Chapter 38: Cousnel

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This chapter goes to Loganater101. You voted on all my chapters and even commented on many of them too! I love reading your comments so be sure to tell me how I'm doing or ideas you have! Once again thank you and enjoy the chapter!
~Rogue Point of View~

I awoke to a echo of a voice in my head. I slowly opened my eyes to hear a familiar voice. 

"Rogue? Can you hear me?"

"What's going on now?" I shifted my stiff body off the couch to a more comfortable position. I laid down onto the couch as I continued the surprise conversation.

"I can't say hello to a friend?" Doranbolt questioned.

"You've never have before. The council would have a messenger instead of telepathy. " I said sarcastically as I closed my eyes again.

"You know how we work, and as usual you are correct. In simple words, a task that has just reached my ears needs all the help it can get. It has delayed for quite some time, and the council does not have strong enough mages yet." He sounded very stern with his tone. "Your trio is more than capable of this since you know about it on a more personal level."

'A more personal level?' I thought. "When do you need our assistance?" I asked and I moved the stands of hair from my face.

"Today. The sooner the better." 

"Alright. We also have another party member that will most likely tag along with us. 4 People, 4 Partners."

"I will be there soon to teleport you all the council headquarters." The telepathy ending there and  silence filled the room once again. Foot steps trailed down the stairs. 

"Get dressed we have a meeting with the council. Should I be the one to tell Lucy or would you like to do it, Sting?" I heard a short grunt before the steps lead back upstairs followed by a door closing shut.

"I suppose i'll do it then." I pushed myself off the couch stretching the tightened muscles.

~Sting's Point of View & Time skip~

  I walked down the stair case to see everyone sitting or standing near the couch. Lucy was on one end of the couch with Kirara in her lap while Natsu was on the other end of the couch with Happy flying around him. Looks like i'm the last one to finish getting ready. 

"Sting, you take forever!" Lector said flying above me.

"It takes time to look this amazing." I said walking over to the couch sitting between Lucy and Natsu.

"That's what you call looking good, lightbulb?" Natsu said slouching into the couch.

"Don't start with me Dragneel. Im warning you." I had little patience for Natsu today mainly because he is stealing Lucy from me already.

"Both of you stop bickering, would you? It's too early for that stuff. You look good, Sting. Don't listen to Natsu he's cranky in the mornings." I wasn't planning to in the first place. I could hear Natsu pouting after Lucy said that. Of course I couldn't help but smirk at it.

"When's the guys from the Council  going to show up Luce? Im bored!" Natsu whined.

"He should be here any seco-" Sure enough, Doranbolt appeared right on queue, appearing out of thin air.

"Sorry, i'm here now. They wouldn't let me leave but I managed to get away." He said scratching the back of his head. "Let's get going we have a lot to talk about, and quickly." We each called our partner to our side having some kind of touch with them.

"Okay, make sure everyone has some sort of contact with me." He stuck his hand out in front of him as we all circled around him.  Rogue placed his first on top of Doranbolt, then Lucy put her hand on top of Rogues. I was about to put my hand on Lucys but Natsu put his hand there before I could. Two can play this game. Just as we're about to teleport, I wrapped my arms around Lucy's neck putting my chin on her head basically hugging her from behind,

"Its some sort of contact, isn't it?" I said as we finally teleported out the house to the center of The Council Headquarters. I let go of Lucy looking at her red face then looking around us as if nothing happened. As a bonus I could see and feel Natsu give me a death stare. I couldn't help but smirk.

Doranbolt just walked in front of us telling us to follow him. Rogue was the first to follow him then the rest of us did too.

"I know its unexpected, it is for me as well. The messenger group with this news had trouble reaching the Headquarters, but only one was able to get here." We were in front of a room with a red plus sign. Doranbolt slowly opened the door letting the people inside know we were walking in. 

"How is he?" A nurse turned around slowly greeting us. Her movements looked slow and tired.   

"He has not woken up yet, but his injuries are fatal. He lucky to be alive from the blood loss." She said moving the curtain aside. A faint heartbeat was heard from the monitor that was attached to him. I heard Lucy gasp along with the rest of us who just stared in shock at what we're seeing.

"What happened to him?" I asked staring at the messenger in bad condition. Bruises everywhere. Blood stained bandages. Stitches, casts on his limbs.

"The messenger group was ambushed and taken from what he says before he went unconscious." Doranbolt said crossing his arms.

"Group?" Natsu asked.

"Yes, a party of 5. They had made a plan to escape together but the rest were caught again, only this one managed to escape." Lucy walked over to the guy on the bed and pulled out a gate key, it was Herupa. Lucy then summoned the small pixie.

"What may I assist you with, Miss Lucy?" Herupa asked flying in front of Lucy.

"Can you heal him?" Lucy asked point to man in the bed. Herupa turned around to see the beaten body behind her. She quickly flew over the man leaving a shiny dust to fall over him some on more places than others.

After a few minutes Herupa stopped flying over him and landed on Lucys head. Of course she looked tired, but as a result the patients heartbeat started beating at a normal rate with his wounds disappearing. The nurse quickly went to his side to check his vitals. 

"Thank you so much!" The nurse said on the verge of tears. Lucy simply nodded and smiled to the nurse. Doranbolt made us walk outside the room, Lucy closed the door behind us before saying.

"Who did this?" Lucy said as Herupa disappeared from her head.

"He did."

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