18: ̗̀➛ The past

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"Just another few pests in the way, clear them out and we'll talk later

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"Just another few pests in the way, clear them out and we'll talk later." He rushes to say.
I wipe out my sword and charge in, hydro-infusing my sword, our visions work together very well as we electro charge them together. His electro catalyst is used to create small bolts from the sky and I apply hydro onto the enemies, their daggers and potions don't affect us at all as I attack. Once those ones are out I take a few breathes, "It was Signora's watchman... That's who was spying on us." He said while putting away his catalyst.

"But why?"
"I guess one of my soldiers told her watchmen about us and one of them decided to check, it's not that surprising."
"Wait, what about the letters, where the hell did you get them from?"
"I'm not gonna lie, before that shrine maiden came I had a quick look at his body and saw them hanging out his pockets. It looked interesting so why not?"
"Right... Won't the watchman take a look at them, we need them back."
"Do you even realise how long it's been? We are far too late now, you're just gonna have to deal with it."

A few minutes of silence passed, we were sitting around a campfire and he look straight into my eyes.
"I love you, Y/n."
"That was out of nowhere hahah." He got up making me also do that and he came towards me but I turned my back to him, confusion written all over my face.
"I'm not playing around, we can stay here forever."
"I have friends at home in Liyue, Scara. I cant stay here forever you know!"
"That doesn't mean we can't visit them from time to time, please. This is my homeland which I haven't seen in forever, though I have bad memories of it, I still want to stay and watch all the festivals... I was in the city and saw posters of one coming up and um... I was hoping if you'd go with me?"

I blush a little and look back to see just darkness painted all over. There was nothing, I fell to the ground and I can't move again. I try to talk but nothing comes out of my mouth and I start to panic again. There he is again coming closer and closer with his catalyst in hand, the electric pokes me like a needle and I feel myself fatigued. I remember the same nightmare happening in the teahouse. I used to space out for a minute before I kind of lost my vision but then it stopped happening, now this is happening and it's the second nightmare.

"Why did you come back?"
He slowly repeats over and over until he's barely whispering it, my ears tingle from it and this time I can speak, "What are you doing!?"
"You ask me, is this really what you think I am? A monster who slaughters people?"
I struggle to be released and in seconds my vision creates a hydro explosion knocking him backwards and getting his clothes wet, what I wasn't expecting was that his clothes and hair and everything else was changing. He no longer had a weapon, he was wearing more simpler clothes and his hair was just a bit longer and not in the same cut. His face wore a couple scars and his shoes clicked against the floor when he fell.

"Scaramouche... who are you really?"
"The past he wants to let go off."
His voice was soft and lit the place up, the eternal darkness changed into a paradise full of flowers.
"Are you him when he was younger?"
"Indeed I am, I'm Kunikuzushi. That's who."
"Kunikuzushi? I don't get it."
"Future me is very reluctant about giving information about the past so I will gladly explain but not too much."
"Future... past... my head hurts..."
"I was created by the El-"

I blink and jump back from seeing his face so close to mine, I was on the floor and Scaramouche was looking worried beside me,
"How did you pass out just like that, do you need to go to the pharmacist?"
"Was that you?"
His eyes widen and he stands up backing away, "Huh... what are you talking about? Are you okay!"
I just remembered, he was gonna say who he was created by but he got cut off and I woke up, I somehow need to enter my dream state and talk to him again! But not right now.

"Tell me, what happened when you were unconscious please? You just fell to the ground and weren't waking up."
"I had a hallucination of you? I don't understand."
"What else?"
"You changed, it's like a younger you was talking to me. It was all dark and then, I can't explain... I heard his name was something like Kunikuzushi."
"Did he tell you anything else?"
"He said he was gonna tell me about himself but didn't have the chance to."

After a long conversation of him asking me questions about the dream, we put up a small open tent with sheets underneath and were lying down on our back together in silence, only hearing the echos of birds calling and the rustling of grass. Oh how I wish he could tell me 'I love you' more, his voice makes me want to hear it more but that would be very embarrassing to admit in front of anyone, he would laugh it off or think I'm being weird.

"I'll tell you how I was like when I was younger, it would feel more genuine coming from the real me and not just a hallucination."
"I would love to hear."
We sit up and lean against the tent looking at the ground in front.

"I was born in Inazuma and my mother figure, I won't discuss her name, she was very powerful and needed someone to keep something safe. I was her first prototype, the sad thing is that she decided she needed someone else for the job and I guess kicked me out as if I wasn't good enough or forgot about me. I was left to roam the land of Inazuma by myself and a fatui harbinger found me, I decided to join because it sounded interesting and oh yes I was right, but not for long. They started to control what I do and no longer gave me the freedom to do what I want. I almost quit a while ago, it was not possible though since the 1st harbinger found out about my plans and sabotaged them. Now about that name, Kunikuzushi, that was my first name before I joined the fatui, after that I got the name Scaramouche and the title 'The balladeer'."

After he finished his little life story, I quickly put my arms around him hugging him tight, believing in what he said. He hugged back and patted my back with a sad smile, after all he's been through I can't believe he hasn't broke down a single time I was with him.
"Why did you tell me everything?"
"If a little hallucination was about to tell you this same story then I guess it's about time I should before you make your big decision, that being if you're gonna stay or run off to forget about me."
"Don't say that!"
Its a shame I couldn't point out the same fatui spy was hiding and I could feel their gaze upon us, those dirty ill-intended people should watch out, next time I won't be as hesitant to fight them.

For the rest of the day he was flustered everytime I talked to him, he was all awkward although I don't mind, it's not like he's gonna stay like that forever. I decided to write a letter back to Xiangling to let her know that I'm okay and when that's finished I can go to the city's dock to deliver the letter in the morning, hoping no thief will steal it.

I also thought back to when he asked to basically be my 'date' to the next festival in Inazuma and I agreed to, the only problem is money and the outfit, I will have to try and make some easy money until then. It's only in a few days so a few fishing trips and selling unnecessary things and I'll have some money, maybe I can even buy him an outfit. I'm so excited, I never went to a festival before except from windblume which is on every few years in Mondstadt, it's not as enjoyable as it was when I first went. I have to invite him to come one day. I cant wait to wear the masks and try everything!

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