Chapter 16

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One more week. That was all that was left before some of the boys would be graduating and moving on with their lives. It was Monday and from the earliest of the morning, the guys were a mess. Everyone was trying to make sure all of their grades were where they needed to be and if not they were doing what they had to to get there. No one had really spoken since the cabin trip. Things were still a little awkward within the group but not as bad as before. However, you can best bet that there were still some struggles that needed to be dealt with. 


Kook97: I really should have paid more attention this semester.

Seok-Me: What's wrong Kook?

Kook97: My grades. I'm having to do extra credit work to pass two classes. Luckily, it's only two classes but they are about to drive me insane. I feel like I can't even enjoy the last week of school.

SUGA: Same but that's the case will all of my classes. Too much time in the studio. 

Moni: Sheesh Yoongs

Chim: Yeah it's crazy. I hope everyone is okay though. I haven't seen or talked to all in a while. Hyungs! Are you all ready to graduate?

J-Hope: Yes and no. I'm going to miss you guys. I know we will still be able to see each other but it will take more planning and transportation than now. UGH!

Seok-Me: Yeah. That's the only downfall to all of this but I'm ready to be out of this hell hole.

Kook97: Me too but I have two more years...*big sigh*

Taetae: You'll be ok Kookie lol 

Kook97: 😘

Moni: Alright before those two start sapping up the chat, do you guys wanna meet up at my place to hang out and do our school stuff? We can all help each other.

J-Hope: I'm down. Jooheon can't come because he is dealing with some things with his parents. 

Seok-Me: Oh ok.., hope everything is okay with Jooheonie and I'll be over Joonie

Mon: Just ride home with me. I'll wait for you

SUGA: I'll be a little late. Kook is gonna help me with the melody of the song we talked about Namjoon then we'll head that way.

Mon: Oh cool! Glad it's coming together hyung!

Chim: I will come too but after I run some errands for mom.

Taetae: See u guys later then. 

The rest of the school day went by pretty fast for the guys and they couldn't be happier about it. It was beginning to be stressful just walking into the building. Jungkook looked at himself in the locker room mirror after getting dressed to leave from his last class of the day. He let his tongue play with the new ring on his lip, in the corner of his mouth. He loved it that he even got his nose and eyebrow pierced. His bad boy look had heightened after a few days and people noticed because he got so many compliments on it. Even though he wasn't doing it for the attention, he still appreciated the compliments. 

His phone vibrated and he already knew that it was his hyung looking for him so he grabbed his bag after fixing his hair and did a quick glance at his outfit before leaving the locker room.

The tension between the two boys hadn't calmed down in the least but they did their best to control their actions. That's why Jungkook was surprised when his hyung called him to ask him to help with a song he was working on. They had been keeping their distance just like everyone else because of school but every once in a while a text would pop up on both of their phones. 

"Damn, thought you weren't going to come anymore." Yoongi said as he watched the boy run up to his car. He had already known about Jungkook's piercings and they already had a slightly inappropriate conversation one night about it. He found it attractive and even hoped Jimin would do the same at some point but if not, he still loved his mochi. 

"Sorry hyung. I was changing. Let's go." The younger smiled before getting into the car.


Jimin had just stepped into his house when his phone started going off. 

*Incoming call from Tae*

"Hey" Jimin continued walking to his room as he waited for Tae to say something. They hadn't really spoken since he left the room that night and things were just a little different between the two. Since everyone had gotten up in the chat today, he guessed Tae felt like it was okay to try to speak to him today. 

Jimin wasn't going to be mean to him about it because, deep down, he was happy to be hearing from his best friend. He missed him but he had decided he wasn't going to let himself embarrass himself like he did that night again.

" You need any help with whatever you gotta do for mom?" Jimin smiled at the fact that Tae still called his mom "mom" as if he was the woman's son as well. However, he wasn't. Thank god. 

" Jimin?" The older boy heard his friend call to him, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Uh, yeah...sure. Honestly, I'm just making a cake for dad's birthday in a few days. Mom wanted it done early so it could be ready and she could just hide it in the freezer." He chuckled. 

Taehyung was smiling on the other end of the phone. "Aw cute. Unlock the door, I'll be there in like 20 minutes."

Jimin nodded. "Okay. I'll probably be almost done with the cake by the time you show up but that's fine." He nervously laughed and so did Tae. Things were so damn different now. 

" Ok. see you." 

They hung up and Jimin rushed to put his things down then hurry to start the cake. He didn't want to be making the cake when Tae arrived. He wanted them to be able to sit and talk. He shouldn't want that but he did. Whatever, he missed his best friend. That's all and there was nothing wrong with that.


Hobi: Babe? How's everything? You've been quiet today.

Jooheonie: Same ol' shit Hoseok. My dad hating the way that I am and my mom ignoring both of us to stay out of the situation.

Hobi: I was suppose to go over to Joon's but if you need to come over, I can cancel and be with you.

Jooheonie: I'll be fine. I don't really want to be around anyone right now anyways

Hobi: Not even me? 

Jooheonie: No. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Hoseok frowned at his phone. He decided to just let the conversation end there. Jooheon's words hurt him but he knew the boy was going through bullshit with his parents. They had decided to come out to his parents as dating. He wanted to be with Jooheon when he decided to tell him but the boy told him he would do it alone and now he sees why. 

From what Hoseok could tell, Jooheon's parents were not happy with them being more than the friends they had been saying they were but Hoseok was about to graduate and they wanted to try to step things up. Hobi wasn't willing to unless he got the blessings of Jooheon's parents. He wanted them to be able to be themselves wherever they went, and that included Jooheon's parent's home. 

The upset boy sighed as he grabbed his keys before leaving his house to go for a drive before heading to Namjoon's. 

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