Ohagi🍙 Sanemi x Reader

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Gender neutral reader


Third Person:

Sanemi was a naturally angry person. So when a bright and sunny person like yourself came into his life it wasn't a total match at first.

So when you became the b/h (what ever breathing technique you use for your hashira) you wanted to get very close with all the others.

Mitsuri came very easy in your life, she was nice to everyone and very kind.

Shinobu goes to the same.

Kyojuro as well, he would invite you to eat sweet potatoes with him.

Muichiro was a tough cookie, he was super spaced out and forgot your name all the time by you did what you could.

Gyomei and you both had the same feelings towards cats! You loved em! (Sorry for the people who are dog people)

Obanai didn't seem to care to much as long as Mitsuri was involed.

Tengen was fairly nice but you kept a little distance because he has three wives and you didn't want to get caught in that.

Giyuu was very tough. He would just flat out ignore you and try to get away but you pushed through.

And as for Sanemi, he was even tougher. He tried everything to get you away from him.

"L/n-San. I told you for the one hundredth time! I'm not interested in getting lunch with you!" Sanemi yelled in your face. You ignored him.

"Come on now! Please...? I don't want to fight about this is it so hard to just have one lunch together?" You begged him.

Sanemi had an irk mark on his forehead, he really wasn't feeling like dealing with your bullshit today.

"Go away!" He slammed his door on your face.

You sighed to yourself in defeat. You needed to get some help.

So you went to Shinobu for advice.

"Shinobu-San?" You entered the butterfly mansion and roamed the halls quietly. You were fairly stealthy.

"Ah, Y/n-San?" You heard a voice from behind. You turned to see Shinobu behind you.

"Hello! I've been looking for you Shinobu-San! I need some help." You called out to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Do you if Sanemi-San likes anything in particular? Like a favorite food or something?" This info would help and try to get Sanemi out of his house.

"Hmm..I do remember he liked a food..I don't really remember what though.." She put on a thinking face and then shrugged.

"Sorry Y/n-San. But I don't know what Shinazugawa-San likes." Your face frowned.

"But if you want to find more about him ask Tomioka-San." Giyuu?

"Tomioka-San? But why?" I asked her.

"Just go ask him. I think he got off a mission a while ago." With that you thanked Shinobu and left to go to the water estate.

Walking up to the estate you knocked on the door before abruptly inviting yourself in. Yeah it is rude but that's how you were, you gave no shits.

"Tomioka-San?!" You called out to him. You entered a room and saw him meditating.

"Hey!" You yelled. He snapped out of his zen or whatever and looked up at you with a hint of annoyance.

"Hello..L/n-San.." He spoke. You sat right across from him and got to business.

"Do you know anything of Sanemi-San? Shinobu-San said you know a lot of him." His face didn't faulter and you smile grew.

"I don't know a lot about him I don't know what your talking about."

"Wha?! But do you atleast know what he likes? Like a food or something?!" You had a pleading face of praying to the gods above.

"Well..I do know that he likes ohagi-"

"OHAGI?!" You exclaimed, loudly.


"OKAY THANKS BYEEEE!!" You then ran out of the house leaving Giyuu with confusion.

You raced to the nearest market where they sold ohagi's.

"This is perfect!" You remember this store because you walked passed it multiple times but never actually went inside the store.

"I'll take very ohagi you got!" You exclaimed to the cashier. The older man looks like he was about to faint.

When you got the ohagi's you skipped to the wind estate with a shit grin on your face.

"Ohhh Sanemi-San!!" You exclaimed happily. You knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.

Surprisingly, he answered.


You smiled brighter and held out the box for him to see the ohagi.

"I brought you ohagi! We don't have to go anywhere if you want, I heard you like these so.." He sweat dropped and you could see him think for a moment. The ohagi's were working 😈.

"...fine..!" He said and you were so elated!

He invited you in and ate the ohagi's together.

I guess he really does have a soft side if you just look hard enough for it!

End of chapter.


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