3: ̗̀➛ Can't sleep

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"This is my current camp, you can get settled in if you wish

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"This is my current camp, you can get settled in if you wish."
"One question."
"Go on."
"Who are those big blue guys over there?"
"Right, I haven't told you about them. They are my guards also known as cryo gunners and those over there are my anemoboxers so don't even mess with me or them or you will definitely regret it."

He definitely doesn't know that I own a hydro vision and for now I think it would be safer to keep it a secret so nothing bad occurs plus he is a harbinger and has much more power over me.

"There's only one tent, Do you have another one for me?"
"I didn't expect you as a visitor so why would I and no I am not sleeping with you in the same tent, absolutely disgusting."

I watch Scaramouche take his hat off and lay it down on a crooked outdoors table whilst sitting down on the ground with his hand on his face, his irritated looks instantly gave a 'don't come near me' to anyone who dares to watch him.

"Forget it lets just take turns, I can't figure out what else to do."
"How about those guards of yours, certainly they should have somewhere I can sleep?"
"I don't know just do anything I really don't care."

He seems kinda stressed at the moment so I go to sit down next to him not directly though and start to think of what to say but I come up with nothing as usual, I wish Xiangling was here ; she could've came up with a fun story and cooked some food for us but no it's just me and that guy. I watched the moon rise over the mountainous land and stared for a long time.

Scaramouche POV:

I looked to my side to see her oblivious self staring at the moon with her glowing e/c eyes, I don't like being seen with people and I don't even tolerate them talking to me without permission but why am I just letting this random girl stay with me for a whole week. What was I thinking? Even if she's a total stranger I'm not gonna let that stop me from adventuring with her for a whole week like I told her. She's kind of quiet and irritating to be with at the moment but I will just have to try to be relaxed.

"Hey Scara, you do notice you're staring at me?"

My heart skips a beat when I realise I was staring at her this whole time, what an idiot. My head turns away and my hands are on my face. I really need to not distract myself, I have fatui work to do tomorrow I better get some good rest.

Y/n POV:

"Do you need some alone time? I sometimes need some some too after a long day, I won't judge you just because you're a harbinger you know."

He relaxes his body and turns his head back to me with a straight face but something seemed to be troubling him that he couldn't keep eye contact.

"Why would I listen to you, I've never even met you before and you're out here pitying me like a child."
"Oh.. I just thought it could make your mood be a bit better but never mind I'm just gonna go to sleep.."

I stand up from my comfortable sitting position and head over to a tree to lay down under it. Maybe he just doesn't want anything to do with me? Why would he just invite me along his journey though, my first impressions of him is a little arrogant boy trying to look all strong and tough. That does sound stupid of him, what if he's trying to impress me? Ahhh that's a definite no. What if he's just lonely, yeah that's the only reasonable one yet.. Oh right he's a harbinger how could I actually forget one of the most important organisations in Teyvat.

I turn over multiple times trying to get myself to rest but i just couldn't get the fact that I'm with a harbinger out of my head, I'm just afraid he will hurt me or planning to kidnap me for his own fatui desires. I don't even have a blanket or a pillow either so this is gonna be the worst night ever, the man already went to sleep in his own tent and the skirmishers are out there guarding the place. Earlier I heard him say something about 'servants', perhaps those skirmishers are them or it could be the other fatui diplomats I could be completely wrong though.

Hmm his clothes look like they're from Inazuma, I heard that nation has been closed for years now but maybe his escape was just a lucky one, I also heard that barely anyone makes it out of there without getting caught. I honestly don't know what I would do if I were in that nation, I just hope everyone there is doing alright for now.

My eyes were slowly drooping down.

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