ೃ⁀➷ xiv. first kiss

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when ophelia greengrass first woke up this morning, she did not realize she was in the boy's dormitory. she only did, however, after a few seconds had passed. and when she did, it finally made sense how her head was on top of regulus black's chest.

after surveying the room, ophelia realized venus was in the room as well. it was just the four of them, as a fact of the matter. "about last night," ophelia said.

regulus looks down a her, evan and venus stop talking as they looked over. "you don't have to explain anything to us, elia," evan said and the subject was dropped.

the four of them exited the dorm and were heading towards the great hall. there wasn't any awkwardness as evan began bragging about how his mom already sent over clothes for their trip to norway, despite it being months away.

"i hope you know that, you don't have to be anyone around me," regulus whispered, his lips brushing against ophelia's ear each time he opened his mouth. "you can be yourself with me."

ophelia turned to lok at him, a smile on her face. but it wasn't the smile regulus saw whenever he told a joke or whenever they read a book. she opened her mouth, about to say something, about to say you're the only person who knows who i am. but instead said, "likewise."

before regulus could reply, loud noises came from the hallway in front of them and it didn't come as a shock when the marauders appeared next.

she was dreading this. the moment she would have to explain to them what happened that night, yet james looked giddy while the rest of his friends looked like they didn't get any sleep at all. any overthinking-related thoughts washed away when james lifted her off the ground and ran around with her in circles.

"lily and i kissed this morning!" james shouted and ophelia's eyes widened. she and lily still weren't talking, yes, but she was happy for james. "my lilypad! kissed me back!"

"prongs, calm down!" ophelia laughed as he brought her down. he ruffled her hair before running inside the great hall. sirius and peter nodded at the group of slytherins awkwardly before running after their very energetic friend.

remus groaned. "make friends, mom said. it'll be good for you, she said. james potter would make a nice friend, she added." he muttered to himself as he jogged towards the great hall, not before sparing ophelia a smile. "merlin help me."

the slytherins began walking towards the great hall as well. evan had a confused face as he sat opposite to ophelia and beside venus. "why is he so freaked that evans kissed him? surely this isn't the james potter's first kiss?" he paused, scrunching his nose. "wow saying my name as a last name is weird."

"it is," ophelia said as she grabbed a bowl of mushroom soup. "his first kiss, i mean."

evan looked at her as though she were an alien. "really? wait who were you guys' first kiss?" ophelia looked at venus and venus looked at her. "you guys?? when???

ophelia shrugged. "i dont know, 3rd year?

"who was your first kiss?" venus added. "please tell me it was regulus!"

"nah, it was cherry," evan said and ophelia had definitely forgotten that he and cherry were once a thing. "besides, regulus has never kissed anyone yet."

the blonde greengrass turned to face regulus, who was busy eating his chicken. "wait art, you've never kissed anyone?" she recalled their conversation, how he said he did other things with other girls. did you do those other things without kissing them?

regulus chuckles before shrugging, giving her an innocent look. "i think you've forgotten, pan, that the only girl i've ever wanted to kiss, has yet to want to kiss me," he leans closer and smirks. this wasn't the regulus she was used to. she was used to the regulus that became easily flushed whenever her hand brushed against his.

ophelia sucks in a breath as she turned around and drank her soup. regulus chuckles again before turning back to his chicken, as though he just said the most normal regulus thing.

evan and venus groan, the latter speaking, "ugh is this how you guys feel when you thirdwheel and fourth wheel us?"

"i promise we'll never be that lovey dovey again, just dont flirt in front of us." evan added.

without missing a beat, without even looking up from their food, ophelia and regulus let out a laugh before saying, "yeah, nah."

after more teasing and disscussion of daily things, the lot of them stood up and were headed to potions. despite being a slytherin and top of their year, ophelia hated potions. mostly because of how professor slughorn doesn't know when to quit.

he's been trying to recruit her to his little club for years. but it came to no avail because it 'just so happens' that she was busy during there scheduled dinners.

"wait," evan spoke breaking ophelia's train of thought. "what do you identify as?"

venus shrugs. "i'm bi."

the boy turns to ophelia "pan. you?"

regulus chuckles, his nickname for her and her sexuality were purely coincidental. "bi."

"i'm pan, too." evan added.

the group of four looked at each other, and after a few seconds, the lot of them laughed. it took a while for them to calm down but as soon as they did, venus linked her arm with evan's as they walked away.

ophelia and regulus walk behind them, in silence, the former lacing their fingers together as they did.


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷D SPEAKS!

pretty short chapter but, hey, at leas i double-posted? the next chapter will be longer, anyways!

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