Chapter 19

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This damned idiot”. At least that was one thought both Kiyoomi and Atsumu shared.

If anyone on the team had paid attention, they would've definitely caught up on the fact that the two of them were practically throwing imaginary daggers at each other with each brief look, mentally cursing the other everytime.

It was so frustrating, but they couldn't deny that they were restless. Neither could sleep properly and never had been so irritable before, so the only alternative to cut that off was to confront each other.

But, obviously, none of them wanted to take the lead on that, proud as they were.

After a week of practice, Atsumu was starting to lose his patience. He felt like if he talked to him first, he'd somehow lose (on what? Only he knew), but he also needed to know Kiyoomi's feelings.

He had to know if that kiss happened just because he was drunk or not, and that doubt, plus the remaining affection he felt for the guy, made him push his pride aside.

The blonde waited until everyone else left the locker room, and checked outside of it to be fully sure.

"Hey", Atsumu began with his arms crossed, leaning on a wall.

Kiyoomi took a deep breath before looking at him with a frown.

"What did that kiss mean?".

The ravenette's eyes widened.

"Are you out of your mind? We're in the gym!", he whispered-yelled.

"There's no one left. So? What the hell got into ya?".

His frown got deeper as he looked at the floor before Atsumu continued.

"Ya know, I don't get it. First you wanna end things between us, then you get jealous even though I'm single and nothing happened with that girl, then ya yelled at me and kissed me after… How am I supposed to react to that? Those mixed signals confuse me… What do you really want, Kiyoomi? Just… Be honest, ok? I need to know".

The taller man sighed before sitting on a bench. He didn't expect him to be this direct and… Well… Reasonable?

Right now, he was being the immature one, avoiding the issue, getting trapped in his thoughts.

If he was being honest with himself, he was scared. Even though he pissed him off, he couldn't deny he still liked him. He never thought this feeling would be that hard to put aside.

He looked at the blonde's worried eyes, recognizing that expression.

The same frustrated expression he'd had all those days.

"I… Can't figure out how to feel about you", said as he intertwined his fingers, looking down. "At the party… I was drunk and… When I saw you with that girl, I was... Jealous. You're right. I shouldn't have felt that way. I shouldn't have said those things, much less yelled at you… I'm sorry".

Atsumu sighed. Why couldn't he keep being mad at him in front of that sad expression?

"I'm sorry, too. For yelling at ya".

The blonde sat beside him, trying to organize his thoughts.

"You… never really told me why you wanted to break up. I… was going to move on… Try to, at least… But after the party… I don't know anymore…".

He felt his heart pounding strongly at the sight of Kiyoomi fidgeting.

"Omi… Can you be honest with me? Please, tell me why you ended this".

Kiyoomi finally looked up to him.

"I… Felt like it was too much. What I felt… Feel for you… I've never experienced something similar before, and I've never been in a relationship either, so I just… Didn't know how to handle it...".

Atsumu's eyes softened and Kiyoomi felt so flustered he had to look away.

"I suck at talking about myself or what I feel…", the taller man continued. "I hate to have no clue of what to do… It's frustrating… I thought that if it ended, I'd be able to forget you before what I felt got stronger but… I was wrong".

Atsumu's heart clenched with tenderness and pain as he saw how worried Kiyoomi was, how small he seemed all of a sudden.

He wanted to make all those worries disappear.

"Omi, look at me".

As the latter obliged, the blonde leaned towards him.

"You're not the only one feeling like this. And it's frustrating for me, too… And scary... I've never felt anything close to it, either, but… I want to see where this goes. I… Don't want this to end before both of us could even try…".

They kept looking at each other's eyes, feeling that their emotions finally clicked together again.

"Omi… Can we try again?".

The black-haired allowed himself to grin a bit, nodding.

"But, like, for real this time. And I know you're very reserved with your personal life so we could take it slow about telling others, if you want, but… I want you to know I take this seriously, so… Would you be my boyfriend?".

Kiyoomi's eyes widened and then softened, feeling a wave of affection run through his body and close his throat at the same time, only being able to nod.

He looked sincere. Maybe he really felt something bigger than a simple crush, too.

Atsumu gave him one of those bright smiles he cherished so much, suddenly feeling like a little kid from excitement.

"So… Wanna go grab somethin' to eat?", the blonde said as he got up.

"Sure", Kiyoomi answered, smiling as well.

They got ready and were about to leave the locker room, both putting their things in order.

"Hey", Atsumu called.

As soon as the ravenette turned around, he felt Atsumu's lips on his in a quick peck he didn't expect.

Then, Atsumu smirked and gave him a playful look before heading out.

Kiyoomi stood there for a few seconds, his heart going incredibly fast.

He definitely wouldn't be able to forget about him.

--- To be continued.

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