Cuddles🥰 Kyojuro x SickReader

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(This was requested!!! OMFGGGGGG RENGOKU SO HOT BRO SO IN LOVE I SWEAR TO GO I GO ABSOLUTELY FERAL FOR HIM!!🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐 this chapter is extra long for an apology and because I'm just so in love with this guy)

Third Person

Kyojuro Rengoku had a problem. His wife, was sick.

His poor beloved wife caught a cold. Well, it was winter so that explained it. Winter time was the time when the cold seasons came around and when it is cold it attacks the nerves in the body and makes them vulnerable.

So Y/n caught a cold.

Kyojuro had missions to go on being a Hashira and saving lives of people but when he had the chance he would come home to comfort his wife.

Then again, Senjuro would come help as well. He'd bring you food and help check your temperature. He was very fond of you because you had good conversation. So he helped the best he could.


"-cough- -cough-.." Sitting up and drinking water you cleared your throat.

"You seem to be getting a little better Y/n Chan.." Senjuro said holding a thermometer. (Thermometer were invented in 1612 btw so don't come for me)

"It's gone down a bit." He showed you. You smiled weakly at him.

"Well that's good then.." You lied back down into your futon and tried to get more rest.

"Lunch is near. Anything you want to eat?" Asked Senjuro.

"Hmm well.." There was nothing really specific you wanted to eat.

"Nothing comes to mind for me. You could surprise if you want." You smiled at him.

"Alright then." He smiled back and left to the kitchen.

Trying to get sleep and hope this horrible cold will leave. Having a cold is no fun. You sometimes lose your sense of smell and taste for a while but they always return eventually.

You get stuffy noses and your throat gets sore.

Being sick sucks.

'When will this cold leave..' You cried in your mind mentally.

But as if all your worry's washed away and the sun has come out to shine.

"My dear!" You heard the sound of the familiar booming voice through the hall.

The door slid open to see your dashing husband stand before you.

"How are you feeling my love?" He asked and sat down near you.

You sat up a bit smiled. With him here just makes your heart warm and fill with love.

"A bit better. But with you here I feel all the more better.." His smiled grew and you held onto his hand.

"Senjuro is making something for you to eat I hope it will help you even more!" He said.

"I'm off until later tonight. I might have a mission around dinner, so I might not be here. But I will stay with you here in your comfort!" He said. You loved that about him. The time you would get whenever you had problems, he would come to your rescue.

He was your knight in shining armor and you were his beautiful princess. (Cheesy I know but it's cute)


Later you ate the food Senjuro cooked for you and you thanked him greatly.

Kyojuro had a to leave for a mission which made you sad but you tried to not feel too bad.

You decided to sleep for the night and get your rest..

ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 🛏
(Time skip)

The next day came around and for some reason you felt like you had more shivers than yestarday.

You were shivering all day and tried to cover yourself with blankets. But nothing was helping.

This worried Senjuro which worried your husband.

"My dear is there anything I could help you with?" It broke his heart to see you suffering like this.

"N-no..All I need is you here.." You smiled weakly at him. Still clinging to your warm futon you tried to warm your body up.

Kyojuro watched the color drain from your face and your pale cheeks that are no longer rosy icy cold.

He crawled over to you and picked you up. Holding you tightly in his warm arms.

You felt the warm heat radiating off his body onto your cold figure.

You felt the warmth and let it sink in..

You started to doze off to sleep finally after long attempts to.

Being in his warm arms made all the stress fall off your shoulders. Like warm rain..

"I'll protect you my love.." He mumbled before you fell asleep fully.

You dreamed about standing in the rain. How cold and isolated it was. That's when the sun shined through the clouds, and gave you warmth.

The soft breeze of wind blowing you beautiful hair as you let the sun kiss all over your skin.

You woke up about an hour later to still see you were in Kyojuros arms. The two of you were laying down this time more comfortable. You turned to face him and see his gorgeous face asleep.

God. You just wanted to kiss him all over.

You layed on his chest and you felt better than you did before. But even if you didn't feel sick anymore you wanted to stay with him.

Cuddles are truly what makes you better..
(This is so cute!! I loved it!! Fangirling the whole time 😍😍)

End of this story🥰😘

End of this story🥰😘

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