19: ̗̀➛ Preparing

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Oh hell I cant do this

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Oh hell I cant do this... The festival was coming up soon and I was in the middle of Inazuma city trying to find the perfect outfit, unfortunately I'm not used to these shops and I'm left all by myself to pick something out, Scaramouche was supposed to be here but he said he was 'busy' with something, yeah right like trying to find some time to have a nap.

I was looking around looking at all the yukatas, I heard it's traditional to wear them rather than normal dresses so I look at all the designs.
"Excuse me miss, do you need any help picking out a yukata or a kimono by any chance?" The shop owner kindly asked, I was startled for a second but quickly nodded with a shy smile.

"You look beautiful dear, what's your budget? I can help you get some very fine hand made ones by the afternoon or evening depending if there's more customers."
"Thank you! I only have 5,500 mora so I'm sorry it's not much but anything will do."
"Don't you worry, just pay the half now and then the other once it's made. Come back in a few hours, see you soon."

I place my full trust in her designing skills so I hope both me and him like it, it's best to go back home now as I have lots of time to spend until the afternoon comes across.

I walk back to the site to see him reading a letter similar to what I got but instead it looked much more ragged, he definitely heard my boots as he tucked the letter back into his hidden pocket.
"That was fast, you're already back."
"Please come with me next time we go shopping, I can't stand how different it is to the other nations!"
"Hahah, get used to it. Also come here."

My boots crunch the twigs and crispy leaves on my way to the side of him on the log-bench. He puts his hand round my chin and gently moves it to face him, he pulls in and gives me a quick kiss making us a little flustered, we weren't used to this relationship yet but it will work out, we will see about that.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your smile is?" He pondered leaning his head on my shoulders, I glide my fingers through the back of his hair for a bit and I also lean against him. "It was fate that brought us here together." He said.
"You believe so?"
"It was like it was meant to be, darling. I now have to break this moment by showing you something I got, it's nothing serious yet."
"What do you mean by yet?"
"The letter I received wrote about someone stalking us every second of their day, that's not the worst bit, they wrote some cryptic message at the bottom that I cannot translate."

"Scaramouche, I'm tired of this. I'm sick of all this. We've been close to both death and somehow even prison and now there's another stalker on the lose, I just wanna be done with everything but no we are always put in position of danger. Is this really how we want our future to be like, our we gonna have a future?"

I spat out my words sick of dealing with everything and wanting a normal life life back in Mondstadt but he wraps his arm around my shoulder and in a hushed tone he says, "I'm sorry, I'm not gonna deny the fact this is all my fault. I want to believe that we are bonded by fate but we have to deal with it, we can sort it out soon. Soon enough that we can go to the festival together."
I feel his soft hand rub my back and I let go.

The bush in the corner of my eye moves unusually and I place my hand on my sword handle ready to slide it off but I was too distracted,
"You alright? You were just staring at a bush for some reason but never mind that."
"Yes, just saw it... shuffle a bit. Never mind." I carefully place my planes in between my legs and watch him get to his desk and stare at the piece of paper questionably, "Don't focus on me and maybe go take a walk, I don't want to worry you with this stupid letter."
"See you later then..."

A few hours have passed of me taking a long unnerving stroll around the island and I'm getting too distracted, the yukata is most likely done by now and I'm heading back to the small shop. I get all giddy and jog up to the counter, "Hey! I came to check up on the cloth."
The lady smiles and crouches to pick up a small basket with a beautifully folded white yukata with small flowers imprinted, "It's finished, I just need the rest of the money please."

I struggle to contain my happiness and release a bag full of mora on the desk, I gently take the basket and thank her, next thing to do is go back to camp to meet up with Scara and then visit the festival for the rest of the day. He told me all about them and what I'm excited for most are the fireworks by far, he said he only saw them one time during his childhood and thought they were very magical.

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Hello lovelies, just wanted to say the next chapters are the end but I need to clarify that there will be two chapters: 20.1 and 20.2 .
20.1 will be the one with a kinda sad or 'bad' ending and 20.2 is the more happy one for the people who want both endings I guess? And I got Kazuha and Heizou on the first day of the banner lol

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