Chapter 32

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By december, the Jackals were doing better than ever, and everyone was really focused on improving both individually and as a team. 

The idea that being so engrossed in their careers could affect their relationship by not talking or seeing each other that often crossed Atsumu's mind at the beginning of the season, but as weeks passed, he realized they were together practically all the time doing exactly what they would be doing by themselves: train, workout and analyze matches. 

It was soothing and kind of amusing that it wasn't an issue to them. They really were two idiots obsessed with volleyball.

Atsumu's mind flashed back to that concern at the end of a match that he and Kiyoomi were watching at the former's place, and couldn't hold back a muffled laugh as he tightened his grip on the ravenette's hand.

"What is it?", the taller man said, making the other chuckle.

"I just… Remembered I was kinda worried about how our relationship would be once this season began". 


"Ya know, with the time we spend practicing and stuff I thought that maybe we'd be seeing each other less and that it'd be a bad thing for us, but… It really is funny how silly that seems now", said as he leaned his head on Kiyoomi's shoulder, sitting even closer to him. "I shouldn't have worried at all, knowing we're both super addicted to volleyball. Guess I still had some doubts, but… I'm glad things are working out between us". 

Kiyoomi's expression softened, his heart beating strongly before caressing Atsumu's head and kissing his forehead.

For a second, he felt terrible for making Atsumu have those doubts, even if they were small. 

"I didn't know you were worried about that".

"It's nothing, really!", he answered as he sat up straight to look at him. "It was just at the beginning. These months have been great, and I love that we're helping each other to be better players and still find time to be together as a couple. I thought maybe we'd struggle to do that, but… I'm happy I was wrong".

Kiyoomi frowned a little in worry, but Atsumu didn't even give him two seconds to keep thinking about it before he kissed him, smiling sweetly afterwards. 

While he looked at those brown eyes, Kiyoomi began to feel sad for how much time had to go by before they could love each other right. If only there was a way to erase all the bad times they faced before getting to this point, he'd do it without a doubt.

He couldn't undo the past, and that'll always be a burden to him. But what he could do is make sure he continues to earn Atsumu's trust from now on, to show him how happy he made him.

He was about to speak when they heard the door opening. 

"Hey", Osamu greeted.

"Did ya bring food!?", Atsumu instantly shouted.

"At least say hello first, ya rude asshole!". 

"So ya didn't!?".

"Ugh, yer helpless. Why do I even bother anymore", he sighed.


Osamu then glared angrily at his twin while holding up the bag with his restaurant logo on it, making Atsumu celebrate and Kiyoomi roll his eyes. 

"Also, ya got a letter", the grey-haired said as he got the food on the table and started looking for it in between the bills they received.


"Yeah, it's from-", he stopped and his eyes widened as he read the sender. 

"Who's it from!?", Atsumu claimed before standing up and getting closer to him.

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