Chapter 22

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Classes were done for the day and Jimin couldn't be happier. He was emotionally tired but he hid it well. Mainly because he had so many classes with Tae today. The blonde would constantly look his way, hoping for a comforting smile but Jimin wouldn't give him that satisfaction. He wasn't trying to be an ass. He just wanted that tight feeling in his chest to leave his chest before he decided to look at his bestie again.

He was making his way to his car when he saw Taehyung passing by him to get to his own car. Jimin swallowed hard as the boy's cologne caressed his nose. Tae didn't bother to look his way before getting in his car. Jimin was sure he was probably upset from how he ignored him today. 

" Babe", Jimin looked up to see Yoongi leaning on his car. He looked a little concerned and Jimin already knew what was coming so he braced himself. "Hey hyung." He wrapped his arms around the non-convinced boy in front of him. 

Yoongi's eyes watched Tae's car pass by them as he hugged Jimin. "What's going on between you and Tae? He looked pissed just now, and not to mention he passed by you and said nothing." Jimin sighed and opened the driver's side door. "It's nothing hyung. We're good." Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he got into Jimin's car from the passenger's side.

" I hope you know I don't believe that but I'll leave it alone until you decide you want to talk about it." The older boy said as he began to play with his phone. "Thank you." Jimin cooed as he leaned over and kissed Yoongi's cheek, making him pretend to gag but returned the kiss to Jimin's lips.

"To the studio." 


"Fuck! Tae!" Jungkook groaned as he kicked the boy off of him then turned to crawl away as fast as he could but was pulled back by his feet. He burst into laughter as Taehyung jumped on him again, trying to pin his arms down but Kook wasn't going to give in that easy. He pushed his arms against Tae's to reach for anything to grab. 

Once he felt hair he grabbed it and pulled the boy forward and to the side as he flipped on top if him. They both were breathing hard. Somehow they began to wrestle out of fun. Tae was in a bad mood when Kook arrived so he decided to try to tickle him but it backfired and now he was trying not to be tickled, himself. 

Tae hissed from the tight grip in his hair but pinched the younger's waist, making him lean over and grab his side. "Ahh!" Kook was laughing so hard, he couldn't keep his grip on Tae's hair. When he let go, Tae quickly sat up and grabbed Kook's arms with the last of his strength. He held them down on the boy's sides and they sat looking at each other laughing. "Cheater." Kook said softly. 

" You started it, bun." Tae bit down on Kook's neck then leaned back up to kiss the boy's pretty lips. Jungkook couldn't help but smile as he kissed him back. They both stopped before they got too carried away and Kook got off of Tae so he could grab his phone. 

"Hyung, we should invite Jiminie hyung over. I miss the three of us hanging out." He scrolled through his messages as he spoke. Tae looked at the boy with a blank expression. "Jimin's busy at the studio, remember." Kook paused scrolling and slightly frowned but quickly straightened up. "Oh yeah. I forgot." He chuckled.

The boys pulled out their books so they could work on some papers that were due tomorrow. Jungkook watched Taehyung at his desk. He felt like something was really wrong with him but he had left it alone since he was able to make him laugh earlier. He didn't miss the pause in Tae when he asked about Jimin. Did something happen between them? Was it something he needed to be worried about?

"Hyung, wanna tell me what had you down earlier? I'm still a little worried." He watched the blonde boy move a little in his seat but he just shook his head. "Don't worry, bun. It wasn't anything serious. I'm better now." Tae looked up at Kook after speaking and blew him a kiss. 

Jungkook smiled but he didn't believe one bit of that. 


" Ah, Mr. Kim. Is everything okay? I wasn't expecting a phone call from you so soon." 

" Yes sir, I know. I wanted to properly let you know that I have decided to take on another position a little closer to home." 

"Well that is unfortunate but I understand. Not many people can leave so far from home at such a young age but I am sure you will do well wherever you go Mr. Kim."

Namjoon smiled to himself.

"Thank you sir. If I do decide to come to America, I hope I can still contact you for possible opportunities." 

"Haha! Of course, your father is a long time friend and I wouldn't dare upset that man. Besides that, I have heard and seen a lot about you, myself. You have more potential than you may realize. Well, I have a meeting to get to. Thank you for calling. Best wishes and maybe we will meet soon."

Namjoon nodded. "Of course sir. Goodbye."

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