Study Buddy📚Tanjiro x Reader

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(This is a Modern School Au and non binary for all my non binary friends)

Third person:

You were stupid. Yep, a stupid person. You didn't study, you weren't good in school. You were terrible!

You just didn't care actually, for school for learning for anything that has to do with it.

School was hell for you.

That was until you got study buddy's...

Your teacher had reviewed the class scores through the semester and noticed that most of his students weren't doing too well..

So he came up with a system. Study buddy's!

Obviously you didn't want to do this whole study thing. You thought it was pointless but for your partner they didn't think so.

"Alright everyone! I will now list your partners for the study buddy system." You raised your hand before he started listing names.

"Sir?" You asked.

"Yes Y/n?" He answered.

"Why are we doing this?" You asked bluntly. He looked a little dumbfounded but responded.

"Some of us are struggling in the class and I want all of you to pass and do your best in life so I am having you all get into groups of two to study with each other." In his words you heard just the smart kids helping the dumb kids, and you were dumb.

"Now let's start.." He started to list the names off of the sheet of paper he printed out.

"Murata and Fuyu"

"Aoi and Kanao"

"Zenitsu and Inosuke"

"And lastly..Y/n and Tanjiro." You kept your head down trying to doze off to sleep when you heard your name.

You perked up to hear that you were partnered with the smartest kid in class. Tanjiro.

"Alright everyone go and sit with your partner! We will study for 25 minutes before lunch." The teacher explained. You didn't move you kept your arms crossed and head resting on them.

"Y/n right?" You heard a voice to the side of you. You looked up to see the one and only genius.

"I'm Tanjiro Kamado! I don't think we properly introduced!" He said with a smiled that shined like the sun.

You started to feel happy all of a sudden

"Erm..yeah that's me.." You answer and lifted your head up.

"Alright! We should start studying now." He said and sat beside you. The two of you brought out your note books that you studied on.

"Alright, what subject do you struggle the most with?" He asked you. You sat there feeling guilty.

"All of them I guess.." You sunk down in your chair.

"Hey, don't feel bad! I'm here to help!" He said with the bright smile.

"I believe you will do great if you just don't give up!" He replied happily.

You sat up in your chair and started to study with him.

"Let's start with math. It tends to be the most difficult for people." For the past 25 the two of you started to study about math. It started to make more and more sense to you and why their were letters in math.

It all started to make more and more sense. You couldn't help but admire how smart Tanjiro was unlike you.


The next day rolled around and you got up as usual. Skipped breakfast today because you weren't hungry and you knew you were gonna regret it but you didn't care.

Getting on the bus and arriving at school you remembered it was Thursday. And every Thursday you had a surprise quiz.

The quiz would usually be on a random subject so kids would study the night before.

You didn't study much but the day before with you study buddy.

The rest of the day went on and it was finally the afternoon.

"Alright class! I know some of you might not have enough energy but we still have to take our daily quiz." You heard the sad groans of some people. You just kept your head down low.

"Todays test is on...Math!" Even more groans heard from the crowd of students.

The teacher got the math quiz out of a binder and started to pass them around.

You received the quiz and wrote your name on it.

You turned to look at the crowd of students. Some had worried faces and other felt neutral or confident. While your eyes supervised the students you saw Tanjiro who was looking back at you.

He gave you a thumbs up from your studying yestarday. You weren't going to throw this quiz away like the others! It was only 10 points not a huge deal..

So you started so smirk. You decided to give it your all!

After the quiz was over it was time to clean up and get ready to go home. You pushed in your chair and stood behind it and grabbed a broom and started to sweep the classroom.

You felt a light tap on your shoulder.

"Hey!" You heard the familiar cheerful voice. Looking over your shoulder to see Tanjiro standing there.

"How do you think you did? Good?" He asked. You didn't know if you were right or wrong. If you got a 2/10 like usual or an 9/10.

"I think...I did..good?" You questioned yourself.

"Well I guess we'll see! But I'm sure you did great!" He smiled. You blushed a little from the compliment.

After you all finished tidying the class you all received your quizzes back. Teacher has fast grading skills.

You closed your eyes and slowly opened them to see you got a...

"8/10!" You gasped with surprise. Yeah you missed only two but you were happy. Tanjiro came over and saw your score.

"You did it Y/n!" He hugged you suddenly, causing you to blush a little.

"Sorry.." he let go.

"I knew you could do it!" He smiled.

You had a feeling you were going to be good friends in the future..

You were study buddy's after all.

End of this story! So cute! I liked this one🌸

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