14: ̗̀➛ Attacked

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When returning to my home land, I avoided everyone I knew including Tartaglia, who was watching me in complete silence near the exit of the lively harbour, and I actually found a trustworthy person who was on his way to Mondstadt anyway to escort ...

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When returning to my home land, I avoided everyone I knew including Tartaglia, who was watching me in complete silence near the exit of the lively harbour, and I actually found a trustworthy person who was on his way to Mondstadt anyway to escort me to the city of freedom where I shall stay. It was a pleasant ride unlike the one with the surprise whopper flower attack! But at last after our long chit-chat on the way there we have gotten to the entrance, it felt like barely any time has passed but alas he departed and gone off to a nearby village.

During our conversation he mentioned one of his friends was caught up in a storm in Inazuma and never came back to the docks. I said my heartfelt sorry to him but all he replied with was 'Well too bad I couldn't change his mind last second, he was trying to get his resources over there since he's one of the guys who send out materials and unfortunately couldn't go back because of some kind of decree.' It's well known that Inazuma has been under lockdown but after that speech, he told me it was before the decree was set in stone so that was a bummer.

It's not my problem anyway neither the guy's fault, it's that damn archon and her little slaves who look up to her expecting her to be the most righteous of all. Hm nothing I can do as I'm on the other side of the large sea, not only that but I heard from maybe a few months ago that there has been a ton of thunder and reckless waves. Right so where did I put my keys again? Ah in this pocket, I unlock my front door expecting bright furniture with fun patterns but it's just some disgusting insects and cobwebs in the corners of the room with dust covering everything even the kitchen counters.

I'm thinking if I should spend my money on a maid for a quick cleanup, on the other hand I do have a lot of spare time which can be used to clean, perhaps I'm just too lazy to do it myself after the encounter with Mister Scarymoose, I think that's an ideal name for someone with the personality of him. It did seem a bit strange though, he was an okay person at first and didn't even kill me all those times he had the chance to strike me down.

He was a bit hesitant to tell me when he sat down next to me, it almost made me feel like he was forced to or needed to let all his anger out on me during that time but it's fate if we do meet again. I suddenly take notice of my surroundings and was too busy thinking about such trivial matters, I sit down on my bed and pat it and the pillow down, the dust flying off the bed appear so minuscule yet so noticeable.

I put down my bag filled with all my necessary items and rise up, I force my way to the door with my feet heavy. A figure with blonde hair who I know oh so well is stood at the Good Hunters talking to that very peculiar character of a fairy called Paimon at the tables. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him, he is the 'honorary knight' after all and everyone has deep respect for him. I walk over keeping my head low feeling embarrassed as if everyone here knows of the past between me and him, it is not a very friendly one.

I pull back the chair opposite him and slip in crossing my arms at the table and mumbling,
"Why hello there."
He furrows his brows and squints his eyes, I don't think he heard me so I clear my throat and say once again,
"Hello traveller."
He looks over to Paimon and stops furrowing his brows, the fairy glares her feisty eyes towards me and says,
"What do you want, strange woman?"

My answer isn't too clear, I have no clue why I even bothered to come it's just my head that was bringing my feet here.
"I want to talk with the blondie. I'm very sorry about the fatui ambush back when the meteor showers were happening, great there aren't anymore meteors anymore."
Once again Paimon spoke for him,
"Yeah no, if you're being sorry about the fatui then at least make it sound sincere! Are you one of his agents who was sent here to get information because if so, you're not getting it!"
Her loud and rather arrogant voice makes this even harder, she's a stubborn little girl who causes a big fuss everywhere. Even though she's one of the 'good' ones, I dislike her personality and what specie is she even?

"You've got it all wrong, I'm here because it's my home town and you happen to be here. It's not a problem for me to say hi is it?"
The blondie's whole demeanour change after my sentence and he loosened up a bit but still alert of anything suspicious. He decided to say:
"I need to be off to get rid of some treasure hoarders nearby Mondstadt, it would be best if I go now than later."
This is a chance for me to learn more about him so I question him quickly,
"Won't it be better if I go with you? Lucky me, I have a hydro vision which is very useful for getting rid of enemies."
He stands up from his chair and nods waiting for me to get up as well.

We get to the sight of the treasure hoarder camp and see them either resting or lurking out with weapons in hand. We charge in with our swords dodging and hitting each opponent with grace, okay fine maybe I'm being a bit too dramatic about myself but I swear I'm still doing alright though. I use my hydro to applicate the sword and knock the last one out lying on his side, I kick him on his abdomen and look over to the traveller. He was looking away and suddenly my legs were running towards him.

I grabbed onto his neck and thrusted him to the ground with myself on top but then I felt a sharp pain on the back of my thigh with the feeling of sticky liquid around, I let go off him and see him get up almost tripping, I could barely feel my leg as the liquid was dripping down onto the grass dying it red, I see Paimon with a sword appear in my view with a look of disappointment but anger at the same time. They scan the area and run, well float as well. My arms lift me up to sit on the ground and guide my hand touching the back of my thigh to feel where the aching cut was positioned, OUCH!

Why did I do that? I... I couldn't control my body whatsoever, it was like someone was in the body of me and wanted the traveller dead since they tried to strangle him. My breathing was more sudden than ever and my heart beat increased, I lift my hand to my chest and lay back down with my front facing the grass that was slightly a deep red colour. I'll get myself to the cathedral as soon as possible but now I'm feeling a bit worn out.

"Oh dear, what do we have here?"
I open my eyes and watch Venti lend me a hand, his carefree smile is very contagious even when you're hurt.
"I'm sorry I did that to him, I couldn't-"
"Don't worry, I won't harass you over that. It's not likely you would become successful in trying to choke the mighty traveller himself."
"But I couldn't control myself, it was like someone was in my body!"
He was sceptical and even wide-eyed about that,
"Is that so? Well I can't help you on that but what I can do is take you to Barbara for healing the cut, looks pretty bad so we need to get there fast."

We got to the Cathedral that stood high gazing over the Mondstadt city and the girl in blonde pigtails took a closer look at the cut, she said it won't take long and also said,
"Don't worry! It won't hurt apart from a few weird feelings since I'm fixing a cut with hydro, it'll just take a few seconds. Don't think about it too much."
I didn't think of it at all, my mind was put astray thinking off what I could say to the traveller after telling him that I will help him and accidentally nearly choked him, he would've been a lost cause if his companion wasn't here. Speaking of companion, it was weird how she wasn't there but then was after I attacked him.

"You're all done, thank you for letting me heal you Y/n."
"Huh, when did I ever state my name?"
"You're a citizen here, everyone knows you heh."
Ohhh right I forgot about that, I must've been in Liyue for far too long if I'm starting to forget about stuff. The bard looks at me with pity saying,
"I'm gonna tell Aether about what actually happened and apologise on your behalf, I wouldn't want your relationship with him to suffer even more."
"I do fully agree that it's not my fault but it's my responsibility to say sorry to him."

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