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Dae wasn't sure what time it was, but she was sure the first time she woke up, it was around afternoon. Because her room looked like as if somebody fixed a hundred lightbulbs in every corner.

She was in and out of sleep then, waking up a bit, looking around, then going back to sleep. And repeat.

She was now on the couch in her living room, hunched as she tried to blink away the sleep from shutting her eyelids permanently.

"At least eat something?"

It was Micchi, on her knees before her, trying to coax her with puppy eyes.

Dae just nodded to whatever she said, not really registering the words.

"I know something traumatic happened, but that doesn't mean you're gonna neglect yourself. And we're gonna make sure of that."

Dae nodded again, rubbing an eye with a fist.

There was the heavenly smell of warm, chicken soup, and when it got closer, Dae noticed the spoon before her and automatically opened her mouth to be fed.

Her friends were probably laughing at her but whatever. It was all in good conscience.

A hand was on her head, and she figured it was Micchi patting her.

"He chopped a good chunk of your hair off... that fuckin bastard- I'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass, he would feel my toes between his teeth."

Dae blinked at those words, and Ilseong gave a stank face.

"You're very creative with your words."

"I always am."

Dae went on drinking her soup, fed by Ilseong, while her best friend made calls.

"So here's the plan. We're heading out soon- yes, including you Dae-"


"That's your first word of the day! Good! But I won't accept that answer. We'll head out, and get your hair fixed. I know someone at the salon where she could help redo your hair. You can just leave it short, or it can go back to the original."

Dae hummed, nodding. As long as she doesn't do the talking, that would be okay.

Last night, with the presence of her mother and brother, her defences flared up again, and now talking was just simply exhausting.

"While your hair is getting fixed, Ilseongie will be collecting your phone, and we'll set it up for you, yeah?"

Dae looked at Micchi, telepathically sending her a message.

"Your old one broke... it was sent with your hair to your brother. I managed to get your lost items from him- I am your lawyer."

Dae smiled and nodded.

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