Chapter 3: Lunch At Midnight And Offers

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~Sting's Point Of View~

"Of course, right this way." Blondie and I follow the waitress to a window booth. 

"A waiter will be with you in a moment." She says as places the menu in front of us and walks off. I decided what I wanted to eat, but I'm not so sure about Blondie. She looks lost in thought. Im guessing about the food.

"Hello, My name is Damon I'll be your waiter for this fine night. What would you like tonight?"

 "I'll take a bottle of red wine, and one of your specials, but 3 times bigger." I say firmly. He then turns to Lucy. 

"And for the Lady?"He then turns to Lucy.  "I'll take the same as him, but normal portions" She responds placing the menu down "One or two bottles?" He asks. Blondie was about to say something before I cut her off "One is fine." "Alright, it will be out soon." He says as he takes the menus away. "Thanks/Thank you." We say. "Hey, Blondie." I say as a smirk makes its way to my face.

~Lucy's Point of View~

There he goes again with that stupid pet name, but I have an idea. "What is it, Stingy-bee?" I say smirking. His cheeks heat up a bit resembling a shade of red. It looks like my new nickname for him took a tole on him. 

"That's not my name!" Anyone could see he was embarrassed 

"Your right, I only added a bit to it." I say as I let out a small giggle. 

"Why you lil-. " Sting gets cut off by our waiter handing us plates a glasses. 

"Here's is your order, and your drinks. Don't hesitate call for me if you need anything else. Enjoy your meal!" I look at Sting whose mouth is wide open is literally watering over the food. 

"You know, the food is here so you can eat instead of drooling over it." His head snaps up and back down then he hogs down the food. I start to eat my food I glance up at Sting to see him half way done. He looks up still chewing food. 

"You're just like Natsu whe-" I stop talking feeling my eyes tearing up ready to fall any moment now I look down at my food to avoid Stings eyes. I start to think of Natsu and worry about his well being.

Is he okay? Is he hungry? Does he need help? Is he badly wounded? If so, who will wrap his wound in bandages? Is Happy okay? Is he hungry? Does Happy need food? What about everyone else? How are they? Will they ever return to me?  A tear slips away from my face before I can notice.

~Sting's Point of View~

"Hey Blondie, what's wrong with you?"I look at her since she became quiet all of a sudden I smell a weak scent of salt and water. Tears.  I look at her and see a tear fall from her face.

 "W-why are you crying again?" Then I realize she stopped talking when she mentioned Natsu. 

"Is it something about Natsu? Speaking of which, where is he? He is usually with you on missions." I look around the restaurant hoping to see Natsu. When I suddenly I hear water dropping thanks to my enhanced hearing. I look outside to see if rain is falling, to my surprise there isn't. I hear the water dropping faster I look to Blondie to her covering her face with her hands shaking.

 "Natsu left me. FairyTail disbanded too." I was stunned to hear Fairytail is over. 

"What do you mean Natsu left you? What happened to FairyTail?" I moved to her side of the booth in attempt to comfort her. She constantly kept needing to catch her breath while she spoke. 

"Natsu left a day before the guild disbanded to train no one knows why. All he said was that he is leaving to train for a year. Everyone else left Magnolia after the guild disbanded, and went their separate ways." Blondie kept crying so moved closer to her to calm her down but she ended up crying in my shirt. 

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