Flower🌺Kanae x M!Reader

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Male Reader!

Third Person:

You are the rain Hashira. Your rather shy and timid but you grow easy on people.

When you first became the Hashira their was but one person that beheld your interest.

And that was the flower Hashira Kanae Kocho. She was very nice to you and kind. She was like a angel from heaven.

Not only that but her beauty too.

Everyone liked Kanae. I don't see who wouldn't.

But you slowly started to take more and more interest in her, you started to like her and you got very nervous when you heard her voice or felt her presence. Even her name alone just made your heart flutter.

The one thing that would end up getting in your way though was her younger sister, Shinobu Kocho.

She was very protective of her older sister and very stubborn.

You tried to get on her good side though.

"Ok..you can do this Y/n..just act casual!..totally..casual..." You were planning on asking Kanae out for a date. Yeah it might be a little too soon but you tried to make it as casual as you could..You also had wild flowers prepared. Wild flowers are the best kind of flowers because they are the most natural ones.

You collected your courage and confidence and walked over to the flower estate. (I assume that's what it was called before she died)

You knocked on the door and awaited an answer. To your luck her younger sister answered.

'Uh oh..'

"Hello there Kocho-San!.." You exclaimed and sweat dropped.

"Hello again..L/n.." She grumbled with a bit of annoyance.

"I-I..uhm..I wanted t-to inquire after your sister.." You said scratching the back of your head.

"You wanna take her out on a date?" She replied. Welp.

"Uhm..n-no! Nothing like that just a normal day..! Hehe.."

"I see.." Shinobu looked back behind her then grabbed your hand and dragged you inside.

"Wha?!" She yanked you into the estate and you just trailed behind her.

You were both back outside in the garden.

"So do you think your worthy of my sister?" She asked crossing her arms with a poker face.

"U-uhm..! Well no one can compare to her beauty and elegance.." Trying to get on Shinobus good side was hard indeed.

"Hmm..she is very beautiful..and smart too. But I asked if YOU are worthy to her." I mean you were a Hashira, your capable of protecting her if needed. But it was hard to answer the question.

"Uhm..I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.."

"Ugh..your such a loser. You should just come back when you think your worthy." Shinobu then walked away leaving you in some despair.

'Worthy? Like in skills and such? Or what?!'

Shinobu really put you on the spot. You decided to leave and find a way to be worthy of Kanae Kocho!

You will be worthy!

The past week you've been training yourself to be worthy of Kanae.

"Kanae is both beautiful and smart. Very skilled and kind. So I should try and be like her, prove that I will be worthy of her love..! No wait that's a little too far.." You groaned of exhaustion. How were you gonna show that your worthy?!

Welp..likes just go for it.

You up-ed your game and decided to just go for it.

You got the flowers and prepared yourself.

'It's ok..calm down..'

You walked over to the flower estate and knocked once again on the door.

The door answered and this time it was a different little girl. A girl with a blue kimono and black pigtails.

"Hello there! I'm looking for Kanae Kocho?" You asked. The girl stared at you weirdly then closed the door.

'Uhm...ok..maybe she was a little scared..'

The door then opened again and this time it was, Kanae, Shinobu, and that same little girl.

"Hello there L/n-San!" Kanae exclaimed. Her smile melted your heart.

"Uhm yes! Hello there! I just wanted to.."

'Uh oh! I'm freezing up..!'

"Yes?" She asked waiting patiently for your answer.

Gosh she is so kind.

"I wanted to Uhm..know if you would like to go..to dinner with me!" You exclaimed, you then handed her the flowers.

"Oh what beautiful flowers. Thank you, I would love to go to dinner with you.." She smiled happily. Shinobu just glared at you.

"Great! I'll see you later then?" You asked. She nodded her head.

"Great! I'll see you then!" You bowed and then left. Your heart was literally pounding out of your chest.


Later in the evening you waited by the flower estate for Kanae.

You hand a single rose in hand to give to her. You were so nervous..

Suddenly you heard a door open.

"I'll be back soon Shinobu-Chan? Ok? Take care of the girls for me!" Kanae waved goodbye to Shinobu.

You turned the corner and saw Kanae in a beautiful kimono.

You turned the corner and saw Kanae in a beautiful kimono

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(Ignore Shinobu)

"W-wow..you look amazing.." You blushed.

She giggled a little and smiled.

"Thank you." You then handed her the rose and a blush appeared on her face.

"What a lovely flower. Red roses are a symbol of love and affection."

"T-they are?! I had no idea!" You exclaimed. Honestly you didn't know that, you've read books about romance and such and know that the men always prepare a gift of a rose to the lady.

"Now, uhm..we should get going. I found this great place we should eat at!" You grinned.

The two of you then enjoyed the rest of your night out. The sky then soon fell into darkness and the moon rose up high.

"Wow..the moon looks lovely doesn't it.." Kanae commented staring at the moon. You then stared back at her.

"Yes..it does.."

She turned to face you and blushed.

Maybe the rose was right..

End of chapter.

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