8: ̗̀➛ Dense

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I go up to Chef Mao, Xiangling's father, after waiting for the person in front of me to finish ordering and open up a short conversation,"Hey Chef, how's it going?""Hello, you must be Y/n

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I go up to Chef Mao, Xiangling's father, after waiting for the person in front of me to finish ordering and open up a short conversation,
"Hey Chef, how's it going?"
"Hello, you must be Y/n. I'm doing quite good right now, lots of customers have been here today."
"Ah that's nice, I was gonna ask where is Xiangling?"
"She is-"

A bright smiling girl appears from behind where customers can't see and lays her hands onto the counter, she then proceeds to walk out hugging me like she hasn't seen me in years.
"Well there she is."
"Daaaad! Anyways I missed you so much! How was the journey?"
"I missed you too but don't you think the big hug is a bit too much, I'm struggling to breathe!"
"Oops sorry about that."
She instantly let go off me making me do an exaggerated deep breath.

"So Y/n, where should we sit?"
"I was thinking of bringing Xingqiu too but I actually don't know where is right now."
"Oh, that's fine."
"I already asked Chongyun but he was looking around and couldn't find him."
"Don't worry, just follow me and be quick."
I followed her running, not too fast, until we have reached the bottom of the stairs in the main area of Liyue, it was quite busy so we had to slow down at this point.

"Now, make sure to not run or do anything bad got it?"
We walk up the long stairs not disturbing anyone and reach the top to see Xingqiu looking really into a book, it was best not to disturb him but of course Xiangling had to go up behind him and put her hands onto his shoulders in a scaring way which did make him do small surprised 'hm' but that's all. He turned around looking as elegant as always and his smile lit up slightly.

"Hello there dear, Xiangling and Y/n. What is it that you need me for?"
"Well she was gonna tell me about her journey into the Liyue mountains and she wanted you to hear about it as well."
"Alright then, let's sit over there shall we."

We sit down round a table and the two eagerly look at me waiting for me to share what happened, I clear my throat and start thinking of what to say and not.
"Well... So, I guess it isn't as fun as you guys expect."
"Why not, care to elaborate?" Xingqiu inquires.
"I was just taking pictures of a beautiful view so I could show you two but I ended up falling asleep without realising someone was gonna steal my stuff and it turned out to be treasure hoarders so I lost my stuff."

Xiangling's brows furrowed thinking about it and told me,
"How dare they! I hope you were safe, tell us what was next."
"It was fine because some man came up to me and I basically just... This is embarrassing but I begged to go with him and he allowed me."
I looked up from my lap to see what their faces were and they all looked quite interested into what happened afterwards.

"I spent some nights with him-"
Xiangling slapped her hand onto the table slightly but not angrily just confused gaining strange looks from strangers, Xingqiu notices and clears his throat to her to not cause a scene.
"Are you saying you slept WITH him? Oh my Archons, don't tell me it's love at first sight."
I thought about him and his personality, he is good-looking and all but I don't think it counts as 'love at first sight'.
"No way, I'm just saying I travelled with him and he offered me some places to sleep kinda."
"Since you're my best friend I'll just have to believe you and who is that man anyways? Is it someone from the adventurers guild or some random guy."
"I can't say."

Xingqiu looks at me suspiciously and asks me the same exact question but differently and I obviously said 'I can't say' to him as well, they look at each other and look back at me.
"Just say it, it's not like the whole of Teyvat will hear right?"
"Fine... It was a harbinger."
They looked absolutely stunned and just stared with wide eyes open which looked like they couldn't shut, Xingqiu's hand flew to his mouth and they just sat completely still processing what I just told them.
"You can't be serious." Xingqiu said to make sure if his ears were working correctly.

The short unnerving silence proved that the words I have spoken were the truth, my hands fidgeted under the table thinking about what the two will think of me in future and if any other people have heard anything from this awkward conversation. My head flinches from the sound of the two getting up, they nervously smile and Xiangling quickly apologises,
"Sorry about leaving so soon, we ought to go somewhere. See you later.."
I watch my friends leave and sit in silence contemplating what I should do for the rest of the day. My mind jumped straight into wondering where Scaramouche or Tartaglia is, I wouldn't mind being with any of them for the rest of the day as they both have their fair share of reasonably ok qualities.

Vlad seems to be the daytime guard outside of the Northland Bank so I request to come in and he awkwardly lets me in. Inside the building was normal with some fatui around but then I spot Scara at the front desk speaking to someone, the atmosphere felt uncomfortable to be in as everyone was quiet but he was in his usual thinking pose. I decide to wait for the time being until he's finished just so he wont be frustrated from the interruption. Someone offered me somewhere to sit but I decline for I am not staying here for a while. My back leans against the wall and close my eyes and I just do that for a few minutes while listening onto others' conversation - most of the things were about documents and people not paying debt.

"Hm hello Y/n, I didn't think we would meet here."
I hear a familiar voice in front of me which turned out to be Scara therefore I stop leaning and open my eyes.
"Oh hey something unexpected happened making me look for you, I hope that's okay."
"That's fine, I won't mind bringing you. I just talked to one of the ladies to talk about that kamera you need."
"And you aren't joking?"
"I may lie from time to time but this is no joke, just ask the receptionist lady and she will tell you about it. Currently someone is out there commissioning someone to make a new one."
"Thank you... I could never have replaced it if it weren't for you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now there was a client of ours that still hasn't payed their debt, you wouldn't mind being with me for that would you?"
"It's not like I have any other plans."

The house in front of us was near the outskirts of Liyue and it looked quite old and miserable, meaning it doesn't look like a nice place to live. Even worse that there's no nearby shop or anything so it would be mandatory to walk far distances just to get a meal. I knocked on the door hard a few times because he demanded me to and I stepped back a few places to be in line with him.

A middle aged looking man came out looking terrified of the sight in front of him, his automatic response was, "Please don't hurt me! I will get the money when I can... Please..."
The purple-haired had an angered face that could make anyone feeling like they have to prepare to die, the words coming out of his mouth in that state would all be true degrading anyone who stands in his way.
"You said the same thing last time and this time you think you can just go without trouble?"
"N-no... I just need more time..."
"That wasn't what I said."
"I beg you..."

All of the sudden a small lightning bolt strikes him making him unable to move on the ground with a shocked face, a mean smirk appears onto Scara.
"We are done."
He was walking away elegantly even after paralysing the poor man and didn't think of waiting for me after leaving me disturbed.

He can't be that bad of a person, can he?

Am I wrong?

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