Chapter 12

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Atsumu knew it was stupid, but he couldn't stop thinking about Kiyoomi's favorite food and the fact that Osamu was trying some new recipe with that.

Would it be too much if he invited him to his brother's restaurant?

He felt Kiyoomi barely tolerated him, and that lunch at his house was maybe just him being polite.

But he liked to be around him. Watching him being himself was amusing. He really was different from anyone he'd ever met.

The next few days passed by normally, but Atsumu was still debating whether to ask him out or not.

And during those days, Kiyoomi went through the five stages of grief a few times, ending up coming to terms that he had, indeed, a crush.

Reluctantly, thought. He still couldn't understand that out of all the people he knew, he had to be interested in him.

He only thanked that Atsumu didn't say anything to him. Maybe that way it'd be easier to forget about this whole thing.

That week, their last practice was on thursday, so they'd have three days off.

Atsumu really wanted to spend time with Kiyoomi, but fear of rejection kept him from doing something about it.

Those thoughts bothered him. Thoughts that put into words all his insecurities about this matter, about Kiyoomi hating him and just talking to him to be polite. So maybe it was better not to push things.

Next day in the morning, he decided to go for a run to clear his head, since he felt uneasy.

He chose his usual running route he made when he really wanted to work out more intensely. It began going through the neighborhood he lived in, crossing a big park that came after, and then continuing until he reached a hill, going up to the very top, and then going all the way back to his house, which in total took him about two and a half hours.

He focused on his music and his breathing, little by little making his mind go blank.

He was halfway through the park when he saw Kiyoomi running too. And of course, his heart beated even faster, as if he wasn't agitated already.

It made sense, thinking about it. The park was about a subway station away from Kiyoomi's house.

The latter hadn't seen him, so maybe he could just go back.

But he wanted to talk to him. And that feeling pushed aside his hesitations.

Speeding up, he got near his sight, and when their eyes locked, he smiled and waved at him.

"Omi-kun! Hi! How are ya?".

Kiyoomi had to stop for a while. How could his body react so strongly just by seeing him? His heart was pounding, almost like when you got scared about something.

He hated that. It was as if his own body was mocking his feelings for him.

"Hi, Miya".

"You come here for a run often?".

"Yeah, kind of. What about you?", he asked, surprised. "You live near the gym, right? This is far from that, did you come here running?".

"Yeah! Sometimes, when I wanna push myself a little, I run until the top of that hill over there and back to my place".

Kiyoomi looked at the hill, thinking about the distance and the time all that route took.

What's with this guy's stamina?

"That's a lot".

"Haha, yeah, I guess, that's why I don't do it all the time. Wanna run together?", he asked as casually as he could.

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