11: ̗̀➛ Escape

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I start to panic and as an instinct look over to see Scaramouche gone, has he fled the scene before the knights fully caught up to us? I feel two arms around mine restricting them and feel myself getting forcefully dragged towards the city

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I start to panic and as an instinct look over to see Scaramouche gone, has he fled the scene before the knights fully caught up to us? I feel two arms around mine restricting them and feel myself getting forcefully dragged towards the city. The treasure hoarder in disguise smiles in such an evil manner it disgusts me. Though we did kind of knock them out for no reason so I guess that's a reason but come on! He's the one part of a gang of thieves and I may be the one travelling with a harbinger heh...

We have arrived finally at the building after a long walk of them just pushing me to go faster but I really can't be bothered and the fact I have disgusting mud dripping down my leg doesn't make it any better. They let go of me and Kaeya leads me to a private room upstairs, though I've lived here for nearly all my life I've not been inside here so I was surprised about the clean floors and neatly decorated place.

I was brought into a room and he just scanned me from top to bottom.
"Would you like me to bring you to the bathroom?"
"I don't know do I?"
"Hahah, follow me then."
This guy has always been so calm in all situations it annoys me so much but hey that's just me, I've seen Rosaria be with him by and in the tavern I don't understand how she doesn't just wanna drop kick him at any time. I lock the bathroom door just to make sure he doesn't randomly walk in like he owns this place.

We are back in the room and I'm delighted to have washed off the mud, but now I'm guessing he will interrogate me, I don't see the point in it but I guess that's just the Knights of Favonious.

"So ahem, we were told by a man that you and a companion have almost and/or have killed his friends and we just need to know is it true?"
Does he not realise I could easily lie myself out of here?
"Yeah I guess."
"We needed to make sure as we did see the bodies on the floor and no one else was around."
"Well great, now what?"
"I saw another figure with you, who is that may I ask and were they involved?"

Oh crap I really don't know how to answer and whether it would be beneficial but I will have to be as vague as possible.
"A friend and yes."
"His name?"
"Can you go onto a different question?"
"Okay then.. I would ask for your name but I already know who you are."
"Thanks for the analysis, really helped the situation huh."
"No need to be all rude."

Amber bashed open the door and looked even more serious than when she saw me and Scaramouche. She spoke out in a rush,
"Kaeya, come for a bit. Grandmaster Jean has a request for both of us and it's urgent."
"At this time? Bad timing from her but I will comply. Y/n stay here will you, it will only take a few minutes."

The sound of the door locking hit my ears and I just lay back on the chair, why should I be here when I wasn't the one who planned to attack. UGHHH that man, how could he just leave without taking me with him. The window was slightly open and a bird flew to the sill chirping, it was a very cute finch. It kept chirping and looking at me but i don't bother. After a few minutes it wouldn't stop making me realise of something, I came up with quite a dangerous idea, I stood up and the bird flew away, I pushed the window to the side and looked down. Gulp, it was a bit higher than I expected and there's no other way unless I wanna be caught by one of the guards downstairs.

I set one of my legs on the sill and then the other, I sit and I obviously just did the number one rule not to do when you're high, I looked down. I freak out and before I know it I jump off grazing and landing on the sides of my legs by accident. I try to stand but one leg feels hard to walk on, I definitely regret it but it will be fine hopefully.

The thing is I am the type of person to not plan things in advance, maybe this is a sign I shouldn't own a vision. I should escape the walls of this city and run away until I no longer can, people and guards will recognise me but as long as I can out run them they can't catch me. I run slightly limping on the one leg to the main area of the city and almost trip over my hurt leg (what's with this protagonist always falling every chapter, can someone tell her off).

"Are you hurt miss?"
"I'm fine no need to help me."

A young boy with blonde hair asked me as I look up, he looked very familiar and then it hit me, that's the enemy of Scaramouche.
"Wait a minute..."
Without thinking I push him with full force and I make a run for it not caring about a single thing of what just happened. I hear the faint gasps coming from the citizens and the guards checking up on the honorary knight. The ones at the gate were too slow to stop me and didn't see this trick, I ducked underneath their arms and carried on running scaring away the pidgeons.
"Sorry kiddo!"

My leg almost gives up on me yet I keep on running until I don't hear them talking, it's about silent and I sit down with my legs out. There was a lot of red and bruises from the fall impact which I didn't think would be that bad. I weakly drop my back to the ground staring at the sky turning darker when I hear a few footsteps coming my way, it was most likely some guard trying to capture me.
"I surrender."
Then a boy with blue hair in braids enters my vision.
"What are you doing out here?"

Hold up.
"Yup hehe."
I lift my back and Venti sits down against the tree next to me.
"I was heading to this tree but I heard all the commotion, thought it was a thief but it turned out to be you pushing the honorary knight. Is there anything wrong?"
I nervously move my foot around.
"It's ok Venti, seriously."
"I can sense you're in distress, you don't need to hide your feelings."

"A lot has happened in this week, it started out fine but then I met a man and... I'm unable tell you who he is because of his affiliation. I told my Liyue friends about it and I'm sure they dislike me now, their expressions when I told them were scared."
His face was showing his pity for me for whatever reason, it was my decision so why should I make it seem like they're the bad ones.
"But he is nice to me, that's the reason I stayed with him."
I added on.

"Would you like me to play you a tune to calm your mind?"
"Just like the old times..."
"Yes... Back when you were younger you loved my singing and lyre, I won't mind playing more for you."
"Thank you."
"Who is that man you were talking about."
"You won't mind who he is?"
He shakes his head and got out his lyre.
"His name is Scaramouche."

He tenses up, ahhh I really regret it now especially telling a childhood friend.
"If that's really who you spend time with then I would be extra careful, I won't force you to do anything you don't want though."

He starts strumming the strings of his shiny lyre that looked brand new and started singing in such a beautiful melodic voice, it brings memories from when I was a kid and would ask him to sing for me.

What I didn't see is something - or should I say someone - was watching us.

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