匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 31

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Dae yawned into a hand, slumping a bit in her position.


She pokes the dummy before her.

Why do this when...

"Today, we will be focusing only on CPR. I will teach you the right way to do chest compressions, as well as deliver rescue breaths."

I already have a certificate... why...

Dae could say something and probably leave, but she fears they might ask her to join Sanghoon, who was the class's current model.

Sanghoon was poised before his own dummy, a slightly tired but serious look on. He seemed ready to teach and be an example for the others, and Dae could only sigh quietly.

The instructor went ahead and taught the basics of CPR, giving out tips on how to ensure safety before performing the rescue action.

If she had known that today was just going to be focusing on this, she wouldn't have joined, to be honest. She did sign up because she wanted to learn to use the latest version of the AED, but alas, it was probably not going to happen that day.

"You're not paying attention."

She glanced up when one of the assistants crouched next to her.

"This is going to be very useful in the future, when the time comes... you'll need to learn how to do this to help others."


"Who said I wanted to help people?"

The assistant blinked at her question.

"Then why-"

"Who said I'm not here for me?"


"Is something wrong?"

Dae went back to staring at the lifeless dummy before her, not in the mood to entertain anyone anymore. The assistant seemed to have other ideas though, and tattled on her like some child. Dae rolled her eyes when the instructor began speaking.

"If you think it's not gonna be useful-"

"I never said that."

"Then why are you not concentrating? Perhaps you know?"

Dae nodded. She does.

"So if you know, are you willing to teach the class then?"

Oh gods... why...

Her silence was the answer, but the instructor took it wrongly.

A scoff. "Don't lie just to get away. Alright everyone..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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