Chapter 14: Moving in For While

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Authors Note

Thank you guys for 1k reads! This is amazing. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I've been having problems with my WattPad for awhile now, but I'll post especially during the summer. If you guys have any suggestions on what should happen post it on my profile, and I'll most likely use it. Thanks again for 1k! °ω°

Story Time!!

- Rogues Point of View-

When Sting took Lucy upstairs and placed her on her bed I took a seat downstairs in the couch, waiting for Sting to come down.

I heard footsteps slowly approaching me from behind. "Sting?" I say turning my head to see Sting walking down the stair case.

"Yeah?" Sting said sitting across from me on the other couch.

"Is Lucy resting safely?." I said asked looking at Sting.

"Yeah, Blondies asleep upstairs. She seems really worn down from what happened earlier." Sting said stretching his arms across the couch.

"Speaking of earlier, Lucy should move in with us. In that case if she takes off her necklace we can keep the darkness away from her. At least until the darkness or whatever it is has left her alone." I said bluntly. I see his cheeks heat up immediately.

"What!?! We can't do that! She might take us for some types of perverts!" He said sitting up from his chair with his cheeks turning brighter by the second.

" We did tell RoseMary that we would protect her. Didn't we? So we will keep our word to RoseMary to protect Lucy." I said glaring at Sting.

"I guess you're right." Sting simply ran his hand through his hair and leaned back in his spot sighing.

"Im always right after all. Since its almost 5am we should head to bed." I said getting up from my chair then heading upstairs.

"Alright, goodnight." Sting said starting to get up from the couch heading upstairs as well.

-Time skip Afternoon- & -Lucy's Point of View-

I woke up feeling a lot weaker than when I went to RoseMarys place. I looked next to me to see Kirara sleeping beside me curled up in a lump of sheets.

I felt something around my neck, I looked down I saw a necklace dangling just below my breasts. When I glanced at it I was shocked. It was so beautiful with the color and the design holding the gem to the neckpiece. (Media)

Once again I heard commotion from what sounded like the kitchen seems like Kirara heard it too. I debated wether or not to go and see what is going on or stay in the comfort of the bed.

When I arrived at the kitchen I saw the exceeds cooking food at the stove yelling at each other, and the duo looked as if they were lost in thought.

"Morning" I greeted. They both snapped their heads up to face my direction.

"Its not morning anymore, you know." Sting said leaning back in his chair staring at me.

"Its the afternoon already." Rogue said placing his hands in the dining table.

"Ehhh!" I screamed causing the Duo to cover thier ears.

"You needed the rest. Sting and Rogue already told us you're moving in with us." Lector said only to be tackled by a blushing Sting.

"It's not wh-"

"That's fine. I don't mind living with you guys, but I do want to find a house of my own soon." I said sitting at the end of the table.

"You do understand why, right?" Rogue asked looking concerned.

"Yes, I heard you guys talking when Sting placed me on my bed. I know I can't take off the necklace."

Sting got off the ground and picked up Lector walking back to the table.

" We can prepare your room today instead of going to the guild, plus it is too late to go the guild anyway." Sting offered sitting at he table.

"Sure, but if you guys want you guys can go to the guild after all you guys at the most important there." I said watching Lector and Frosch bring food over to us.

"But you're the most important to us Lucy." Lector said followed by Frosch saying "Frosch thinks so too."

"See even Kirara agrees." Lector added I look down to see Kirara snuggling into my skirt. I didn't even notice when she crawled into my lap.

My eyes turned glassy brimming with tears.

"And you guys are the most important people I have." I said pulling everyone into a hug.

"Alright enough with this lovey dovey stuff. Let's eat our lunch." Sting said getting out of my hug it seems he's turned red a bit. He pulled away with a fork and knife prepared in each hand.

"Enjoy your meal!"

"Frosch thinks so too!" The exceeds say happily.

-After Lunch-

We walked to my soon-to-be new room. I don't think it would take a long time just an hour or so.

" Alright this will be a piece of cake." I say confidently.

"What are you planning to do?" Lector asks flying near the door way.

" You will see. Open Gate Of The Maiden, I Open Thee, Virgo!" I chant to be greeted by Virgo bowing to me.

"You called, Hime?" Virgo says standing straight.

"Yes, would you mind helping me place my belongings here into this room?" I ask Virgo, only to be answered by a bow.

"Of course, Hime." With in seconds my whole room was ready with everything where it needed to be.

"You know Virgo, I wanted to help you." I say sweat dropping at Virgo who finished within seconds.

"My apologies, Hime. Do I receive punishment?" She says with her eyes shimmering and a whip in hand. 'She must have planned it' I thought to myself.

I sigh and turn to the others to see them with a shocked expression painted on their faces.

"You punish your spirits, Lucy? Rogue asks with Sting blushing next to him.

"No! Virgo I never punished you." I practically yell.

The exceeds start laughing with Kirara rolling on the floor.

I smile at the sight of Rogue looking confused, Sting blushing, and the exceeds and Kirara laughing. I'll love my time here, I know it.

Next Chapter:

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