Chapter 12: Back At Sabertooth

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Hello my Dear Readers,
Sorry I havent posted in a week or so, I've been busy with exams and final testing. Also on a different note I will be changing the way I write, so it will be more understandable. I'll be updating as usual, and Thank You so much for 700+ views! That's amazing! Anyway I'll start writing now. Bye~Bye! Love you guys!

~Lucys Point of View~
There he was. Right in front of me. If I just extend my arm I can reach him. Tears were brimming my eyes, i was imagining all the great times we could have , but then the note Natsu gave me flashed in my head.

" Lucy, Happy and me are leaving to train. We will be back in a a year. Take care of everyone while we're gone. Bye bye Lucy!
-Natsu and Happy"

I quickly pulled my arm back, which I didn't even notice it extended to reach him. It just proved that I want to touch him. Tears were threatening bto fall, but he wanted to train so should I let the one I love go to do his training or I attempt to go with him. My heart said yes but my body said no. I turned around walking quietly to were I left my new team. I turned back to see them once more but the moment I turned my head they were gone without warning.

I walked to where Rogue and Sting were not making any eye contact. I walked past them grabbing there hands and leaving the now destroyed guild behind us and them behind to walk thier own path. I could only smile sadly hoping they woulld be okay on there own.

-At Sabertooth-

"We're back, Everyone!" Sting said as he kicked open the doors to the guild. Rogue and I just sweat dropped as he did so. We were greeted by the other guild memebers raising thier glass to us.

I made my way over to Minerva who was working behind the bar. Looking at us with wide eyes,"Why are you guys matching in clothing? Bonus Rogue is wearing a bright colors!" She said smiling at us.

"Our clothes kinda got burned on the mission, and one of my spirits helped us out." I said sitting on the bar stool with Kirara sitting on my lap her head barely visible over the counter.

"Who is that little cutie?" Minerva said pointing to Kirara who in response jumped on the table walking towards her.

"That's Kirara, my partner. She turned into a real Sabertooth Tiger which is her battle form!" I said happily with Minerva petting her head.

"That's perfect! If you and Kirara don't mind we could use her image as our Sabertooth mascot!" She said picking up Kirara with her arms. Which my partner moewed in agreement jumping into the air turning into her battle form causing Minerva to squel in excitement.

As she landed in the middle of the guild all eyes where on her. Some gasped of being frightened or pure amazement. Minerva jumped over the bar towards Kirara and placed a hand on her head shouting, "Say hello to our new mascot, Kirara!"

The guild erupted in cheers and partied for the new mascot of Sabertooth coming to be.

My team and I waved goodbye to the guild and made our way home. The mission and the party were fun but it drained me a lot I couldn't wait to go home and bathe.

Sting and Rogue said they would get food for Lector, Frosch, Kirara, and me. So we walked home I was carrying sleeping Lector and Frosch in my arms while Kirara was curled up around my neck like a scarf. We walked until the tip of the house was in view. Kirara perked up jumping off my shoulder and going into her battle form.

"So you sensed it too, huh?" As I said that the exceed woke up.

"What's going on, Lucy?" "Is something wrong?" They both said in concern.

" Go to the house and wait for me to get there, okay?" They both looked at me with concern but obeyed. Just as they were about to fly off they both fell to the ground unconscious.

"Lector! Frosch!" I yelled picking them up and looking around to see the who done this to them. Kirara however was growling loudly at us. Her eyes were covered in a mist of black smoke.

"Kirara, what's gotten into you? I said extending my arm which she continues to growl at. I slowly touch her nose to see her eyes soften to my touch. Then she faints then I pick her up and place her in my arms with the others.

"I would have never thought someone like you would be able to tame one of my demons. After all they are supposed to obey me and me only."

"Who are you and what did you do to my friends?!?" I yellled into the darkness slowly surrounding me hugging my friends closer to me.

"That's not important now. What is important is how strong you become and what uses you are to me." Said the darkness slowly consuming me making me feel light headed.

"Get away from us!" I screamed holding my comrades as if they were my life line to survive.

The darkness slowly extended its hand to touch my forehead, but before it could come any closer Loke appeared before me lighting the darkness with the pure celestial light radiating from his body. The darkness retreated.

"Damn I was so close to get what belonged to me." The darkness said shrinking.

"Stay away from Lucy." Is what I heard Loke say before losing consciousness to only be caught by my trusty spirit.

Sorry again for not updating. I'll upload more chapters more often. Please leave in the comments how the story is. Thank you so much! Until next time! Bye-Bye °ω°

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