9: ̗̀➛ Lost

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I wake up from yet another bad sleep, all night I've been tossing and turning trying to sleep only to wake up distressed

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I wake up from yet another bad sleep, all night I've been tossing and turning trying to sleep only to wake up distressed. My thoughts were all muddled after yesterday's event, not even that but it also reminded me of my home, Mondstadt. I haven't visited my place in ages but it's way too early to get ready and I'm too tired to even get out of this bed even though it's hard and uncomfortable.

I try hard to open my eyes fully but it didn't work so I just slowly get out of bed walking to my bathroom, its design was simple and wooden looking. I walked over to my sink and splashed water all over my face for a bit and stopped the tap. I don't really feel like having a shower today but it's been nearly a week, I'll do it later on in the evening then. I stand still looking at my reflection on the mirror daydreaming about my plans and suddenly remember about what happened between me and my friends... I shouldn't have been so careless talking to them so freely about a harbinger, especially since I said I spent nights with him. I get out of my trance shaking my head, recently after I met him I've been spacing out way more often and I've been trying not to.

I dry my hands and stick them in my pockets only to realise something feels missing? I use my hand to feel all around my pocket but there's nothing. I try to think back from the previous days but I can't think of anything then something pops up in my mind.

I take off the vision shielding it away from the fatui and slide it into one of my pockets securely.

My vision... I forgotten about it. Last time I mentioned it was the lunch with Tartaglia and Scaramouche but I definitely felt it in the pocket, did it just drop out or something? Wait... I think back to the time after the lunch when a little girl ran into me making me fall, that must've been when it fell out and I forgot what was in my pocket so I didn't bother checking the ground. I'm not the type of person to use their vision a lot but that was a literal gift from the Gods or whatever people believe these days, so many people have different views on it- ok I'm getting carried away but still. How am I supposed to get it back now if it could've been stolen or the wind was so strong it blown it into the sea.

The only thing I can do right now is just search for it or commission one of the other adventurers, though that would probably seem stupid to others since I'm kind of an adventurer that can't even find their own things. I do mostly stuff in the city but sometimes I do look for peoples' belongings and animals outside the city. I still want to visit Mondstadt and I did plan that before so I guess it's only right to go there first.

Time skip

For the past few hours I've been walking along this one road itching for rest but I'm so determined to get there before midday, I've already got everything on me and currently I'm by Stone gate. After being here with Scaramouche I've learnt the safe route and quickest way to go which was good because it also tests my memory.

This place is one of the best places to be for a relaxing day out but it's pretty far so not somewhere you would visit often, the nature around and the bridge here fit so perfectly. On the bridge there is a wagon and a figure of someone who looks pretty familiar. They stood still on it in an also familiar thinking pose, is that really Scaramouche? I run over to him questioningly and sense a strange aura radiating off him, I position myself by his side to get a look at his face but he also seemed like he was spacing out exactly like when he touched one of the meteourites. I pat his shoulder and he jumps out of surprise, his mood became all happy all of the sudden and his hands move to his hips.

"What are you doing here Y/n?"
"I was just visiting Mondstadt and I came across you so why not say hi."
"Hello then, don't mind what I was doing... It's unusual that I daydream randomly."
"Actually I keep having that problem too, I thought it was just me."
There was silence for a few minutes of us looking at each other, each second I feel myself getting an uneasy feeling from him building up. I lose eye contact and see his hands covering a pocket, it didn't have a distinct shape of what's inside but I'm not that desperate to know and I don't think he's the type of guy to take things off me so I shouldn't worry too much.

"I actually lost my vision, don't know when but I found out today."
"Is that so? Hm... I don't have the capabilities to find it for you."
"That's fine, I guess talking about it won't help."
"Well I'm off to Mondstadt."
"Oh would you want to come with me? It's been a while but I'm sure I have a spare room in my house there."
"I was heading there anyway so I won't turn that down."
"I just hope people won't stare and judge like the other times."
"They will even if you don't want that to happen."
"Eugh that's annoying, being a harbinger must be hard if you have to go through that."
"You get used to it after some time."

Time skip

It was nearing midday and we entered the city of freedom, throughout our journey he kept looking at me in a weird sort of way and would look away as soon as I get a glimpse of him. We were walking forward towards the steps despite people whispering and talking behind our backs when Katheryne called out for me and I walk over to her.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. Alas, it's been so long and you've returned, I was slightly worried about your adventures in Liyue but thankfully you're fine."
"No need to be worried, I'm only here for a bit unless I change my mind to stay. The Katheryne there told me I had a week holiday and sadly it's soon coming to an end."
"That's nice, how long left have you got?"
"Well I'm not too certain but I think it's just tomorrow and that's it."
"I hope you have fun, and I was gonna ask who is that you're with?"
I turn my head back and see him awkwardly waiting for us to finish.
"My... Friend I suppose."
"Alright farewell, and thank you for supporting the Adventurers' Guild."

I bid my goodbye and carry on walking with Scaramouche, he sighs.
"Remember when I held your hand?"
"Oh uhm yes?"
"That stupid orange forced me to okay? And when I was gonna say that to you at that time, he just tried to shut me up. I apologise about that."
"That's fine, it didn't matter."

For the rest of the afternoon we were walking around buying products like food and useless items we thought were intriguing, talking about what we did yesterday and so on. The only thing keeping me down is the fact I still don't have my vision with me and that just made me even more anxious about what I was gonna do, I obviously didn't show those emotions to Scaramouche as he wouldn't really care and would carry on but I do feel bad about making him seem horrible in my head. I'll just have to find a way to forget about those feelings and forget about finding the vision.

A note blows into my face while we were sitting and I grab it, Scaramouche stopped talking and looked at it confused. I looked at him and looked back opening it, the words were written cursive and quite hard to read but it said:

.........., Meet me behind our place at ......... for ......... and bring some wea.......s, if anyone is nearby tell them to go or assassi.......e them .......iately. We must not let out plans be leaked.
Signed, .........

I stare at the paper when I finish reading the wet note and slide it into my pocket looking back at him, he didn't show any signs of shock as it was just a neutral face.
"We are going, if you want to get more thrilling experiences in your life then this is it."

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