Chapter 3

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Kiyoomi was getting used to his new team much faster than he thought he would.

Kind of.

He would if it weren't for these two idiots who always made him roll his eyes during practices with their shenanigans.

Bokuto and Atsumu seemed to get along really well. They had a similar childish energy and sense of humor, although Atsumu somehow seemed less like a kid than Bokuto.

He just seemed like an asshole, in Kiyoomi's opinion.

And as days passed, the blonde's sarcastic nature came out little by little.

But also, he was very observant, Kiyoomi came to realize.

For example, he picked up little details or subtle expressions he made during matches and managed to predict what he wanted to do on a play to score.

Sometimes, it was kind of scary how accurate Atsumu's predictions were. It was almost as if he could read his mind.

The two of them came to understand each other's approach while playing quite well in an unspoken agreement. Both actually felt comfortable when they were on the same side, and, strangely, each one trusted that the other could do what the other was thinking, even if it was a quick and difficult toss or a complicated spot to spike.

Kiyoomi didn't expect to have that kind of setter-spiker connection with someone so fast. Much less with someone like Miya Atsumu.

He was really good, he had to admit. Reluctantly, because it blew his mind how that calculated, calm-minded setter that constantly complimented the plays of their team members, could act like that annoying five-year old in a grown man's body outside the court.

And as he gained confidence with the team members, he more often made subtle jokes or made fun of people's mistakes or misses, not in a mean way, but still, it irritated him.

Moreover, now he seemed to have given him a nickname.

"Maan, Kiyoomi just takes too long to say…", Atsumu began one time during a practice match's break. "Kiyoomi… Yoomi… Om- OMI-KUN! I'll just call ya Omi-kun!".

"Don't, Miya", he answered, annoyed.

"But Ooomi-kun, it suits you! And it's easy! Let's leave it like that, yeah? Omi-omi?".

"Miya, that's just ridiculous. Omi-omi is even longer than Sakusa or Kiyoomi, you're just doing this to get on my nerves".

"Whatever ya say, Omi-kun!", Atsumu replied with a smirk as he walked away.

"Miy-", the black-haired man was about to debate, but the match had to continue, so he rolled his eyes and entered the court.

And ever since, he just kept calling him by that stupid nickname. Every fucking time, no matter how much he scolded him or asked him not to.

He was realizing, in quite a worried way, that he wouldn't be able to make him drop that nickname.

Atsumu also liked to compete over everything: who made the first service ace, the best receive, the best score or whatever crossed his mind.

And Kiyoomi was actually falling into that game. Somehow, he managed to bring out the competitive side in him.

But he wasn't about to show it. Hell, no. He'll just compete mentally, and by now, they were pretty even, but Kiyoomi had a few more wins in his favor.

That day, when practice was over, Kiyoomi quickly headed to the showers. He was always the first to get in, and he always rushed to it.

It made Atsumu curious.

He thought of what would happen if he didn't make it to the showers first.

And, as usually happened with him, that thought soon passed to an action without further thinking.

"In a rush for the showers again, Omi-omi?", he asked playfully.

"Why the hell do you care?".

"Jeez, Omi-kun, why yer so mean all the time! Relax! I'm just curious, that's all. Why do you always wanna go first?".

Kiyoomi meant to ignore him and prepared to leave, but Atsumu's words stopped him.

"Is it because of germs?".

The black-haired man stopped for a moment. He knew he might eventually make fun of him because of that too, as he was kind of known for being a cleaning freak back in high school.

"I mean, you always wear a mask outside the court and you frown when you see something' dirty and stuff…".

He looked at Atsumu, expecting to find a mocking smirk. But instead, his eyes were just curious. And he even thought he saw a flash of worry in them.

"I don't like public bathrooms or showers. I want to get in first before everyone else gets their germs on it", he explained, trying to act calm, but a harsh tone was implied in his words.

"Well, showers get cleaned every day, you know? And it's not like anybody can use 'em…".

Kiyoomi just shrugged and began to walk away.

"And playing doesn't bother you?".

That question made him stop and look back again.

"You know, with all the germs that could be on the ball, and the fact that you can't wear a mask during a match…".

As much as Kiyoomi looked for a hint of meanness or mockery, he couldn't find it. Was this guy really interested in understanding how his phobia worked?

"It… Does bother me a bit, but I just have to get used to it. I made up my mind to it when I decided to pursue volleyball as a career".

Wait, did he just reveal something personal to a teammate? To Miya Atsumu, specifically?

Tiredness must've been affecting his better judgment.

Just when he was about to leave after that awkward moment, Atsumu spoke.

"Huh… Well, I hope it doesn't bother you that much anymore. It wouldn't be good for you if it's somethin' that constantly puts you down", he answered sincerely, kind of happy to know a little more about Kiyoomi.

"That was… Strangely nice for him… Suspiciously nice…", Kiyoomi thought. He meant to thank him, but distrust kept him from doing so.

He just ended up nodding towards him before getting to the showers.

Not many people got interested in trying to understand why he did some things others didn't. And very few simply accepted the fact that this was an issue to him, instead of insisting on rationalizing with him on the matter or calling him crazy or something.

The fact that Atsumu took that information in such an empathetic way… He didn't expect it at all. If anything, he expected constant teasing about it.

"Maybe this guy isn't that bad after all… Maybe".

--- To be continued.

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