Best Friend💕Daki/Ume x F!Reader

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Female Reader!!!


This wasn't requested but someone did bring it up so I decided to fufill it @HantraxHF

Third Person:

Ume was a very beautiful girl. It was too bad her family was in poverty.

She was making money by working in a yukaku at the yoshiwara.

You just so happen to be the same age as her. You watched Ume from afar, how beautiful she was.

I guess you could say you had a little crush on her.

Ume wasn't the kindest person though, she was a bit spoiled and a little bratty but you didn't care.

Your family was in poverty. Your father had done something terrible and to repay the debt he sold you to the yukaku and work as a Yujyo.

(Ok it might not make sense but you know in season 2 of demon slayer there were those girls at the houses that zenitsu tanjiro and Inosuke had to dress as, yeah those are yujyos the people who work to repay debt.)

You were the same as Ume but maybe a little less pretty.

It was weird, you were a girl and you liked a girl. What was this strange feeling?!

The next day arrived and you went out of your room and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry.." You said and looked up to see Ume.

"Ume-Chan!" You exclaimed and a little blush was spreading like wild fire on your face.

"Hello Y/n-Chan." She greeted with a light smile.

"Sorry I was going to get ready for the day before the customers come in.." You said.

"I know..I was actually looking for you.." She said.

"F-for me?!" Their was practically steam fuming out of your ears like a train.

"Wanna skip this morning? I have a secret hiding spot.." She smirked.

"Skip? But..wouldn't we get in trouble?"

"Yeah, but it's better to get punished then deal with some ugly hogs. Gosh they get on my nerves just how ugly they are." She groaned with annoyance. Ume was very picky on people.

When people would ask to see her she would act ungrateful and rude if they were ugly.

"Come on! Follow me!" She said dragging you through the hall.

"W-wait Ume!"

"Shhh! Do you want them to hear us?!"

You just kept your mouth shut as you let her drag you.

She opened her door to her room and closed it.

She walked near a closet area and peeled back some paper. Indeed there was a secret room. It looked like an attic.

"I sometimes sleep here because I can't stand those people." There was a futon in the corner and a lantern there with some food too.

It was her own personal hide out.

"You just have to be quiet. The walls are kinda thin." She said and seated on the futon.

"Come sit." She patted on the futon for you to sit. You obliged and sat next to her.

"Wow. I didn't think you were so committed to stuff like this.." You commented.

"What do you mean?"

"Like getting away from all those people. The 'ugly' ones."

"Yeah. I don't like them. I mean can't they see just how ugly they are?!" She sighed.

"Right. I mean if they want to find love they gotta fix themselves up first." You added.

"Right?! Ugh, it's all in a days work though. Just to get money. My brother deals with people if they get too close to me." She said crossing her arms.

"Your lucky to have someone like your brother..I'm an only child."

"You have me. You know your my best friend, I hope your mine." She said. You blushed a little.

"R-really? I'm so honored then.." You were squealing inside.

"Yeah, I never want to forget about you. No matter where I go promise me you will never forget about me ok?" She held out her pinky and you intertwined it with yours.

"I promise.."

"You understand me the most. The other girls just tell 'suck it up!' Or.. 'it will be over soon it's for a good cause' ugh! I hate them all."

Spending time with Ume was fun and the best kind. Even if you two got in trouble, you got in trouble together. Your heart fluttered everytime you were with her.

The next day rolled around and you were supposed to be at work but you were playing hide and seek and tag at the same time with the madam of the house.

"You girls get back here I see you two!" The madam yelled chasing you two around.

"Hehe! Catch us if you can you hag!" Ume yelled while grabbing your hand.

"You two..! Are in so..much..trouble!" She yelled. She was completely out of breath.

"Quickly in here!" Ume said. She opened the door to a closet and shut it.

"Shhh!" The two of you were giggling and laughing and could hardly stand it!

"She's gonna hear us shhh!!"

The madam walked past them without noticing which was the best part.

The two of you then bursted put in laughter.

"You..haha! Should have seen..seen her face!!Hahaha!!" Ume laughed.

"I know! Sh-she was so..haha!"

You could hardly speak.

The two of you were really best friends.

A week later you decided to scare some of the girls.

You two just so happen to buy oni masks.

(Scary looking demon masks)

You then hid in the kimono closet. The closet with all the kimonos.

"Shh! I hear them!" You both heard footsteps getting closer to you two.

"My hair isn't on point today! I hate it!"

"I know. I just hope my kimono fits me today.."

Just then the door opened and you two yelled.

"RAAAHHH!" You two yelled in unison.

The four girls who opened the door screamed in fear.

"AHH!! MONSTERS!" They shouted and backed away in a corner.

"Hahaha! You should have seen your faces!" Ume laughed taking off the mask.

"Hahah!" You couldn't form words you just

"Ume! And Y/n?! How could you do that to us!" One of the girls exclaimed.

"Oh be quiet, we were just joking around.." Ume smirked at you.


The two of you were really best friends.

End of chapter

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