Chapter 31

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That saturday, the twins were throwing a small party at their apartment for their birthday, so they and their boyfriends were finishing up the final details when the doorbell rang, startling Kiyoomi and Atsumu.

"Ya sure ya wanna do this? We can wait, it's ok", Atsumu said as he came closer to the ravenette to hold his hand.

"No, it's fine. Let's do this", he answered before squeezing his hand, smiling.

Atsumu grinned and headed to the door, meeting some of their Jackals teammates loudly shouting "happy birthday".

"Ya guys already said that at practice!", Atsumu laughed as he let them in, remembering how everyone yelled "surprise" after he arrived at the gym that morning.

"Still! Here ya go!", Hinata claimed as he handed Atsumu his gift before the others did too, congratulating Osamu as well when he showed up in the living room.

Soon everyone was talking, listening to music and drinking while eating the pizza they'd ordered, but Atsumu and Kiyoomi were more and more restless.

Osamu and Suna knew what those two were up to and were ok with the plan, so they noticed how nervous they were.

Their thoughts were interrupted when Meian raised his beer.

"To this coming season!", the captain said a little too loud, alcohol beginning to have its effect on him and the others.

"To this coming season!", the Jackals cheered before drinking, chatting cheerfully for a while before Atsumu glanced at Kiyoomi sitting next to him, the two exchanging a nod.

The blonde's heart was racing, so he took a deep breath to calm down and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys, so… I wanted to tell y'all somethin'... And hopefully ask for yer support…". He put his beer on the coffee table before he intertwined his hands, bracing himself. "It's, uhm… It might be shocking to ya, so… Well, I guess I'll just go on and say it… We…", said while briefly glancing at his boyfriend beside him. "Omi and I are dating".

There was silence in the room, their teammates looking at Atsumu, then Kiyoomi, then Atsumu again, until Bokuto, Hinata and Inunaki started laughing after a few seconds.

"Ha! Nice one, Tsum-Tsum!", Bokuto practically wheezed.

"Like that was somehow near possible! Atsumu, c'mon, what's with your jokes?", Inunaki said in between laughs.

"It's true!", the blonde said, not expecting that reaction.

"Is it, Omi-san!?", Hinata asked.

"I don't know what he's talking about", Kiyoomi said with a serious face as he took a sip of his beer.

"Omi!! C'mon! We talked abou-".

"I knew it! There's just no way you and Sakusa would ever work!", Inunaki said.

"Nice try, though, Atsumu", Hinata chuckled.

"It's true! Omi tell'em!", the blonde laughed nervously, beginning to get worried after Kiyoomi frowned at him to tease him a bit.

"Besides, Kiyoomi-kun being with someone? He can't even stand being touched!", Bokuto joked.

"Exactly! You two are like the opposite of what a good couple should look like! What kind of a prank is this?", the libero added, being clearly more drunk than the rest.

They kept joking about it while Atsumu looked at the floor, suddenly silent as all the insecurities about him and Kiyoomi came to the surface: how different they were, all the problems they'd had, the fact that they were teammates and if anything went wrong again it'd affect their careers, and so on.

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