Lonley Waters💧 Giyuu x Reader

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Gender Neutral!

Third POV:

You were the winter hashira, and just like any other Hashira you had your place to be one. You were strong, fast, and hard working. You got along with everyone of your fellow Hashira like the flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. But someone you really didn't get along with was Giyuu Tomioka, the water hashira.

For some odd reason Giyuu was hated by everyone. (Except Mitsuri Kyojuro and occasionally Shinobu)

He was always distant from the others, never participated in parties or events besides meetings which were super important by the master.

He was alone and he liked to isolate himself. That's when you started to take notice of this daily.


Something that got on everyone's nerves was a thing he always ended bringing up was about how different he was from everyone. I didn't understand what he meant, but I had a strange feeling it's not what I think it is.

This particular day, or I should say night. Tengen Uzui, the sound hashira was hosting a little party at his estate. Mostly all the Hashira went except the ones who had missions of course.

I only popped in there for a few minutes before leaving. I could tell he was bringing out the drinks and things would certainly get heated.

I walked back to my estate which was in the mountains. I loved the snow dearly, it's why I'm the winter hashira. I don't mind the coldness too much, and I love everything about winter time.

So my estate was higher up in the mountains.

As I walked farther up the mountain, I started to feel a strange close presence by. I turned to my right and saw a pond. I walked closer to the pond and saw the clear glowing water. Little Lilly pads floating atop. It was a very pretty. I saw little koi fish swim in it.

I was unaware of the presence I felt earlier as I stocked my hand in the pond to touch the fish :>.

I heard the crack of a twig from behind me and instantly turned my head to see what was there.

I was a bit surprised to see..Giyuu? He was partly behind a tree and he looked my way.

"Giyuu?.." I said catching his attention.

"Uhm..hello..Y/n.." He said nervously. He walked out from behind the tree and stepped into the view of the moonlight.

"What are you doing here? I asked standing up and wiped my hand.

"Just..getting some air.." Again with the nervous talk.

"Ah..well would you like to come to my house for some tea?.." I offered. He nodded in a reply and I walked over to him.

"Follow me." I smiled at him and he trailed behind me.

When we arrived my house, I boiled some water and gave him some tea.

"Here." I gave him a cup.

"Thanks.." He said and took a sip of the tea.

I sipped my own tea as well.

"I didn't see you at the party Tengen was hosting.." I said starting to get a conversation started.

"Yeah..I wasn't feeling up for it." He remarked.

"Ah..I see. I only popped in there for a little while as well.." I replied. Giyuu looked at me with a little surprise then nodded.

"Tengen party's..are always a little.. roundup.." He said. I choked back on my tea and started to giggle.

"I agree..he always has such crazy party's.." I smiled.

Giyuu and I may not be the closest bunch of apples- but we were certainly good friends.

It ain't over bro( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Giyuu and I ended up being closer friends. I felt like he started to be less lonely. I was happy he started to open up to a person like me- more.

We ate salmon daikon together which I learned was Giyuus favorite food. He told me he had a sister that was almost just like me, it made me happy to know that he said me as a person he cared about.

And I really did care about him.

End!!! 😘

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