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Jungkook POV

The Next Day.

I woke up ready to tell Jeo everything and I decided to do it over the phone, not through texts. I got organised in 10 minutes and literally inhaled the omlette Jin hyung made causing him to stare at me the entire time.

I headed back into my room, sat on my bed and opened Kakao.

Jeo can you talk right now? There's some really important things I need to talk to you about so can I call you?

Sure just give me a minute

Ok call me when you're ready

Incoming call from Jeo♡:
Accept   /   Decline

Italics is Jeo. Normal font is Jungkook.

"Hey so what did you wanna talk about? It sounds kinda serious..."

"Yeah so just liaten carefully and don't freak out over anything I'm gonna say ok?"

"Um, ok I guess"

"So I had one girlfriend before you and her name is Ma Ri. She was ok at first but then she started acting like a really spoilt, clingy, obsessive, possessive gold digger and I was working on a solo song so I couldn't spend much time with her and she felt angry about that so she took pictures of me, hired someone to edit them to make it seem like I was cheating on her with three other girls and leaked them to the media which threatened my reputation, the band's reputation and the company's reputation. I was furious so I kicked her out (since she was staying with me), I broke up with her, told her to get out of my sight and never contact me again. Eventually I found enough evidence to save my, the band and the company's image and to prove she was guilty. She was arrested and put in jail for two years but her sentence is over now."

"Oh...she sounds like a really horrible person and I'm glad you broke up with her and didn't forgive her, she really deserved to go to prison. I'm sorry you had to go through that"

"It's not your fault don't worry. But there's more. ALOT more."

"Wow. Ok then go ahead"

"She knows about you. She knows where you live, she knows almost everything about you Jeo. She basically followed you to the mall and took pictures if you, sent them to me and said if I don't break up with you and go back to her, she's gonna tell the media about our relationship and she's also gonna tell them information about you. The boys and I spoke to Mr. Bang and Manager Sejin and they want you to move in with us at the dorms to keep you safe...are you ok with that?"

"J-Jungkook she KNOWS about me! She FOLLOWED me! That explains the flashes I saw at the mall that day but I brushed it off, gosh I was so stupid. You aren't gonna leave me right?"

"Baby, calm down. I won't let her hurt you, you aren't stupid and nothing can separate us. I love you and won't leave you. I promise."

"I love you too babe and I'm ok with moving in. It seems scary to be alone..when am I moving in?"

"Tomorrow morning at 8. Do you want me to send Jackson to pick you up or do you want me to pick you up?"

"I'd prefer you to come"

"Ok no problem baby. And one more thing. Are you ok with going public about our relationship before Ma Ri can?

"Yes of course I am. When are you planning to do it?"

"I was thinking next week because that will leave us with 4 days for you to get settled in at the dorm and for me to think about how I'm gonna tell everyone about our relationship"

"Ok that sounds good. Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it. Thank you for being so understanding about all this baby"

"No problem. I don't really see why I would have a reason to be mad though"

"Well I didn't tell you about Ma Ri even after we were dating for so long! I thought you'd be mad about that and you'd think I don't trust you and that you'd leave me because a relationship is mainly about trust and-"

"Babe, it's ok. It would be hard to talk about something like that I understand and I love you too much to leave you over something like that."

"Love you too baby. Byee~~ Have a good day today and don't forget to pack!"

"Bye~ You too and I won't!"


Call ended

Call duration: 1 hr 15 mins

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