Chapter 35: Long Night

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(I updating the ending!)

Just as the Dragon Duo walked into their home they were greeted by unexpected Visitor.

"Why are you here?" The two dragon slayers did not break eye contact through whole exchanging of words. A short silence filled the room before the slam of the front door echoed through the house accompanied by a slight shake. Waking up a certain blonde.

"I'll ask you once more. Why are you here?" Sting said raising the tension on the room making even the exceeds and Kirara move back slightly.

"I was Invited to Luce's house, moron." Natsu said with a small smirk on his face. "Now what's your excuse for being here, lightbulb?"

"Acting high and mighty I see. Well, I live here." Sting said proudly making Natsu flinch.

"What?! Wh-" Natsu yelled once more but was caught off by footsteps coming from the second floor. A silence filled the room once more but was cut short when a pitter patter of feet that ran to the stairs. A sleepy Lucy came from the second floor one hand holding the rail the other covering her eyes from the sudden light hitting her face. Kirara wrapped herself around Lucy's neck and cuddled into her neck.

Natsu's eyes widened as his eyes landed on Lucys stomach that was exposed by her risen shirt.

"Why is it so loud in here?" Lucy said as she finally reached the bottom step.

"Lucy your clothes are out of place." Rogue said looking away.

"Uh?" She looked down at herself before quickly fixing herself, once again her eyes meet Natsu who was staring at her in disbelief.

"What's wrong, Natsu?" Lucy said as she walked to Natsu. With no hesitation Natsu grabbed Lucys Left hand and placed it infront off his face examining it. He then began flipping her hand from her palm to the back of her hand. Lucy winced a bit from the sudden movement causing her partner to hiss and scratch his hand away.

"Why do you have a SaberTooth mark, Lucy?" Natsu asked lowly retracting his hand. Lucys eyes then widened as well before she looked down.

"She joined Sabertooth." Rogue said as he walked to the kitchen bringing four glasses of water.

Natsu was naturally surprised at the sudden news of his teammate joining their rival guild. His face went pale as he tried to process what Rogue as just said to him.

"I don't believe you." Natsu said quietly in denial .

"Well there's proof." Sting said making his way to the fully awake Lucy.

"Sting? Wait a second!" Before Lucy could back away Sting already had his hands on the rim of her shirt.

"Up you go~" Sting sang as he raised Lucy's shirt up to her mid stomach revealing her Gold rimmed White Sabertooth Mark shining in the light. Natsu looked taken back by what he saw on his now former partners stomach.

"Luce, why did you join Sabertooth?" Natsu said as he slowly walked to Lucy who pulled her shirt down.

"U-Uh, well you s-see-" Lucy searched for an answer but instead only stuttered making herself even more nervous.

"She needed money like any one else would." Rogue said handing Lucy a glass of water, which she gladly took in both of her hands. She quickly mouthed 'Thank you' to Rogue before settling down on the couch.

"She could have just gotten a regular job instead of joining your guild!" Natsu yelled making Lucy flinch at his sudden change of tone causing Sting to stand in front of her.

"Natsu, calm down..." A frightened Happy said as he slowly walked to Natsu and placed a paw on his leg.

"Natsu, I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize to him. He didn't apologize to you did he." Sting cuff off Lucy

"What should I apologize about? I didn't leave the guild did I." Natsu said rudely.

"You did worse." Sting retorted.

"I did nothing wrong." Natsu said glaring at Sting as he opened the front door.

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked lowly.

"Anywhere but here for now. Watch Happy for me until I get back." Natsu said retaining his anger as he began walking out the front door. Leaving everyone in the house even his partner.

Lucy quickly took a sidestep from behind Sting and hurried to the door hoping to catch the angry dragon slayer, only to have the door shut in the blondes face. But she was not giving up at that point, she opened trying to catch up to the dragon slayer. She slowly walked outside only to see him no where in sight.

"Lucy get back inside. He'll be back by morning, if he doesn't i'll go looking for him, okay?" Rogue asked placing a reassuring hand on Lucys shoulder.

"It's been a long day for all of us. Let's go to bed." Lector said flying to match her height grabbing my hand along with Happy who was teary eyed.


"Rogue will wait for Natsu to come back. You and me both need rest." Happy said grabbing my other hand slowly guiding Lucy up the stairs. If she was to fall then Kirara would be close behind ready to catch her along with Frosch. Lucy only remained silent as the exceed guided her to her room. The exceeds and Kirara decided to stay and keep Lucy company since she and Happy really needed it.
After Lucy and their partners finally made it into her room, Rogue began to scold Sting.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rogue said to Sting was sitting on the couch.

"He left her on her own. Lonely and alone. Aren't you just a little angry that he came back not even the thought to apologize to her?" Sting said angrily.

"I know, Just go to bed I told Lucy I would stay up and wait for him." Rogue said sitting on the couch as Sting got up.

"Good, I don't want to see him after what he did." Sting said walking up the stairs.

"Still you need to apologize to Lucy." Rogue said not making eye contact to Sting who just huffed in annoyance continuing up the stair case entering his room.

An hour had passed before Sting finally decided he had done too much and chose to apologize. He made his way to Lucy's room to apologize for his actions, which took plenty of his courage to do.

"Lucy?" He said softly as he knocked on her door.

"Lucy?" He repeated slowly opening the door. He quietly entered the room examining everything inside only to see the exceeds on the bed sleeping soundly not minding the open window with the curtains being blown by the night wind.

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