5: ̗̀➛ Meteorites

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Scaramouche and I were travelling to a place near Wangshu Inn to complete a mission, my legs and entire body were all aching from the amount of steps we've walked

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Scaramouche and I were travelling to a place near Wangshu Inn to complete a mission, my legs and entire body were all aching from the amount of steps we've walked. It was a good thing I wasn't alone in the mountains otherwise I would've let myself give up in the middle of nowhere with no one around.

He was feeling quite determined to get there yet didn't even tell my why we are going, I nudged his side to ask him something but all he did was have a short look at me.
"Hey can't you tell me anything! I'm gonna be with you for a week so why not?"
"I'll explain to you later, oh? There seems to be a young man on the floor.. Perhaps it will be linked with my mission."

As we approach the man on the floor, Scaramouche starts to observe him, the man was by a wagon and some boxes. The harbinger started to kick the body like he did with me but to no avail he wasn't waking up or anything so instead he kicked harder and said stuff like 'Get up' and 'We know you're awake'. He looked towards the cart and got out his catalyst, he used his hands to disintegrate the rock. I quickly put my hand to my face in shock, my vision could never do that I guess it's just useless.

What we didn't realise was some adventurers were walking next to us and also started to look at the body. There was a young blonde boy with a floating child and some edgy blonde girl with a raven next to her. The floating child started to speak,
"Is the guy on the floor sleeping?"
"I believe so. I've tried everything, but he won't wake up," Scaramouche replied.
The child spoke again, "Looks like he touched the meteorite, just like the others..."
"If by 'meteorite' you mean the rock that struck the cart - worry not, I have dealt with that already using my magic."
He looked back at the cart and continued, "But by 'others', do you mean to say, there are others who have fallen into a similar slumber?"

My hands went onto my hips thinking, other people going into slumber? But before I could continue my thinking the edgy girl talked triumphantly,
"One has witnessed with one's own Auge der Verurteilung the nightmarish slumber that proceeds forth from the Valley of Demonbone... It has caused great suffering for the humble peasants in the Vale of Springdom, many of whom still battle this wretched affliction even as we speak."
What the hell is she even saying? Then the odd raven spoke, I never thought that could happen..
"As mein Fräulein most eloquently describes, we have just come from Mondstadt, where many people have also fallen into an unwaking sleep. Their symptoms are identical to those of this poor gentlemen here."

"Is that so... It appears these meteorites really made quite an impact." The harbinger said.
"Seems this guy is dressed like a Winery worker... And we've already met Ben - so this one must be Fritz!" The child added.

The raven spoke for the girl again, "Given that workers' attire has precious few distinguishing features, I must conclude that Paimon is blessed with exceptionally acute eyesight."
So Paimon is the name of the floating child? That's one, I'll try to get the others' names if I can without sounding nosey.

"Actually Paimon's eyesight is normal, Paimon just has a really great memory! You're right, though, his clothes don't really stand out that much... Especially not compared to this guy over here." By that she means-
"Haha, and by 'this guy over here', you mean me?"
Yeah I thought so.
"Yep! Paimon's never seen anyone dressed quite like you before."
"That huge hat is quite unique." The young blonde said for the first time in this conversation.

"I am a vagrant from Inazuma. I had just stopped to assist this poor gentleman when you turned up. Are you investigating the aftermath of the meteorite strike?" Ah so this is what it's all about, out of everyone here I was probably the only one who was confused which was quite annoying but I have some info at least.
"Yeah, we were sent to help out." Paimon said.
"I am Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, responding to the cry of my people in their hour of need!" Fischl.. And that's two, just the young boy left.
"I am mein Fräulein's humble familiar, Oz the raven." Ok but since when can ravens talk AND have names?
"And Paimon is an Honorary Knight of the Knights of Favonious's best friend!"
Honorary knight.. I think I've heard that name being thrown around every few days in Liyue, Xiangling told me about him but I never thought I would ever see him in person.

"Oh? Then you must be said Honorary Knight of said Knights of Favonious."
"I am an adventurer of the Guild."
I wanted to at least say my name so I used my courage and also said, "Nice to meet you, I'm actually an adventurer too and my name is y/n."
"Behold, my people, your beloved sovereign in the flesh! Do not despair, for judgement by Thundering Retribution is nigh, and it shall surely purge the seeds of nefarious nightmares that now sow chaos across the land!"
"Um... Excuse me?" My same reaction bud, it's a shame you're a strict harbinger but if you weren't I would totally agree.
"Don't mind her, just... y'know, let her do her thing, she's a good egg really."

Our long conversation was intruded by some Millelith guard, I wonder what he's here for.
"Excuse me! What's going on here?"
"Oh great - good thing you're here, Mr Millelith. This guy's fast asleep, and he won't wake up!"
Then Scaramouche looked over to the group and proceeded to say, "Ah, it appears this is now in the hands of the Millelith - in which case, me and my.. friend are no longer needed. It was truly a pleasure to meet you all. I have other matters to attend to now, so we shall take our leave now. Adventurers... I wish you every success in your endeavours."
He smiled and nodded to me so we left off hearing a small 'Bye-bye~!' from the so called Paimon.

We were far enough away from that little group talking to the guard so we stopped walking and faced each other.
"So.. That's the Honorary knight huh, I will have to eliminate him when I have the chance. I will strike next time we meet, and you won't interfere right?"
His charming eyes met mine looking as serious as always, I nod not really thinking about it and of course ask the obvious question,
"What was that about? You acted so calm and almost innocent!"
"I wouldn't want to get caught in front of the knight and other guards, do I? Those weirdos are so naive not knowing who I am and what I will do."
"I think it's better to not get too cocky, I get you're a harbinger and all but they could be sneaky you never know."
"Hmph, we'd be best off to continue searching for signs of meteorites. Let's be off to Mondstadt, I have a feeling that they will be there."

The amount of breaks I have had since getting here was unbelievable, Scaramouche had to just say how pathetic all this is, if he really is a vagrant from Inazuma I wouldn't be surprised but considering how short he is I would've thought he would at least sit down even for just a bit.

We found a meteorite stuck in the ground with a strange aura illuminating around it, I used to visit this place a bit so usually there weren't many monsters but now there are more than expected and it looks like they're attracted?
"Hey Scaramouche doesn't it look like they're attracting beings and enemies?"
He bends down carefully looking at it and avoiding touching it, a guy around here was telling people to not touch them or they will fall into a deep slumber which we witnessed earlier in Liyue.
I watch around making sure nothing is too close especially the ground, those dendro slimes scare the hell out of me and it's always in the worst times so this time I need to stay focused.

"Yes, I am convinced that enemies are attracted to them and over there some fatui skirmishers are surrounding it, they're so stupid if they touch the meteorite. I cant believe they strayed away from their original posts."
"Should we take a small break from all this or are you just gonna continue searching?"
"If it will stop you from complaining, we will."

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