Gift💐 Kaigaku x YokaiFem!Reader

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Yokai Reader!!

(For info a yokai is a Japanese spirit of some sort)

Female Reader!! And Demon Kaigaku!!!

Third person:

Y/n a young girl who haunts a beautiful forest. Around 200 years ago she drowned in the pond.

Y/n was a shy girl. She hated being around people but one thing she wanted most was to find love..

She cried every night in hopes of someone finding her and helping her..

Oh how she wish she had a lover, someone to love. Someone to care for, and someone who would care for her.

She had her heart broken though before. She's scared to love again but she craves love. She's lonely in the wood and it pains her little heart.

That was until one night when everything would change..

Kaigaku. An upper rank demon. The new upper six has been wandering the nights in hopes of new food.

Since he's became a demon he has to cover himself in the shadows of darkness, he doesn't seem to mind though. He likes his new power so that he can overpower the weak ones and the cry baby's.

To prove the people wrong.

While wandering in the night of and enchanting forest he suddenly heard the cry's of a female nearby.

"What?..who is that?.." He said looking around confusingly. He held onto the hilt of his sword in case of a slayer or another demon to approach him.

He only heard the wales from afar so he decided to discover it.

He walked deeper and deeper into the forest cutting through bushes and trees.

He suddenly pushed through and what he saw shocked him.

A beautiful maiden, sitting by a pond with her head held low and her long beautiful h/c covering her face.

She was the one who cried out loud but with an angelic voice. Her voice could hypnotize anyone.

She wore a short white and f/c kimono.

Kaigaku caught himself blushing.

When she felt a presence behind her she turned her head swiftly to see the upper 6 standing there with sheer shock.

Her beautiful e/c clouded her vision of tears that streamed down her soft s/c skin.

Her mouth was a-gap when she saw the young male. She thought this was it, her chance to find love again..

"Are you..are you the one I was looking whole life..!?" She spoke softly but with confidence.

Kaigaku stood their with some confusion.

"Huh? do you mean anyway?.." He asked the young female.

Y/n then stood up and disappeared into nothing. Kaigaku was a little spooked by this and looked around to see if she was anywhere near.

He then saw her reappear in front of him.

"What a handsome one of those demons I hear.." Y/n knew about demons of course. She lives for 200 years and knew about them from time to time.

Y/n's body is a special one, she can turn herself back to a human with the same feeling and touch of a human but she is still dead she cannot leave her garden.

"Wha?!..hey too close!" Kaigaku warned and backed away a little. He wanted to take out his sword and slash her but she was too beautiful and her kind sad face made him flinch and stop in his tracks.

"Yes are the one..! The one to set me free are you not?..your my knight in shining armor.." She said. Kaigaku was even more confused.

"What?!..listen lady I have no idea what your talking about?.. are you a demon as well?" He asked her. She tilted her head to the side and then shook it.

"No. I am not. I'm a trapped spirit. I haunt these forests, and I cannot leave until someone sets me free." She said looking away with a tear escaping from her eye.

"But I've been here for 200 years..and no one cares to help a weeping woman.." She then broke down into tears and fell to her knees. Kaigaku panicked a little and crouched down to comfort her.

"Hey hey! Calm down will won't get anyone to help you if you act like that..!" He said rubbing her back gently.

"But aren't you going to help me..?" She stared him with plead. He blushed a little from her face and then shook his head.

"W-w-what?! no! I can't..! I possibly cannot!.." He then stood up and backed away.

"If your a spirit..did you die here?.." He asked her.

"I did..I that pond over there." She pointed to the clear glistening pond.

"I was pushed and I got trapped. Something grabbed my leg and pulled me farther in..I couldn't escape..why must they have done this to me?..what did I do wrong..why.." She began to cry again and looked away from the pond.

She then disappeared from the ground and reappeared on a tree branch.

"It's so hard to live in this life..I have no company..whenever people come her they get startled because I'm dead. I understand why, but it hurts me so much.." Her voice cracked a little from the pain in her empty heart.

Kaigaku for once felt sorrow for her. He looked down at the ground and saw a beautiful lily flower.

 He looked down at the ground and saw a beautiful lily flower

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He plucked it and walked over to the h/c haired girl. She wiped away her tears and looked down at him.

He then handed her the flower with a flustered face and tried to look away.

"'s..a gift.." He said. Her face then lifted to a smile and she took the lily. As much as she seen these flowers daily, it was different this time. She had someone to gift it to her.

She smiled happily and she started to cry with happy tears.

"Hey! No more crying ok?!" Kaigaku shouted not wanted to see the poor ghost girl cry again.

She couldn't help it.

She found her love..

End of chapter.



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