2: ̗̀➛ New companion

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"I can't tell whether you're alive or dead, wake up

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"I can't tell whether you're alive or dead, wake up."

A kick to the side of your torso awakens you and puts you in a defensive pose not knowing who just did that.

"Who are you and why did you kick me?!"
"I guess I will tell you, I'm Scaramouche the 6th of the Harbingers. Isn't it obvious by my attire?"
"Well no I'm not that interested in fatui or harbingers."
"Makes sense but what about you, if I have to answer questions you do too."

You hesitate to tell this unknown man your details but give in.

"I'm y/n working in the adventurers guild. I'm not originally from Liyue Harbour so that's why you probably don't know me."
"Y/n huh.. Your backpack was stolen during the night by some thieves, should've looked for a better spot than this open cliff. Oh look over there! A house can you believe that!? Maybe if you weren't so dumb you would've asked that old-timer to stay for the night. Well that was the consequences."
"OH MY GOD you were right my bag is gone and I didn't even notice. At least it didn't have much things that I care about in there. I was so tired that night so I was being a bit ehhh which is why I didn't think of going to that house but anyways why didn't you stop the thieves?"
"It was a good show they played, that skinny guy looked so confused and worried it was hilarious, must be his first time working with the treasure hoarders like all he did was steal your 'useless' bag as the other said."
"So that's the whole reason?"

I sighed thinking my equipment was in there but now I have to travel back to the harbour just to buy some more. My week would be completely ruined knowing how long it takes to travel around.

"It's not even that big of a deal, stop worrying and get up."
"It's just I have a week off and I was ready to hike up mountains to see the views with all my equipment in the bag but now those thieves have it. It also takes forever to move around Liyue."
"Well it isn't my problem is it? I'm gonna go now, you're lucky you weren't killed by me."
"Wait please.. Just let me go with you just for this week? I swear I won't be a nuisance!"

The young man sighs and turns away, I doubt he would let me anyway so I shouldn't have my hopes up. But unexpectedly he turns back and lets out his hand waiting for my response and I think about it for a mere moment.

Wait what? I'm surprised he even thought about it, from his attitude I suspected he would turn down the request straight away, I guess I'm just special.

I take his hand and stand up hugging him almost making his large round hat fall off but it's quite sturdy sitting on his head then he pushes me off with a disgusted face.

He walks away to let me have some time to myself and when I'm done, which was a few minutes of just thinking of what kind of stuff he does, I lightly jog to him until I finally caught up.

"I was thinking you didn't wanna go"
"Why don't we go to my little camp now, it's not so far away and I can make some good food.. Unlike my servants.."

We walk in a deafening silence which made it quite awkward, the worst part is I can't think of any conversation starters. They were always the hardest part when talking so my friends always started them, that made me feel quite embarrassed when meeting new people. Sometimes I'm lucky like just then when there is a topic I could discuss on but now I can't, this is the cause of me being nervous.

I look to the side hoping to find something to focus on instead of thinking about the awkwardness, sad to say my eyes couldn't see anything interesting at all so I just watched the ground in front of me.

"There's still a lot of walking left so don't be left behind unless you wanna be lost."
"Sorry sorry!"

I lift my head higher and my legs go faster than what they were before and catch up to him. He was crossing his arms and looked like he was thinking hard on what to do, that made me quite nervous thinking he was gonna bring me somewhere no one knows about like some of those stories from the Liyue library. Oh don't be stupid y/n he just wants to help you, I think. I abruptly stop walking making him turn around confused.

"My... My photos and kamera were in the bag... Damn it! I was gonna show my friend them but never mind."

My hands meet my head while I remember me saying to myself that I would show Xiangling and Xingqiu the photos, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SHOW THEM NOW? What would the point of visiting this place be if I can't even have some memories of it.

"Calm down I can get you a new kamera, it would barely cost anything due to my affiliation with the Northland Bank. Let's just keep going otherwise we are gonna have lots of time wasted, you hear me? Life isn't fair and I'm just saying facts."
"I wish you weren't."
"Don't think I'm gonna show any affection for a dumb reason, let's just go."
"I didn't think you were anyways."

It was even more awkward than before, we both looked away from each other hoping this moment could just end already.

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