Chapter 23: HillMyer Day 1

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This Chapter goes to Animanic_bunny. Thanks! She voted for all my Chapters!

Stings Point of View

I heard the sound of screeching metal and a loud intercom telling us we were arriving at HillMyer. I guess I fell asleep during the train ride. I open my eyes to see Lucy in front of me about to poke my forehead.

"What are you doing?" I said as I stretched my arms over my head.

"You wouldn't wake up on your own, so I was going to wake you up. Everyone's waiting outside so lets go." Lucy said standing straight and walking out the train cart.

I walked out the train cart to see Lucy, Rogue, and the others waiting at the exit of the train station talking about the location. As I was about to start walking towards them, I felt something curl itself around my ankle. I look down to see a small black kitten purring as it ran its body around my ankle. It followed me as I made my way to the others. Once I finally caught up it did the same to the others.

"Its so cute!" Lucy said as she picked it up causing it purred and wrapped its tail around her wrist securely. She gently set it down and it walked to Kirara ever so slowly and rubbed its body against Kirara side.

"Lets go already. Its about to be dusk, and we haven't even made it to the mayor's office." Lector said and everyone nodded in agreement.

After wasting time not knowing which direction the Mayor's House is, and asking directions leading us nowhere. We aimlessly walked until we came across a large building.

"This has to be it." I said knocking on the door.

"You don't say." Lucy said sarcastically smirking.

"Oh blondie, don't act high and mighty." I said smirking. I haven't called her that in awhile which made me laugh a bit. The door opened to reveal a man in a formal black suit.

"Are you the Wizards from Sabertooth?" He asked examining us.

"Yes, sir. We accepted your request, and are here to do the job." Rogue said.

"Perfect. I'll explain what I know about what has been happening."

We walked inside and sat on a couch with a maid bringing us some water. From what The mayor said he supposes that there is a Demon Tamer seeking havoc on the town for its fortune. He usually attacks the town at 12 when everything is closed, hoping to get in and out with out being caught. The towns funds are located in three areas, the three banks in the town. They are the the main things being attacked. The smaller but higher stores are also being attacked. He asked to protect the banks until we can find and turn in the Demon Tamer. We sat on the tallest building once again and starting thinking of a battle plan.

"Any ideas?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the building letting my feet dangle.

"Sting! Be careful! Thats dangerous!" Blondie said to me as she grabbed my hands and pulled me away from the edge. I blushed once she touched my hands with hers. Luckily for me, its already dark so she can't see my face.

"Three of us. Three banks. We each go to one." Rogue said looking around his surroundings.

"Alright I get the East Bank!" Lucy said quickly running the the east edge of the building.

"Thats dangerous, Lucy." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the edge. Imitating her warning to me. I could see her pout and a hint of red in her cheeks.

"I'll take the West bank then." I said starring at the West Bank.

"I'll Protect this bank then. Oh by the way the Mayor gave us these to use for the rest of the duration of the mission." Rogue said pulling out three pieces of blue tinted glass from his pocket.

"Whats this?" I asks as Rogue hands the piece of glass.

"Apparently its a Communication Lacrima. We keep in touch with each other from anywhere, but it uses our magic when we use it."

"Neat. Kirara and I are going to the East Bank, its going to happen soon. Be careful!" Lucy said as she fell backwards off the building saluting us. Kirara caught Lucy and then began making their way to the East Bank.

"I'll get going to the West Bank." I said walking to the west edge of the building.

"Sting, aren't you worried about Lucy?" I stopped in my tracks and turned my head slightly to see Rogue.

"Of course I am, more than anything, but there's nothing we can do to help her. Rosemary said that she has to tame the power to keep it under control." I said as Lector grabbed my shirt ready to fly.

"Okay. We have to trust her until then." Rogue said as I flew off to the West Bank.

Lector and I just made it to the West bank. He dropped me on the roof of the bank where i can get a clear view of the perimeter of the bank.

"What of Lucy needs help, Sting?" Lector said as he landed next to me.

"Simple. I'll save her, no problem." I said as I examined around the perimeter of the bank.

"You liiiiike her."

"Shut up!" I yelled as i began chasing Lector.

It was already the crack of dawn and no sign of demons here. I noticed a flashing coming from my pocket.

"Message from Rogue: Thats it for tonight. The mayor said for us to try again tomorrow night and return to our in.

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