Snow❄️ Koyuki x M!Reader

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Male Reader!

This was requested by @HantraxHF

Third Person:

There was but one girl that captured your special attention. And that girl was Koyuki Soyama.

Koyuki was the definition of beautiful. She was kind and shy but non of the less she was the most beautiful creature you ever beheld.

During the winter though Koyuki would get sick very easily. You wish to do something about it. You would send the family medicine and futons in hopes of her getting better.

You never wrote your name on it though, it was a mystery to the family who to thank.

Another thing you have to know is that your a samurai. You work with the katana and help people in need.

While working though during the winter cold season, you had the chance of seeing Koyuki out in the winter.

'Koyuki-San? What on earth is she doing out in the cold weather?!'

You knew how sensitive her body reacts to the freezing weather.

You were making your way over to her just then you saw her collapse to the ground.

Your eyes widened and you ran over to her.

"Koyuki-San!" You shouted and picked her up, bridal style.

"H-hello?.." She muttered weakly.

"Don't worry I'll get you help..!" You the carried her back to her family dojo.


"Thank you for rescuing my daughter..Your in our deepest gratitude..!" Koyuki's father had bowed down to you.

"Ah! No please it's nothing really. I'm just glad she's ok." You smiled at the older man.

"Koyuki is very fragile during winter season. I'm afraid her body just shuts down." He said.

"I you mind if I accompany her?" You asked.

"Of course, here follow me." The two of you exited the room and walked to where Koyuki resided.


He opened the shoji door to see Koyuki laying weakly on a futon with a rag on her head.

"Father?" She called out.

"Koyuki dear, you have a visitor! He's the man here who saved your life.." He said showing you in through the room.

"Oh..dear me.." She then sat up from her futon and you sat next to her.

"I thank you deeply sir for saving my life.." She smiled weakly.

"No no. I'm just happy your ok, what were you doing out there in the woods anyways?" You asked.

"I wanted to see the snow.." The snow?

"Why the snow if I may ask?"

"I never get to go outside because of the cold finding it's way in and my immune system acting up...the snow is just so pretty..the little may be a surprise to you but winter is one of my favorite times of the year.." She blushed a little and looked down at her futon.

"I see, but please I don't want to see you get hurt! If you like, I would accompany you..!" You exclaimed. She looked up at you a smiled with little tears.

"You would? For me?.."

"Of course..!" You smiled.

Later that day you joined the family for dinner and the next day you dropped by with a gift.

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