into the Enji I once loved?
I should've probably made it known that Y/N is in her forties like Rei, Enji and All Might. I also aged up Midnight as well since she's 32 in BNHA.

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