Chapter 28

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Next week, Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu and Kiyoomi met up after practice at the latter's place, this time, the prospect of the afternoon being to watch and analyze some volleyball matches.

As the rest of them were commenting on the plays, loudly as usual, Kiyoomi kept feeling restless. Neither he nor Atsumu'd brought up their last conversation, so their behaviour with each other was pretty much the same those days.

Doubts sometimes filled the ravenette's head, thinking that if he confessed again, these kinds of meetings wouldn't be the same, for better or worse. And if Atsumu rejected him, maybe this friendship would be lost.

He noted how at ease they looked, smiling, yelling and acting like 5-year-olds whenever someone did an outstanding play.

He'd miss this, he admitted reluctantly to himself.

But after that conversation, he allowed himself to have hope, to be optimistic.

It still was a mystery to him, ending up being absolutely in love with Atsumu, someone so different from him. The whole feeling subject felt foreign to him, but he'd come to the conclusion that he couldn't fight it. It was inevitable, to be proud of Atsumu's improvement as a setter, to feel a mixture of annoyance and fondness towards his silly or sarcastic comments, to feel the need to stay close to him, as if his very presence could light up his day.

Those were feelings he'd repressed all along, fear getting the best of him.

But if someone were to accompany him to get out of his comfort zone in this matter, it could only be him.

It felt like it'd always be him.

When everyone was getting ready to leave, Kiyoomi and Atsumu exchanged an expectant look, as if asking the other what to do.

The blonde figured that maybe he'd be pushing things if he asked to stay and talk, so he said goodbye along with the others and took the elevator down.

A discouraging feeling was starting to settle in his mind when the sound of a message from the very source of his thoughts brought him back to reality, reading it as they were leaving the building.

-Can you stay?

He felt as if all of his blood rushed straight to his cheeks, his heart twisting with excitement and nervousness.

"Guys, I forgot somethin' up there. Go ahead, see ya on monday!", he tried his best to say in a calm, non-suspicious way, heading back as the others said goodbye.

The ride up the elevator felt eternal. He was fidgeting with his fingers and trying to decide on what the hell to say, or if this was a good idea in the first place.

He knocked on the door and soon he was face to face with a surprised Kiyoomi, since the latter thought that Atsumu'd left in spite of his message.

"Hey", both said almost at the same time.

A few moments passed, both trying to find a way to break the ice while wondering how it was possible to still feel so unsettled around the other.

"Here, I'll help ya clean up", Atsumu quickly said, heading to the coffee table to gather the dishes.

Kiyoomi didn't react to anything other than looking at him, his heart aching by thinking whether or not he'd lose him after the conversation he swore to himself they'd have tonight.

The blonde just finished gathering everything up in the kitchen when Kiyoomi spoke.

"Atsumu… About the other day…".

Atsumu turned to face him as his heart pounded.

The ravenette was on the edge of freaking out, but this couldn't be postponed. Not anymore.

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