Chapter 1

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Miya Atsumu was an absolute mystery to Sakusa Kiyoomi.

He couldn't understand the way his mind worked, the way he acted, how he always seemed so confident and full of himself.

It irritated him.

He couldn't think of anyone more annoying. Except, perhaps, Bokuto, his other teammate.

It's been less than six months since the three of them were on the same team, the MSBY Black Jackals, and that was enough time for Kiyoomi to realize how incredibly annoying Atsumu was.

He often found himself thinking of Atsumu's greedy smirk, the way he teased everybody on the team on a daily basis, and how he seemed so unbothered and relaxed all the time, like nothing really mattered to him, even in serious scenarios.

Every time the thought of him crossed his mind, he instantly frowned. He was a total mess of a person. Someone he could never relate to.

However, and quite often, too, he thought about the reasons he's admired him since high school. Not that he'd ever admit that out loud. Just thinking about how Atsumu's ego would get even bigger if he said this made him cringe.

But he had to admit. He was a good setter. One of the best, in his opinion.

His dedication was beyond average. He could tell his skills were carefully built throughout the years, patiently, steadily, and it showed. He was determined, or more like obsessed, to be a setter that brought the best in spikers, to adapt at every move, every habit of different players, to read them and predict their next move, and also to push them to their limit, demanding good results in a subtle but insisting way.

In court, most of the time he was his usual self. That irritating, cocky asshole.

But when he focused… When he analyzed the game, or when he prepared to set and serve… It was almost like seeing another person.

Atsumu's eyes lit up every time he setted. At every receive, every serve, every point, he irradiated passion and motivation. Court was really his favorite place, where he belonged, the place where he seemed fulfilled.

It almost, just almost, made Kiyoomi forget how Atsumu's personality really was.

And when the match was over and he returned to his normal self, Kiyoomi felt like some kind of spell had vanished, slapping him back to reality.

It made him mad.

His whole life, he'd tried to do whatever it took to maintain things under control, to avoid problems and just be at peace. He prided himself on always thinking things through rationally, not letting emotions take over his plans.

So, how on earth did he end up dangerously close to having a crush on someone like Atsumu? The person whose personality was like a hurricane, so aleatory and opposite to his that made him feel rejection towards his attitudes.

But still, knowing all of these things, he couldn't ignore the fact that he thought about him way more often than he'd like to admit.

This was the first time in his life that he felt this emotion.

And it made him furious. He was being stupid.

Out of every person in the world, it had to be him.

He might be developing a crush on an absolute idiot.

--- To be continued.

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