12: ̗̀➛ Unexpected

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"Wake up Y/n

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"Wake up Y/n."
Venti shakes my shoulder slightly smiling.

I squint my eyes as the blinding sun faces me, I rub my groggy eyes and blink a couple times to get used to the brightness and sit up against the tree. I assume I went into a deep sleep after Venti's last song and smile back, I do miss being young.

"You should play another tune."
He was acting nervous for a second then stood up revealing his bow.
"Not at the moment, I sense someone is here."

"And that is correct."
A familiar voice echoed from the other side of the tree.

Out came a fatui diplomat, his ginger hair and unmoving face glowed as he walked from his hiding space. Well it's no surprise that's it's Tartaglia, probably up for a sparring match or something that gets his hands dirty.

"I need to talk to her right now, if you may kindly give her to me."
Venti tensed up and looked at me mumbling,
"I don't trust him."
He watched Tartaglia and continued,
"What do you need her for?"
"It's urgent."

"It's fine, I'll go with him if it's really that urgent."
"Are you really sure?"
I nod.
"Very well."

I see him walking to me with his face in a neutral smile, he brings his hand out and I accept him as he lifts me with his hand. He lets go and uses it to show me to 'come with him' and to go to a different place away from here. We were walking in silence, bringing me back memories, again, from when me and Scaramouche were walking in a loud silence except it isn't awkward, it's just peaceful hearing the birds in the morning and the tall plants swaying from the light breeze. Then we finally come to a stop in the middle of the field.

"So it wasn't that urgent but I needed to tell you something."
"Well you coulda just told me you derp head!"
"Okay geez calm down!!"
His arms were swinging in front of him like they were gonna protect him,
"So since you want to waste my time, what is it you want to tell me?"

"So those two people, who I really don't know the names of, came up to me and asked where you were since you knowwww I'm part of the fatui just like that lover boy and they thought after some kind of incident that happened between you and them, you moved away or something? I cant remember everything they said."
"And they have blue and black hair?"
"Yeah I think."

"Anything else they said?"
His hand move to his chin and he thinks for a few seconds,
"They thought that they were the cause of you moving away from Liyue but... uhh... Wait I almost thought of the sentence... Oh yeah! They were very shocked and couldn't process the information so they left to have a small discussion, they were gonna apologise but couldn't find you after so that's a bummer."

Well they could've just told me they were shocked not just leave without a reason, I do however forgive them as they're usually always trying to process stupid information from me or someone else.

"I believe that."
"You wanna go back to Liyue or are you staying here?"
"Well i doubt Xiangling will react greatly if she sees you without me, she will most likely think I got killed. The only problem is travel, I've been walking so much for this whole week and my legs are aching from that."
"Don't worry there's a guy with a small carriage that brought me here, he will be able to bring us home."
"I'm part of the fatui, remember?"

Ahhh right, I forget about that part so much that I view them as normal people, which I need to stop doing. I don't focus on them at all, even now that I'm associated with two of the harbingers. Now that I think about it, I think about him so much, we barely even met. OH MAN I REALLY HAVE EFFED UP. WELL technically it doesn't count because I have little to no knowledge about who they are except where they are and that's easy to answer, literally in every city in every region.

"Helloooo is Y/n here? Do I need to leave on my own."
"Shut up, let's just go to that guy you were talking about."

Time skip

He wasn't lying about the small carriage, it was one without a roof and a man riding a horse leading us to Liyue. It is said that he is one of the people who are very trusted around these areas and Tartaglia apparently. It has been ages since we got on and a very long and slightly bumpy ride, the time was reaching mid-day soon and my stomach has been grumbling for the past 5 minutes I'm just wishing for a short stop soon.

"Here, take it."
He passes me some delicious jade parcels in a container, the delectable smell fills my nose and I ask him,
"Where are the chopsticks?"
"... Just use the fork..."
"Oh yeah, I forgot your derp head can't use the chopsticks."
"I have removed your rights to eat my food now."
"Oh-oh wait what, I take it back! Please!"
"I was just kidding anyway, just eat it."

He stifles a chuckle,
"And mind the bumps."

┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. ˚   °

This is just a filler/no idea chapter, I was thinking about when finishing this book I will make another character X reader book but I'm not sure what. So far my ideas are a Venti, Xiao or a oneshot book, if you have any other ideas then feel free to comment but I prefer to do one of my ideas. ^^

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