20.1: ̗̀➛ No goodbye

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I skipped happily back to the camp in my yukata thinking of all the things we will do together, just us with no one else interrupting

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I skipped happily back to the camp in my yukata thinking of all the things we will do together, just us with no one else interrupting. My eyes sparkled and there I saw him, I almost tripped from my sudden stop and rub my eyes.

My heart sank so much I couldn't feel myself being alive, it was Scara drenched in red liquid. It was pouring from his hands and the many cuts digging deep into his skin. He was laying there lifeless, his hands were dusty and black created by his electro delusion but he couldn't defend himself in time.

Suddenly I felt the whole world fall silent with my breathing being the only sound you could hear. I took a few steps and kneeled down to his level, linking my hands with his, and my tear droplets bleed across his shirt.
"What did they do to you?" I whispered into his soft grey hand.
"My love, wake up please!" I whispered even quieter than the last.

I gently stroke his deep purple hair with my other hands and lean in to him, the blood comes into contact with my clothes but it doesn't matter anymore, not when the one I loved died.
"I never got to say goodbye..." I look up to the horizon,
"Those bastards! They don't know what just hit them, a slice through their stomach and some fire sound wonderful now." I bring his head higher and kiss him one last time.

His mouth opens slightly and quietly says in my ear, "See you in the next lifetime? I guess fate wasn't on our side this time..." And there he went back to his deep sleep.
No... not now... You know what, I have a better plan than to avenge him.

I filled a jar with water and mixed in fresh poison from the nearby plants, my head was very hesitant on the idea but my heart told me to do what I needed to do.

I sat next to him and took a minute to appreciate the surroundings, I inhale the scent of the wind and chug the jug whole. After a bit I started feeling my senses disappear slowly, my chest was pounding and I felt myself lie down to go and cuddle with Scaramouche. My vision was blurry and I just couldn't breathe even if I wanted to, I was gasping for air and slowly buried myself into the nook of his neck while tightly holding him.

But I was starting to get weaker by the minute and everything. Went. Dark.

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