10: ̗̀➛ Daze

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At the bottom of the letter there was a small map showing the Mondstadt's wilderness and a circle in the middle of it, we both assumed it was where the unknown person's camp was ; after the rain stopped pouring we were on our way

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At the bottom of the letter there was a small map showing the Mondstadt's wilderness and a circle in the middle of it, we both assumed it was where the unknown person's camp was ; after the rain stopped pouring we were on our way. Beforehand we ate some food but we didn't need any backpack or his large round hat because he predicts that it will be a short investigation.

After examining the paper when walking out the city he snatched the letter out of my hand and rubbed the faint writing, he found a bit more info but not much. It was signed off with the treasure hoarder symbol imprinted beside the space where the name was.

"But what will we do when we get there?"
I questioned him.
"Just spy on what they're talking about and then we'll ambush them."
He pauses for a bit and continues,
"If you have a weapon of course."
"I'm not even trained and you're making ME try to attack them?!?!"
"I have encountered them many-a-times, all they have are some cross bows and rocks. You have to at least know how to dodge, don't let me down. I believe in you."
He looks over to me and smiles stupidly,
Moment ruined.

Time skip

Aghh! I feel a body covering my side, it was just Scaramouche though. He pushed me into one of the bushes surrounding what looks like the location that was on the map.
"Shhhh be quiet."
He whispered close to my ear, I deadpanned him so he could see the position he was in and luckily that worked ; he slowly got off me but still gave me an angry look with his finger close to his mouth and I just rolled my eyes at him so we could listen to the thieves' conversations. It looked like there were some stolen wagons with sacks of food or some kind of material that was supposed to be transported, I'm guessing they threatened the workers and took the load but that's the least of my concerns.

There were about 5 or 6 of them standing or lounging around the area, one in particular looked annoyed and more like a leader of the group, he was tapping his shoe on the ground and every few seconds he would walk around scouting the area.
"Where is the dude? I've been waiting for approximately 15 minutes, I sent him a letter which includes when and where to go. Shouldn't have trusted him huh."
"Boss Jian, should we go and do the procedure like always. If he comes he can join us?"
"You can't command the commander."
"Sorry Boss!"

The others looked worn out playing with stones and sticks on the ground, one of them stand up and walk up to the leader,
"Well can you just hurry up and tell us what we can do then! We have been waiting and to no avail you were standing around not doing anything. Forget that boy already and go."
"Fine then, we all know what roles we are doing right?"
They all responded at the same time saying 'Yes Boss.'

"Not so fast."

Everyone including me looked up at the figure who said it, it was Scaramouche with his glowing electro catalyst out. The treasure hoarders' were trembling and their faces were so pale as if they have seen a ghost, it was clear they know of this man very well.
Their hands went straight to their weapons - crossbow, potions, rocks, mud buckets. Now the real test to see my dodging and attacking capabilities starts.

My sword appears in my grasp and I stand for them to look at me too. He steps back and starts making electric hallucinations of himself around to confuse the lot, I clutch the sword hard and go in the area of effect to start swinging it around. I'm not experienced so I did encounter some difficulties. I almost got hit by an arrow if I haven't moved from my space, the sound of metal hitting glass bottles of chemicals was starting to annoy me and a whole lot of mud gets on my legs, oh my archons do I seriously need to clean myself when I get home? Almost everyone except one has fallen down due to the suffocation of electricity in the area which I'm not in and I fall to my knees out of exhaustion. Scaramouche stops the hallucinations to give himself a small break and we look directly into the guy's eyes. I let myself stand up to get some of the mud off my leg.

The guy fell to his knees and went into a praying position,
"Please let me go! I don't understand what we did to to you but please explain, I beg you!"
Scara steps forward and kicks his gut causing a small whine.
"You and your boss, Jian, stole this woman's backpack around a week ago. Don't you remember?"
"That- That was hers?! I- I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking."
"I decided to be nice and not kill your gang, now shoo off you go."

The guy scrambles to his feet and runs away sometimes limping along the way.

"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure, Scara. What is it?"

My eyes locked on his hands, one moved to the side of my cheek and the other gripping my hand, he pulled me closer until the tips of our noses touched. My heart races and my palms sweat, I never known he had such vibrant eyes it almost made me feel uneasy. I closed my eyes as our lips touched and I melted into the kiss from the pleasure, all the memories from the past week came flooding back to me. I wrapped my other hand behind his head to deepen it, the feeling of his smooth lips make me unable to comprehend what is happening.

We part from our brief but sudden kiss, I couldn't think straight after that. My head was in a daze, the awkward silence brings me back to when me and him first met and were walking to his camp but here we are.
"I shouldn't have done that..."
"No, it's ok. I-"
My head keeps telling me to say something but my mouth disagrees, it stays still making him laugh so hard, he brung his hands to his face.
"Ohoho me, an idiot? You could barely talk after a short kiss, stupid."
"Let me finish what you were gonna say, ahem 'no it's ok, I liked it soooo much'."
"Th- That was not what I was gonna say."
It is, kinda, but I'm not letting that brat be mean to me about it.
"Let's continue later then."
I stand still acknowledging what he said and slap him softly.
"Hah it's a joke, guess that's one thing you need to learn to take."

I look at one of the wagons with the bags on top and see a shimmering gem inside, the shiny thing attracted me towards it and I picked it up.
"What have you got there?"
I don't answer and look at it carefully, it was a hydro vision which looked the same size as the one I lost and even had the Mondstadt design. I rub the dust off the glassy metal bit and attach it to my belt.
"My vision."
"Oh so you have found it, that's great."
"I guess."
"Why are you so sad all of the sudden, I don't understand girls they're so confusing."
"Spending the week with you was fun but it's gone by so fast I almost forgot I'm gonna have to go back to doing commissions."
"Awww are you saying you will miss me? How cute."
"If girls are confusing, you must be one due to your sarcasm in the worst times."
"I'm leaving."
"It's just a jooooke, hmph you need to learn to take one too."
"It was horrible, please never make one ever again."

"It's them!"

We turn around instantly to see the blue and red duo - Amber and Kaeya, they're from the Knights of Favonious. I'm not friends or know too much about them but it feels like we shouldn't have let him go, he probably alerted the knights that there were two people trying to kill his group and he escaped or something along the lines of that.

"Freeze or we will have to maintain you both! You guys have been accused of possible or attempted murder so follow us to our interrogation room."

There's no way...

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AHHHH thank you so much if you have read up to this point and/or gonna continue reading!! Originally I didn't think many people would read this but I was wrong, even if it isn't as much as some other books I'm still grateful. And let me know if you like it so far (this is optional, I won't care if you ignore it). I'm also sorry if the kiss scene was cringe or bad, I never kissed anyone and that was my first time writing one, I thought that I should probably add a scene like that by now so I decided now is the time?!?! Okayyy bye see you next chapter :)

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