Chapter 8

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There were only two weeks left until the V-League gaming season ended, so if they wanted to make it to the finals, the Jackals had to win every match they had ahead.

That urge to get better made most of the team members do as Bokuto and keep practicing once the coach was gone.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi felt that need, too.

But both felt that there was something more. That they wanted to see each other's progress, to keep track of their competition, and to make sure that the other didn't get ahead.

Atsumu knew he enjoyed spending time with him, especially after that dinner. He loved teasing him, it was irresistible to him, but he also wanted to get closer to him. Maybe convince him to hang out again, or just talk to him more often.

His whole personality was so reserved that Atsumu felt that it was some kind of challenge to know about Kiyoomi's personal life.

He wanted to know the real Kiyoomi, passing his serious shell.

On the other hand, Kiyoomi noticed that Atsumu treated him just like he's done since the beginning. He expected (more like feared) that he would be extra annoying or clingy, but that wasn't the case.

And that made him curious. Deep down he knew that, but his pride kept him from admitting interest towards him.

Atsumu seemed to him as an unpredictable person, somehow always managing to do the opposite of what he thought he would.

Matches came and their performance as a team improved with every game. The coach noticed how that extra time the players stayed practicing was showing off.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi kept practicing the latter's spinning spike in an unspoken agreement, both glad it was landing effectively more often.

"Nice one, Omi-omi! You're gonna rock this spike in no time!", he congratulated him occasionally.

Kiyoomi was reluctant to say something back. He didn't want to congratulate him and inflate his already big ego, but that resistance was slowly losing strength at every kind word from the blonde.

He'd noticed he improved his settings, too. Sometimes it was truly amazing how he managed to redirect the ball at the right specific place, causing it to lose its momentum so it would be easier to spike.

That friday afternoon, at practice, Atsumu made a particularly amazing set. And Kiyoomi thought that maybe it wouldn't hurt to let him know. Just this time, though.

"Great toss, Miya", he said plainly.

Atsumu froze for a moment but quickly spoke, ignoring his racing heartbeat.

"Thanks! It wasn't perfect, though", he sighed.

Kiyoomi watched him as he tossed the ball with the tip of his fingers, practicing to get it in the same place every time.

He often forgot, but Atsumu gave everything in him to improve.

It was amazing. He liked that side of him.

He went to grab a ball to practice his serves, when he froze.

"Wait, did I just think I like a side of him? Like and Atsumu in the same sentence?".

As those thoughts shocked him, he looked at him again. His brown eyes completely focused, his face relaxed, his arms muscles contracting steadily.

And as soon as he caught himself again, anger overflowed inside him.

"Was I just fucking staring at him? Shit, I must be insane".

What was all this? He definitely didn't look at him that often before. What the hell was he doing?

They had important matches ahead. He better cut this fucking nonesense.

Later, while Kiyoomi finished changing in the locker room and everyone else was leaving,  Atsumu got closer to him, taking advantage of the fact that the others were distracted.

"Here", he said as he handed him a little gift bag.

Kiyoomi frowned as he looked at it. What was this guy doing now? He couldn't help but be suspicious.

"What's this for, Miya?", he asked, his frown getting deeper.

"Just a little somethin', for your birthday. It's tomorrow, right? We won't be seeing each other so I wanted to give it to you earlier. Maybe it would be useful. I won't congratulate you yet, though", he said, smiling.

Kiyoomi was dumbfounded. Once again, another thing he couldn't have possibly predicted.

He inspected the bag cautiously.

"What did you put in here?", asked as if he was scolding him for a prank.

"Omi-kun, relax! It's nothing bad! Jeez, what do you think of me? I thought it'd be better if you see it tomorrow, but if you wanna know so badly, just open it!".

Kiyoomi squinted his eyes before returning to inspect the bag and finally making his mind to open it, meaning to get ready for whatever prank he was planning to do.

But as he examined the items, his eyes widened a little in surprise.

A hand sanitizer attached to a little fox keychain, sanitizing wipes, and a pocket-sized air disinfectant. All of them from the exact same mark he used and liked.

"Those are the ones ya use, right?", Atsumu asked enthusiastically.

"Yes… How did you know that?".

Atsumu shrugged.

"It just caught my attention once. It ain't much, but hope ya like it!".

"Thanks", Kiyoomi said quietly after a few seconds.

Atsumu widened his smile and got where the others were, soon enough shouting along with Bokuto about some plays from today's practice.

He didn't notice that Kiyoomi was completely immobilized.

His mind was a whirlwind. He felt a mix of excitement and doubt, surprise and suspicion. What the hell did this gift mean?

He realized he'd zoned out again, and noticed, with shock, that his heart was definitely beating faster.


--- To be continued.

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