"E-Excuse me." A young bruised and battered Fawn said as she limped towards a giant eerie looking building in torn rags called clothing. As she entered all eyes were on her. Little did she know she stumbled upon the hooded guild that they were warned about. She fliched as she felt a heavy presence appear behind her.
She slowly began to turn around when a pair of arms or rather a large hand was hand a strong hold on the girl as she was lifted of the ground. She winced at the pressure that was pressed on her minor wounds.
"What are you here for?" Her capture said slowly.
"I just need s-some help, please." Fawm whispered as the hold became tighter around her body.
"Jock, put the girl down." A girl ordered, her blue streaks shining through her dark red hood as she approached them.
"I can handle this, commander." The hooded man said sternly his grip tightening around Fawn causing her to gasp for air.
"Did you not understand what I said?" The girl said quietly as she finally stood in front of Jock.
Jocks gave a annoyed look to her as his grip completely loosened around Fawn as she descended toward the ground with a loud thud. She slowly sat herself on her legs wrapping her arms around her stomach coughing aggressively to catch her breath.
The tension I'm the room grew along with the silence as the commander and Jock glared at each other.
"Dismissed." Jock growled angrily and walked back to his table keeping his eye on the commander and the young girl at the entrance of the building.
"Are you able to stand?" The red cloaked girl asked softly. Fawn gave the girl a slight nod.
"You must be tired by the look of your wounds." She said as she examined at her poorly tended to scratches and scars. She reached out to touch her wounds making Fawn flinch before she could even make contact. She let out a a small sigh before extending her hand for the young girl to grab.
Fawn grabbed her hand with extreme hesitation and caution. 'Poor girl must be traumatized' the cloaked girl thought as she lead her to the bar stool.
"Get me a full protein meal and drink." She said to no one.
"Coming right up, Kitoko." A voice said from the kitchen along with pots and pans being moved around.
A silence fill between the two girls until the food was placed in front of the injured Fawn.
"Here you go." A man said as he placed the eating utensils before her. She looked at the food in complete amazement.
"Don't just stare at it. Eat it." Kitoku said looking directly in front of her with a blank expression.
"Thank you, Kitoku." Fawn whispered as she began to eat the food given to her.
"What happened to you?" Kitoku asked she glanced over to Fawn who stopped eating for a moment.
"We were ambushed in the forest." Fawn said as she took a spoonful of mashed potatoes covered in gravy.
"We?" Kitoku questioned.
"My friends. We were attacked by monsters while walking back to my village. I was the only one who escaped with my life." Fawn explained fighting back tears.
"I see, finish eating and I will tend to your wounds." Kitoku said calmly as picked up her jug of water and drank from it.
After a few minutes Fawn finished the food given to her. Immediately Kitoku led Fawn to the infirmary that was located on the other end of the guild, far away from the guild entrance.

Forgetting FairyTail
FanfictionAfter FairyTail Disbands, Natsu leaves to train and to become stronger. Although, he did not realize who he left in tears. Lucy leaves Magnolia due to the painful memories of her former guild to pursue her dream of becoming a writer in Crocus. Howe...