15: ̗̀➛ Leaving... again

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It was the first day back to doing the same old adventure guild commissions, it feels like yesterday the last time I did them since this week scurried by pretty quickly

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It was the first day back to doing the same old adventure guild commissions, it feels like yesterday the last time I did them since this week scurried by pretty quickly. I'm just outside Good Hunters on the seats like yesterday since I'm all out of ingredient supplies in my rusty kitchen cabinets and the rest of the food I had left have all gone stale. The vibrant sun glistens in my squinting eyes and the poached egg on toast enters my mouth, I hope- actually I know it will be a nice sunny day today and all I'm wishing for is for it to be a somewhat good day.

I finished my breakfast really quickly because it was just chefs kiss, the egg melted right into my mouth savouring the flavour. My plan for today is very unclear - some commissions, then lunch and I was thinking of going to Angel's share for a quick taste of the dandelion wine - I'm not a frequent drinker but I haven't had a taste of it in a very long time, let's just hope I won't have to put up with yet another crazy drunken trying to seduce me like the last time I went, after that I completely stopped going there and it's not unreasonable.

The city isn't too busy right now in such early mornings like this one which is quite refreshing to see, usually there's a ton of people walking around and kids running around playing some imaginary game they made up. I pick up my backpack wiping my mouth with a tissue and walk to Katheryne number one - I say one because there's also one in Liyue and I'm gonna guess she's also in all the other regions too, quite strange if you ask me but no one questions it.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild."
She said, not surprising as I've heard that line many times before.
"Hey there Katheryne, I would like to take up 4 commissions for today."
"What level of adventurer do you think you are?"
I think for a bit and give up, I haven't done commissions in a week so it's hard to tell the level of difficulty I can do.
"I'm not so sure myself..."
"Well not too worry, I've got a request from someone at dawn winery for some wheat, a hilichurl camp of about 8 marked on this map here..."

She crosses her arms thinking and a few seconds later she smiles saying,
"Oh and once you've done those, come back and I will need to give you a special commission that no one has ever needed to complete. It might be a bit dangerous but I don't doubt your abilities."
"Oh uh right I'll be sure to come back but correct me if I'm wrong, I said 4 not 3 commissions."
"The last one is a dangerous and difficult task to do so I'm making you not use a lot of energy." Perhaps it's a camp with more than 10 hilichurls, I don't get where the dangerous part is but I don't mind slaying a few hilichurls more.

My first task I have been given is located at the Dawn winery, I don't wanna travel there straight away considering how far away it is so instead I'll go towards the hili camp near the edge of the water. It's not far away, just a small walk through the forest and you'll get there eventually by the lake though everyone knows that you must be prepared to fend for yourself if you run into anything dangerous, I found out treasure hoarders sometimes end up hiding around waiting for lonely people to steal off and that totally did not happen ever to me, nope not gonna talk about it.

After looking at my surroundings very closely I can just make out that there is no one at all here, I get to the camp and there lies a lot of the small and bigger ones chilling and walking around. I get where the treasure hoarders get this kind of behaviour from now.

My sword is revealed into my gripping hand and it's covered in hydro liquid, I dash into the camp taking out the small ones by stabbing them into their small body, using the side of my fine blade as a small defensive shield. A mitachurl charges at me and I jump out of the way landing safely on my stomach, i hear some smaller ones lightly running and screaming weird words and feel a few kicks on my legs and get up quickly. I take a quick glance at my vision on me and see it slightly twinkling, I don't lose my focus in the battle as I repeat the same sword movements over and over but before I could stab the last few mitachurls, my vision flashes making a small hydro burst instantly knocking them into thin air.

It was now time for the second commission, I would have to walk all the way to winery just to hand the guy some wheat, how stupid is that? Why can't he buy some himself and not pay others to do it for him, the things I do for mora...

One long and tiresome walk later, I get to the damn winery and start calling for the guy's name to see where he was. He heard me and called me to where he was.
"Oh my Y/n, you are back!" He gushed.
"Indeed, but hang on I need to get the wheat out my bag. It will be a minute."

"Take your time, so I must ask how you have been over the year?"
I pondered for a moment taking out out the small sack of wheat and replied calmly,
"I've been doing really well, though there was some trouble it was nothing I couldn't handle."
I pass him the sack and he thanks me,
"That's great, here's the mora and you can be on your way now."

I got back to the Adventurers guild spot and wait for the person there to go so I can talk to Katheryne, I was leaning against the wall of a building in the middle of the street but some time later passes and she greets me like always.
"Ad astra abyssosque, here's the payment for your work and now I'll be moving on to the last one. It's gonna be one that lasts a couple of days, I hope that it would be fine."
"Huh, alright what is it?"
"I apologise for this but it seems like you need to leave Mondstadt once again, you only just arrived back but I need you to do this."

Well that's not exactly what I was hoping for but I guess it's not a choice anymore.
"Just tell me what it is already!"
"You are scheduled to be meeting Aether, the traveller, in Inazuma in a few days. To be exact it's Ritou, so beforehand, we have made some specially made documents for you to enter and leave Ritou. We need you to investigate something that has to do with their current vision hunt decree and the traveller will tell you the rest once you reach the docks."

Inazuma... Is it a coincidence that I was just talking about it with someone yesterday?

"I... accept it."
She gathers some paper documents and sorts them all together in a single envelope labelled with my name in the corner of it, she seals it with a stamp and hands me it gently.
"Be careful, with their situation you do not want to show your vision or capabilities in front of anyone, it could seriously be taken away."
"Ah... thanks. How will I get there?"
"Right I almost forgot, you will meet beidou at the Liyue docks in 5 days at 12pm with the documents and a bag with all the necessities like for a normal adventure."
She leaves her mouth open for a bit and continues,
"Then you will meet the traveller and do everything needed in Ritou to investigate something, currently though he is doing other things on the island so you need to wait."

How could anyone be able to go there after the nation being in lockdown? I'm gonna choose to have my vision still on my belt until I get to Inazuma in that case I will hide it. I almost forgot about my somewhat-plan to go to the Angels share so I quickly walk there smelling the horrible drinks being spilt everywhere.

I look around but there's no one in particular that I know except Venti, who is of course the most drunk there with the dandelion wine that he absolutely loves. I order one myself and receive it pretty quickly from the bartender, the bar was always a loud and social place and so that was also another reason why it never really piqued my interest. I avoid the wine stains on the tabletop and pour myself a small glass.

It wasn't as good as Venti had always blabbered on about every time we talked so I just gave it to him when he was trying to convince the bartender for free drinks. I was getting annoyed by all the mess and noise and just payed for it ; leaving without anyone noticing.

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