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Jungkook POV

I haven't seen Jeo since the day she left to go to the mall and I thought she was just coming back late but the next morning, she was still gone. I got worried so I tried calling her phone but it went straight to voicemail. At that point I knew something was wrong since she always answers my calls.

I told the hyungs and Mr. Bang about it and Mr. Bang said we should go to the police but when we went, they said that they can't do anything since she wasn't missing for a whole 48 hours yet. Stupid police!

All company cars have a tracker on them and Jeo used a company car so the hyungs and I tracked it only to realise it was still at the mall. There's no way Jeo was still there so we tried tracking her phone this time. It took a while but it said that her phone- and possibly Jeo as well- was at Ma Ri's house.

"Huh?" everyone said in confusion and then it suddenly occurred to me that Jeo could've been kidnapped by her "Shit! Guys we have to go to Ma Ri's right now come on!" I yelled as I bolted towards the door.

After about 15 minutes, we arrived at Ma Ri's house and we saw the back door open. Out came a maid that looked badly beaten up, taking out the trash. I got a glimpse of her face and I felt my heart shatter. "Jeo?! Guys that's Jeo!!" I yelled and before anyone could say anything, I rushed out of the car, picked Jeo up bridal style and hurried back to the car with her in my arms.

Jeonyeog POV

I was doing my second task for the day, taking out the trash and I was about to head back inside when suddenly, a man approached me, picked me up bridal style and started running towards a black vehicle.

It was then I looked up to see my Kook in shining armour looking down at me worriedly. He gently put me to lie down on the back seat and went to get the first aid kit from the trunk.

"Jeo?? Sweetie what happened to you?!" The boys asked with wide eyes. When Jungkook came back I told them all what happened in detail, from me getting kidnapped at the mall to me taking out the garbage just now.

"I'm calling PD-nim. Joon, you call the police." I heard Jin say. The rest of the boys comforted me and helped Jungkook attend to my injuries. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that baby" Jungkook said "It's ok, it's not your fault" I replied.

5 minutes later, Mr. Bang arrived and I reiterated what happened so when the police arrive, he can inform them. Not long after, the police came and some officers surrounded Ma Ri's house while others talked to PD-nim since I didn't wanna speak about what happened again.

"Jeong Ma Ri and Go Sang Cheol, you are under arrest for...." I finally learnt the butler's name! "No! You can't do this! I can't go back there! Stop! Let me go!" Ma Ri screamed but the officers weren't taking her nonsense. They held her tightly by her arms and threw her into the police vehicle together with Sang Cheol.

The rest of maids weren't arrested but set free because turns out, they too were kidnapped and forced to work.

After the maids left and the police drove off with Ma Ri and Sang Cheol, I was taken to the hospital for them to properly attend to my wounds.

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