Chapter 29: Since That Day

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This lovely Chapter goes to OtauLala100. Another amazing reader who voted for all my chapters. Another thing, Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I'll update more frequently about every two or three days. Anyways enjoy this Chapter.


Lucy's Point Of View

I was sitting at a In Sting's Office with Minerva, Rufus, Orga, and Rogue. We were talking about the upcoming Grand Magic Games to deciding whether to compete to or not. I couldn't really bring myself to focus on what they were saying, I was feeling more melancholic today than usual. However, in the end we did choose to not participate in this years competition.

"Theres no point to compete when our rivals wont be there, Right? Where's the fun is beating newbie guilds, when we could save our energy for Fairytail for the next Grand Magic Games. Maybe Fair-" I tilted my head down in sadness realizing what was making me upset. Sting was cut off by Minerva who had a gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Sting, we get your point." Minerva said sternly before Sting finally looked my way and realized what he was saying. I simply nodded towards Minerva who removed her hand from my shoulder as I walked out the Office.

"Lucy, I didn-" I was starting to open the door when Sting spoke my name, I turned around and gave Sting a slight smile before closing the office door and leaving the guild for some fresh air.

I walked mindlessly through Crocus until I wondered upon a river on the outskirts of town, where I sat and thought about my past with Fairytail. I brought my knees up to my chest and started to get teary eyed as I remembered my GuildMates.

Its been over a year now since the guild has disbanded and over a year that i've seen Levy, Erza, Gray, Happy, or even Natsu. Right when I said Natsu's name a picture of his face with his idiotic grin popped into my mind. My tears started free falling as I remembered all the times he saved me. All the memories we had were shattered by a piece of paper. A paper I kept all this time in my pocket. I reached out and pulled out the paper he left for me, I read it so often the paper was wearing and torn on the edges with tear marks scattered on through out the paper. I read it once more.

"That sure is some bad handwriting." I always say the same thing when I see the paper.

"Happy and I are going to train for a year or so. Take care of everyone while we're gone!" I looked up to the clear sky and closed my eyes.I let out a slight laugh. I probably let Natsu down if he knew I couldn't stay in contact with everyone let alone know their whereabouts. I tried to keep tabs on everyone through the newspaper or sightings anyone has seen. I've kept a map in the wall of my room tagging their trails from stations they stay at. I always thought that maybe Natsu won't be upset if he knew at least I tried.

I opened my eyes and realised it was passed nightfall.

"I've been here for too long." I said to myself as I got up and folded the paper back into the envelope.

"You're right. Everyone was worried when you got up and left earlier." I smiled at the voice behind me.

"Sting, You found me."

"It wasn't hard. I followed your scent." He said as he stood by the river with me. I Looked to Sting and then gave a sincere smile towards him.

Sting was the one who gave me a place to go to. A place for me to call home again. I made a lot of friends and family like bonds with my guild Sabertooth. Minerva has changed a lot. Shes warmed up to me a lot like everyone else in the guild. I was sad and weak when Fairytail disbanded, but i found new people to add on to my extended Family. They saved me and I've saved them.

"Thank You, Sting for everything." I felt a tear fall from my eye but quickly be wiped away by Sting's hand.

"No problem, Lucy. You're cold." He gave me a small smile and handed me his jacket, which I gladly took with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Lets get back to town and get home. Kirara is worried sick waiting by the door. It wasn't easy convincing her to stay at the house." I nodded and smiled again towards Sting who had a hint of red on his cheeks.Even in this time of night you could see the blush clear as say. I laughed and walked ahead.

We eventually made it back to our house where Rogue waited by the door, and I was welcomed by a white fluff ball in the crook of my neck.

"Sorry I left, Kirara." I pet her head as I walked over to the couch in the living room where Rogue was on a couch across from me holding and envelope, and Sting joined him.

"What's wrong?" I asked both just of them just gave me a slight smile, Rogue dropped an envelope on the table.

"We thought since we aren't competing in the GMG's this year. Why not just watch our place takers?" Rogue said as I opened the Envelope to pull out three 'Admission One Tickets: Grand Magic Games: VIP Booth.'

"They want us as Special Guest Speakers for the games." Sting said as I held the tickets in my hand.

"Yajima asked for you to join us. He would like you to be one too." Sting added as I put the tickets back in the envelope.

"Alright, I'll go!" I said as I smiled. I'll see Yajima again.

"Okay, tomorrow's the first day so we have to wake up early if we want to show up on time." Rogue said. I felt so happy knowing I have people who care again and i get see a familiar face again.

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