Chapter 17

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Yoongi watched Kook as he sung the hook and chorus they had put together. He sounded amazing. The boy had a real talent and Yoongi hoped he'd try to do something with it after he graduated but he wasn't going to push him about it. He knew Kook was undecided, still, on what he would do after he graduated. Honestly, he had time to think about it so Yoongi would let him do just that.

"That's great Kook. We're done." Yoongi stopped the music and Kook smiled as he stepped out of the studio. "How did I sound?" 

Jungkook knew he could sing but he didn't do much with it. He liked helping his hyungs when they needed him, though. Had he thought about trying to become a singer? Yes, but he wasn't too sure about it just yet. 

"You sounded amazing Kook. Thanks for the help." Yoongi gave a small gummy smile to the boy. Jungkook just stared with his doe eyes at hyung, swallowing hard then nervously laughing. "Your rap was amazing too, hyung. You and Joonie hyung always impress me." 

Yoongi nodded as he sat back with his eyes closed, listening to his friend compliment his work. His eyes shot open when he felt hands on his thighs. He looked up and Kook was leaning over looking at him, closely. " You tired, hyung?" The boy asked innocently then pulled his hands back after realizing what he was doing.

Clearing his throat, Yoongi nodded. "Y-yeah, a little but I'll be fine. We should go ahead to Joon's place. Don't want to be too late." He pushed himself up out of his chair. The whole time he could feel Jungkook's big eyes on him and he tried his best not to stumble or look at him, at the moment. 

As he was reaching up to grab his coat from the rack by the door, Kook stepped up behind him. Yoongi could feel the boy's breath on his neck and he stiffened a bit, his back straight but his head hung a little low. Taking a deep breath, he quickly turned around to face the younger. Just as he expected, Kook was staring down at him, but as if he was watching his body, then quickly looked up at his eyes as if he was waiting for something. 

Tension. So. Much. Fucking. Tension.

They both felt as if it was beginning to become a little too hard to breath, leaning into each other. Yoongi's eyes widened as he snapped out of the trance he was falling into and stepped back, bumping into the coat rack a little. "N-No...let's just leave Jungkook." His voice was a little shaky but his tone was serious. 

Jungkook didn't say anything and his face kept a blank expression. Yoongi couldn't tell what he was thinking but sighed in relief when the boy backed away and turned to leave. 

"Sh-shit!" Yoongi cursed at himself, grabbing his hair as he stared at his feet. How in the hell was he going to keep getting through these moments? This wasn't the only one that had happened since the cabin trip, a little before school got crazy and he knew it wasn't going to be the last. 

It was slowly breaking him down and he wanted to keep things platonic, for the both of their sakes but sometimes it seemed that Kook couldn't give two fucks about platonic anything. His phone vibrated.

Kook97: We're gonna be late

Yoongi put his phone in his pocket before hurrying out the door. They'd be fine. He'd be fine.


Jimin hummed as he finished decorating his dad's cake. Making the cake had put him in a better mood than how he was earlier. He had a small smile resting on his face, swaying his hips slightly to whatever he was humming. 

He didn't hear Tae enter his house. The younger boy stood watching him for a few minutes before walking up behind him. "Keep your hands to yourself Tae" He thought to himself as he stood so close to his best friend. Jimin felt a presence behind him and instantly turned around, yelling when he saw how close that presence was to him. 

"What the hell Tae?!" He smacked the boy's chest before turning back to the cake to make sure he didn't accidently mess it up.

"Sorry Chim", was all Tae could say as he kept staring at Jimin from behind. The damned boy sure knew how to show off his body. He was wearing a fitted white t-shirt with fire engine red pants that made his ass pop more than it already did. Tae turned away, shaking his head to get rid of his inappropriate thoughts. It wasn't working.

Jimin was watching Tae as the boy seemed to be talking to himself a little. He chuckled. "What's wrong Tae?" The boy turned to him and just stared a bit before speaking. "Those pants....*cough*...uhh n-nothing... anyways how've you been Chim?" He tried passing a smile that would help the boy to ignore the slip up he made. 

Jimin frowned a little. He heard Tae and something inside him got excited that the boy had been looking at his pants. Did that mean he was looking him over? Did he like what he saw? Jimin smirked as he looked down to the floor then back up at his bestie.

"You like my pants? Tae's eyes widened and his mouth dropped opened to try to save himself but was interrupted.

"...or what's in them?" Jimin was rocking a little back and forth with his head tilted to the side and his hands behind him as he watched Tae and waiting for his response. Tae was too shocked to even get anything out. So he just took a deep breath as he looked away from the shorter boy. He had ran a hand through his blonde hair as he seemed to be trying to figure out how to speak.

Jimin noticed Tae's struggle and instantly straightened himself. "I-I'm sorry Tae. That was inappropriate. I've been okay, just trying to finish this semester the right way, you know." There was nervous laughter from the two best friends as they stood with a large distance between the both of them.

Finally, Tae could feel his voice coming back to him. "Y-Yeah same for me. We should probably go ahead to Joon's, right?" He flashed a small smile as he glanced at Jimin then somewhere else. Anywhere else.

"R-Right." The sweetest smile formed on Jimin's face as he walked up to Tae, ready to leave but he wanted a hug for some reason. He could slowly feel the stings of rejection creeping up on him again and he just wanted comfort. Would TAe be able to give him that, at least? 

"C-can I hug you?" He looked up at his friend with soft eyes. They were soft but Tae felt as if he could see something a little more sadder in them. He hated how things felt now. He nodded in response before puling the small boy into his arms. They hugged tightly as if they were afraid of losing each other. The hug wasn't that long but it felt like forever to them. 

They smiled at each other then made their way out the door. 

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