20.2: ̗̀➛ Festival

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"Can I open my eyes yeeeeet!" I whine tripping over nearly every rock I step on

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"Can I open my eyes yeeeeet!" I whine tripping over nearly every rock I step on.
"You're so impatient, I promise you that we are nearly there."
Right now he is is behind me with his hands wrapped around my eyes guiding me to the most 'perfect' place for the view, I personally don't mind for him not to but I love him too much I just want to see what he came up with.

"Now, it has changed a fair amount the last time I've been here but it's still just as beautiful and I guarantee you will always remember this place in your heart."
"Oh my archons! Is that water Scara?"
"You bet." He then giggles below my ear, I feel his warm breath and finally feel his hands move away.
"We are here, m'lady."

The blossom trees dance in the breeze and I spin around, the evening sky, the stalls and outfits delight me. There were still a few people around so I look back at him waiting for what he is gonna say, "There is something special I also want to give you, this special kitsune mask for both you and me."
He puts it on me I help him by putting his on, I grab his hand and we get into the festival mood.

"Don't start rushing to do all the activities Y/n, we have lots of time."
"I know! I'm just quite excited, I've never attended one."
We walk over to a man behind a table with fortune slips, I point over and he nods happily in agreement. "Why hello there, I'm Shizimu. Would you like to draw a fortune slip?"
Scaramouche quickly replies before me and says, "Uhm yes... please."
"You're doing great with the manners." I sneakily said to him, he nudges me and pays the few mora needed.

"Ladies first." I pick up a slip and it says 'Great fortune'. The text reads: Today the wind will pick up, and you will succeed effortlessly in whatever you do.
The people around you will be exceptionally content, and no conflicts will occur.
You will dine on delicacies that you have wished for but not eaten in a long time.
In your work and in your travels, everything will go smoothly.
Seize the day and advance with zeal.

Now it was his go, he picked up a slip and it says, 'Great misfortune'. Funny how we got basically the most opposite things! It reads:
A day spent feeling empty inside can lead to a profound sense of powerlessness. The problems you face are defying your attempts to solve them. This futile endeavor is wearing you down and making you ill. But do not be discouraged that everything is going downhill. Survive this difficult period and one day you will achieve something great.

"Is this really true?" I ask the vendor,
"It's just a fun little activity, you can choose to not believe it if you want but it takes away the fun."
"Let's go Y/n, there's some food stalls over there that I think you will like a lot."

He pulls me away from the man and we make our way up the stone stairs to the next vendor, "These look like Inazuman snacks, don't be afraid to ask for any of it."
"Ooh! They all look so good, I think just the egg rolls are enough for me though."
I point at them on the display and the vendor passes it over and asks, "Anything for you?"
"I'll just have some egg rolls too." I laugh at him obviously trying to get the same things as me and we start eating the snacks together.

"Thank you so much, there's got to be a way to repay you as you spent a lot of mora on me already."
"No, no, it's fine. You can repay me in some other way... later..."
He smugly grins making me blush furiously, "SCARAMOUCHE!"
"Hahah, you're taking me the wrong way. And no need for my full name to be screamed, everyone's looking at you now! I just meant cleaning up but seems like you have something else in mind, am I right?"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Let's just go to the last stall please!"

"Don't worry, I just said that comment to make you feel embarrassed, genuinely you don't need to do anything in return."

Here is a stall that sells prayer plaques, it is an Inazuman tradition that makes you draw or write your wish onto a piece of wood and then pray to make it come true, I'm not the best at drawing but it doesn't matter. The vendor hands us two pieces of wood and of course we pay a bit more than the other stalls.

I try to figure out what I really want in life but nothing comes to mind, however Scara is already done and is hiding it away from me so we can both reveal it at the same time.

I decide to draw me and him with a pair of birds wings to represent freedom like in Mondstadt and a heart above. I reveal mine and he smiles, we then move on to looking at his which was a picture of an older looking woman and him with a heart. I tilt my head towards him and he says, "It's my creator, my mother, Raiden Ei. I would like her to remember me, to love me."
"That is so sweet of you." He nods and we hang them onto the prayer rack.
"By the way, the fireworks are starting soon. Better get a nice view of them." The vendor exclaims with joy.

We were sitting together on the high point of this little area where the festival was and wait for explosions in the sky. He mutters how they're starting in a few seconds and we sit in silence.

Just like that, fireworks shot into the sky, the beautiful sparks in the sky lit up Narukami island and they dazzled and twirled in all sorts of directions. The bangs were in all sorts of colours, ranging from red to purple. I sat in awe staring at how elegant they are, rising high in the sky to pop into either millions of piece or a small picture.

We purely look at each other's eyes and go in for the evenings kiss, the feeling of his soft lips on mine yet again pleads me for more and we continue like for a good few minutes until the booms in the sky started to end.

"I love you Y/n."

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