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Jeonyeog POV

I quickly took a shower and looked through my closet to find any professional looking outfit I had since I wanted to make a good impression. In the end, I decided on this:

{Once again, you can imagine any outfit you want}

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{Once again, you can imagine any outfit you want}

I locked my apartment door and headed towards the shiny black car with tinted windows. "Jungkook sent you right?" I asked just to be sure. "Yes ma'am" he replied. "You don't have to be so formal with me. Call me Jeonyeog, it's ok" I told the driver as I sat in the back seat.

While we drove to where I assumed was the company building, I learnt that the driver's name was Jackson Wang, a very funny man that can make anyone around him feel comfortable. "We're here! Good luck Jeonyeog" he said with a smile. "Bye and thank you Jackson!" I replied.

I looked at the magnificent building infront of me for a bit and then I texted Kookie to let him know that I'm here.

Kookie, I'm outside the building

Kookie <33:
Ok wait there I'll be there in a minute

"Hey bab-" Jungkook paused midsentence as he admired me from head to toe. "You look stunning baby hope you weren't waiting too long" he said as he came closer to give me a kiss. It was short and sweet, but still full of love. "No, I wasn't waiting long don't worry" I said as he took my hand and led me into the elevator.

"Just stay calm and breathe. You have nothing to worry about. You'll be ok." he told me, as if he could sense how nervous I was. To be honest, it almost seemed like I was going for a job interview!

The elevator arrived at the 3rd floor and we walked down the hallway to a door that said Bang Si-Hyuk. Kookie knocked a few times before the door opened to reveal a short, slightly obese man with round spectacles and a kind, welcoming smile.

"Hello Jungkook, this beautiful young lady must be Jeonyeog if I'm not mistaken?" he said. "Yes, that's correct. Nice to meet you sir" I replied, extending my hand to him which he gladly shook. "Come in, have a seat" he said, motioning towards two chairs infront a dark brown, wooden desk.

He informed me of every possible thing that could go wrong if I dated an idol example having my privacy invaded, he informed me of the different challenges I might/will have to face example getting hate on the internet and so on. Afterwards, he asked if I was absolutely sure I would be able to handle it and if I was sure about wanting to date Jungkook. Of course, I said yes and our 'meeting' was over.

Mr. Bang wanted to speak with Jungkook for a bit so I was left to wait on the couch outside his office door.

Jungkook POV

"Does she know about Ma Ri?" He asked me and I shook my head. "I don't want her getting worried and stuff over Ma Ri so I didn't but if a time comes where she must know, I'll tell her" I said. "Ok but as long as you know what you're doing" he responded and motioned towards the door, meaning that I could go now.

"Everything's fine don't worry" I told Jeonyeog as I saw the concern that was etched her face fade away. "Do you want me to call Jackson or would you prefer me drive you home?" I asked. "Anything. Just once you're comfortable and ok with it" she said with a smile. "Come on then" I said while fishing the car keys out of my pocket.

A little while later we arrived at the apartment building. "Bye baby" I said as I kissed her cheek. "Bye Kookie" she responded, a hint of pink dusted on her cheeks.


Idk how you all think it's going so far but I'm just going to keep writing till it's finished :)

Anyways, who do y'all think Ma Ri is and why do you think they keep mentioning her?

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