Chapter 19

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Hoseok stood by his car during lunch, hoping that Jooheon would come meet him. He had texted him last night to meet him today but he didn't get a reply. Lunch was almost over and there was no sign of Jooheon.

Hobi: Babe? Are you okay? I was hoping you'd show up to meet me today 😞

*10  minutes*

Hobi: Jooheon. I get that you are going through something crazy but can you at least say something to me? I really am worried and I don't want to just pop up at your house but I will if I have to.

Jooheonie: Meet me at the park by my house tonight. We need to talk.

Hobi: Baby! Are you okay? 

Jooheonie: Hoseok I'm fine. I'll see you later.

Hoseok frowned. He felt his eyes stinging from the tears that wanted to fall. Something wasn't right and he could feel it. He wasn't sure what Jooheon wanted to talk to him about later but he was sure he didn't like how he was talking to him. Calling him by his name; he hadn't done that since the first week of them dating. 

With the heaviest feeling in his chest, Hoseok went back inside to finish his classes.


Yoongi and Jungkook

SUGA: Are you busy?

Kook97: I'm in the most boring class that has ever been created so no. What's up hyung?

SUGA: Has anything seemed weird between Jimin and Tae lately to u?

Kook97: Honestly, I haven't really looked at them liked that when they are hanging together. Why?

SUGA: Look, don't say anything to Tae or Jimin because I'm coming to you to vent and because I feel like I can trust u, even though I would understand if u do go off just don't go off to them ...please...promise me

Kook97: What's going on hyung?

SUGA: Kook...I'm serious

Kook97: ok I promise

SUGA: Me and Jimin were in the library studying and he was texting for a while. I didn't pay attention too much because I already figured he was talking to Tae. 

Kook97: Hyung...get to the point

SUGA: I saw Jimin send Tae a sexy pic and I didn't get the full conversation but I saw Tae say that he was going to get his shirt back from Jimin tonight

Kook97: wtf

SUGA: right. I don't know how to feel. I wanna be mad but I feel like they may be still stuck... you know

Kook97: ok but why not talk to us about it or...nvm

SUGA: Exactly...I don't know how to feel but I know I didn't feel too good

Kook97: Honestly, me either now that I think about it

SUGA: I gotta head to my next class so I'll talk to you later. Do u mind coming to the studio tonight?

Kook97: your making another song?!

SUGA: No. I just want someone to drink with

Kook97: cool, I'll meet u there.


Namjoon and Jin

Namjoon: Hyung. I am so sorry. I will decline the position. Please talk to me. I don't want things to be this way.

Jinnie: There's no need in you doing that Namjoon. You'd be a fool to miss that opportunity. Besides I'm going to be taking over my dad's job in Japan.

Namjoon: Jin...I thought you were going to hold off on it for a while

Jinnie: I don't have a reason to anymore...

Jinnie: Namjoon let's not talk about this right now

Namjoon: NO! YOU'RE GOING TO TALK TO ME ABOUT IT NOW! I know I fucked up with forgetting to talk to you about the letter but that was only because I was scared of your reaction and I see now that I had every right to be scared.

Namjoon: I would gladly find a job just like the one in the U.S. here to translate in English. I could do that too. I'm not trying to throw us away that easily. I didn't think you would, though.

Jin turned his phone off and dropped his head on the desk he sat at in a small corner of the library. He couldn't take their conversation much longer. It hurt too much. He knew that , deep down, the right thing would be for them to talk about it and he figured he would, but when he was ready. He sat back up with his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath then let it go as he opened his eyes. 

He nearly shit himself when he saw Namjoon's frustrated face in front of him as he sat in front of him. " W-wha..." Namjoon sat with his arms crossed and just stared with so much hurt in his eyes. It almost looked as if he had been crying or was about to. 

Jin looked to the side as he rubbed his thighs nervously with a heavy sigh. "D-don't do this Joon." Namjoon just stared at him for a few minutes before leaning forward, resting his elbows on the desk. " long did it take you to decide that you wanted to take on your dad's job?" The frustrated boy asked with a low tone that  Jin felt deep in his bones. 

Jin refused to look at him and he wasn't about to answer him either. Namjoon was trying so hard to keep his patience. He was known for it but today, he was running so low on it. He sighed and looked down at the desk with a slight tilt of his head as if he was trying to pop his neck. " Jin...I know you may not believe this fully, but I'm serious about you. You have been there for me throughout my tough times and I am so grateful for that. Y-you told me once that you wouldn't give up on me and I took your word. Was I wrong?" He looked up at the boy, who still refused to look at him.

Namjoon continued. "L-like I said, I will decline the job and I will do it happily, hyung. I'd rather go with you to Japan and build a life than be so far apart." Jin's eyes couldn't hold his tears anymore so he let them fall but kept his breathing under control, his eyes falling to his lap as he listened. 

Joon moved so that he was directly in front of Jin, kneeling and looking up at him. HE grabbed his hands and kissed them. "Hyung, I-I c-can't end this school year on a bad note with you. S-so...", his voice began to break as he spoke so he paused to look up at the ceiling, trying to push his tears back in his eyes some how. Jin instantly looked at the boy when he heard his voice crack. 

The sight was so pitiful that Jin broke down. They both wrapped each other in the tightest hug as they cried on each other. " Joonie please stop crying. I-I forgive you and I'm sorry for how I treated you." Jin pulled away to look at his love's face, wiping at the boy's eyes and cheeks. 

Namjoon laughed in relief at Jin's words. "Thank you, hyung. I'm not mad at you. You weren't wrong in being upset but I appreciate you apologizing." He smiled at him with all the love in his eyes. He wanted to tell Jin that he thinks that he may have fallen completely for him but he figured there would be a better time for that.  

Jin smiled back at him then leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss on Joon's lips. 

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